Crime in Alice Springs, Australia

Crime rates in Alice Springs, Australia

Level of crime
72.89 High
Crime increasing in the past 5 years
74.32 High
Worries home broken and things stolen
69.08 High
Worries being mugged or robbed
60.38 High
Worries car stolen
65.24 High
Worries things from car stolen
67.56 High
Worries attacked
61.47 High
Worries being insulted
69.04 High
Worries being subject to a physical attack because of your skin color, ethnic origin, gender or religion
58.57 Moderate
Problem people using or dealing drugs
61.85 High
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft
74.46 High
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery
66.74 High
Problem corruption and bribery
46.98 Moderate

Safety in Alice Springs, Australia

Safety walking alone during daylight
47.26 Moderate
Safety walking alone during night
23.78 Low

Contributors: 181

Last update: March 2025

These data are based on perceptions of visitors of this website in the past 5 years.

If the value is 0, it means it is perceived as very low, and if the value is 100, it means it is perceived as very high.

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9 Comments so far
Anonymous on Jan 06, 2025:
The government loves the high crime here. It gets 10% GST on every item that needs to be repaired or replaced, from building repairs to replacing burnt out cars.
The magistrates don't want it to end either. They don't live in Alice, only fly in to stay in a 5 star hotel with security guards, 3 restaurants, pool, entertainment and all the other benefits, allowances and 'overtime'. Not giving bail to offenders could impact severely on this golden financial perk with a mini-holiday thrown in.
Anonymous on Dec 19, 2024:
If you try to defend your property, it's not one-on-one. You'll be up against the entire tribe tomorrow, then their lawyers, and you'll suffer the consequences of months of harassment, vandalism and insurance claims. There's a tribal pack mentality in Alice Springs and anyone is fair game, even the decent indigenous folk. No-one is safe, thanks to the 'hug a thug, kiss a criminal' government mentality.
Just wish we could sell up and move on.
Anonymous on Nov 17, 2024:
Nah nah, this place is completely safe, unless you're Asian, then good luck not getting cooked in a stew by the Abo's, hohohoho.
Jamal Jackins on Sep 02, 2024:
Recently I went to Alice Springs and felt perfectly safe, I walked around at 2am and lots of people had started to greet me, and welcomed me. Police were everywhere for this perfectly safe city, I don't understand what's all the fus about. I believe some of the boys at the jumping park at Brisbane pose more of a risk then Alice Springs.
john on Nov 27, 2023:
The only safe place in all of Australia is Sydney, yea the "dangerous city" is actually the safest in the whole nation. Live anywhere else then god help you.
Roger on Oct 28, 2023:
I have lived in Alice for 25 years. In that time I have also moved around the country, and seen many safe country towns turn to crap. Alice still has a beating heart. Amazing local events and people, and awesome scenery. Cultural links run deep, and is incredible to acknowledge and learn.
Peter on Oct 01, 2023:
Crime in Alice Springs - especially committed by so-called 'untouchable' youth is completely out of control. There is no day go by without cars being stolen, private houses and businesses being broken into and ram-raids are also nearly daily occurrences. The police force are unable to do much about it as the politicians are unwilling to give them the tools to deal with this crime wave. Supermarkets and other retail businesses are unable to defend themselves against blatant and public stealing, with kids filling their hands, pockets and even bags with goods and just walking out the doors. Touching, stopping or even apprehending any of these young criminals, can let you get yourself arrested or even convicted and jailed. Arson is also on the increase as is domestic violence, assaults, sexual assaults and commercial break-inns. There is nothing really stopping the crims.
John on Jun 02, 2023:
Alice Springs is a fuckin hole. Crime violence drunkenness and anti social behaviour are totally out of control there. Most people living there have been victims of crime and most businesses there have been broken into and robbed multiple times. It is dangerous and a lot of people have left the city and more people are leaving the city.
James Nelson on Feb 02, 2021:
while I appreciate the data being provided for crime in Alice Springs I find some unusual overall trends when reading this data sheet.

I am concerned the percentage data doesn't match up on this info sheet, why would the "worries" numbers be so high, withstanding "other" worries such as;
Safety walking alone during daylight 48.33 Moderate
Safety walking alone during night 12.11 Very Low

Based on this set of [Safety walking alone] entries alone it seems the data is skewed, knowing this data goes against the most common data trends that criminality is more prevalent at night, this data alone would go against all matters of understanding the criminality and trends behind common crimes.

Unless the criminality in Alice Springs are so very much different than compared to other locations worldwide, I think a lot of the data on this site has been allowed to be arbitrarily populated by people that are not necessarily basing their input to actual events, alternately it seems to me the entered data more reflects fear mongering.

Possibly I do not understand the base from which scaling used to present the percentages.

Has any of the data here been entered based upon police reports ? i.e numbers of reported crimes versus population and percentages

just my opinion the data here does not seem to weighted on an understandable scale