Cost of Living

Numbeo is the world's largest cost of living database and a crowdsourced global resource for quality of life data. It provides insights into cost of living, housing price indicators, perceived crime rates, healthcare quality, transport quality, and various other key statistics.
9,410,317 prices in 12,192 cities entered by 841,541 contributors
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Recent prices added:
Average Monthly Net Salary (After Tax) in Astana (Nur-Sultan) is 350,000.00₸ (about 20 minutes ago)
Chicken Fillets (1kg) in Cairo costs 150.00EG£ (about 30 minutes ago)
Tennis Court Rent (1 Hour on Weekend) in Debrecen costs 0.00$ (about 40 minutes ago)
Apartment (1 bedroom) Outside of Centre in Newark, DE, United States costs 1,200.00$ (about 48 minutes ago)
Milk (regular), (1 liter) in Sydney costs 3.00A$ (about 1 hour ago)
Water (0.33 liter bottle) in Calgary costs 1.20C$ (about 1 hour ago)
Apartment (1 bedroom) Outside of Centre in Surfers Paradise (Gold Coast) costs 550.00A$ (about 2 hours ago)
Apartment (3 bedrooms) in City Centre in Abu Dhabi costs 30,000.00AED (about 2 hours ago)
Cinema, International Release, 1 Seat in Wuhan costs 50.00¥ (about 3 hours ago)
Average Monthly Net Salary (After Tax) in Kolkata is 36,500.00₹ (about 3 hours ago)

Numbeo is an online platform that allows users to explore, share, and compare cost of living data worldwide. It offers a range of features, including:

  • Viewing up-to-date price information
  • Utilizing the wisdom of the crowd (crowdsourcing) to ensure the highest possible accuracy
  • Providing tools for conducting systematic research on cost of living and property markets
  • Calculating key indices such as the Cost of Living Index and Local Purchasing Power
  • Offering a platform for conducting other systematic economic research on an extensive global dataset

If you find Numbeo useful, you can contribute by by sharing local price information to further help improve the accuracy and reliability of the data.



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