Climate in Changsha, China

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2 Comments so far
Sheng Yang on May 20, 2022:
The climate in Changsha is kindly of moderate. The extreme hot or cold tempreature are both acceptable for both of people.
Winter can be less than 0℃ but rearly below -10℃(in 2021, record -3℃ in urban area,-5℃ to -7℃ in country side)
Summer can higher than 30℃ easily, but the highest would be around 37℃ to 38℃ in recent years.

However, local folks aften jokes that there is NO spring or autumn here in Changsha, climate changes very fast between Winter & Summer.
The comfortable tempreature between 22-28℃ are less than 3 month during the whole year.

During May to July, there are always have some days with heavy rain, we called these days“汛期” which means that water level in river will goes way up and may cause flood. Other than this, the rainy days and sun days are basically well balanced.

Wish these information can help, if I want to give it a score within 100, it would be 78.

(All personal view, not copy from any websites, I live here for almost 30 years from a kid)
Sherry Qin on Jul 09, 2021:
Hi, hope to include city Changsha, China, Changsha is the provincial capital city in Hunan province. Thank you!
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