Crime Comparison Between Kuwait and Canada Reverse

For major cities in those countries you get more relevant data by specifying cities.
City in Kuwait:
City in Canada:
Index   InfoKuwaitCanada
Crime Index:    32.67    45.73
Safety Scale:    67.33    54.27

Crime rate comparison Kuwait vs Canada

Improve Data Improve Data
Level of crime
Low 27.87
Moderate 49.51
Crime increasing in the past 3 years
Moderate 57.17
High 70.80
Worries home broken and things stolen
Low 21.94
Moderate 41.65
Worries being mugged or robbed
Low 25.72
Low 37.55
Worries car stolen
Low 24.13
Low 37.39
Worries things from car stolen
Low 34.47
Moderate 51.06
Worries attacked
Low 33.73
Low 39.41
Worries being insulted
Moderate 42.45
Moderate 42.86
Worries being subject to a physical attack because of your skin color, ethnic origin, gender or religion
Low 32.12
Low 27.21
Problem people using or dealing drugs
Low 34.59
High 64.45
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft
Low 31.90
Moderate 54.98
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery
Low 23.65
Moderate 42.94
Problem corruption and bribery
Moderate 58.21
Low 37.75
Last Update:January 2025January 2025

Safety comparisons Kuwait vs Canada

Improve Data Improve Data
Safety walking alone during daylight
Very High 81.57
High 72.64
Safety walking alone during night
High 66.69
Moderate 46.57