Crime in Berlin, Germany

Crime rates in Berlin, Germany

Level of crime
48.00 Moderate
Crime increasing in the past 5 years
70.71 High
Worries home broken and things stolen
38.35 Low
Worries being mugged or robbed
40.40 Moderate
Worries car stolen
33.49 Low
Worries things from car stolen
39.49 Low
Worries attacked
44.23 Moderate
Worries being insulted
50.43 Moderate
Worries being subject to a physical attack because of your skin color, ethnic origin, gender or religion
34.42 Low
Problem people using or dealing drugs
61.11 High
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft
55.58 Moderate
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery
39.96 Low
Problem corruption and bribery
32.04 Low

Safety in Berlin, Germany

Safety walking alone during daylight
75.75 High
Safety walking alone during night
49.22 Moderate

Contributors: 900

Last update: March 2025

These data are based on perceptions of visitors of this website in the past 5 years.

If the value is 0, it means it is perceived as very low, and if the value is 100, it means it is perceived as very high.

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24 Comments so far
Ana on Feb 16, 2025:
Do uou take into account the fact that only about 50% of crimes in general are participated to the Police? And more important, only less than 10% of rape crimes are participated to the police because the victimes are ashamed and do not want to expose themselves publicaly. So, if the oficial crime statistics tell us that there were 10 crimes of rape, that means that in fact the real number of rape crimes were about 100. Schocking hein, but real.
Victor on Feb 16, 2025:
I am very surprised that Germany ranks so safe despite of all terrorist attacks that take place in Germany. Is a terrorist attack considered as a serious crime or not?
Anonymous on Oct 21, 2024:
So I am born and raised in Berlin and I can say that, I grew up in Kreuzberg near Görli and now live in a much better area we have so many gang-rapes and also a problem with stabbings and moggings. It's absolutely shocking because I used to walk around at 2:00 am and it was safe. As an Aussie I can say that its much more dangerous in Berlin than in Oz even in the big cities except Alice Springs
Nimka on Oct 21, 2024:
So you'll be fine walking alon at daylight in most areas but as a local we do have a lot of stabbings and moggings which are quite common in the last years due
to uncontrolled immigration. Many
Tourists like this city and feel safe but that is not true for people living here from my side it's not as safe as it was and is getting better. As comparison I will take Melbourne, Australia
The only problem they have are some drunken people and a little bit of drugs in Berlin drugs are common and easy to access, we also have a shrinking economy and the people here are quite rude sometimes. All in all Berlin is safe in the areas where families live but the other areas can be quite dangerous.
Anonymous on Aug 24, 2024:
No matter if this comes from migrants and low economic situation. fact is crime is on the rise, and so is migration.
other countries like poland suffer from the same econimic situation during covid etc. but their crime is very low.
Meaning its a fact that migrations caused a massive crime rise.
Alex on Apr 12, 2024:
Dear numbeo team,I will be very thankful if you add the old data about crime in a city.As an example,In your quality of life index in cities,you add old data about the quality of life index in different cities.Kind regards.
Anonymous on Aug 27, 2023:
Berlin is a very safe city, provided you are not:
- a woman back coming home in the darkness (I was attacked at 6 pm in winter time, with a supposedly soft air gun)
- a boy with his boyfriend
- dressed and groomed properly (some people think you are to be robbed if you wear a pair of clean pants)
- an english-spearker in the happy district of Marzahn
- a foreigner in the gorgeous distric Lichtenberg
- you don't buy a house freshly painted
- you don't own a car and park it on the street in the utterly friendly Friedrichshain
- etc.etc.

For all the rest, refer to the skyrocketing prices of everyrhing wich at the same time is very low qiality, both in material and human terms.
Anonymous on Feb 06, 2023:
I have lived in Germany since 2009, and Berlin since 2013. Without a doubt has the city become more dangerous. Not only have I witnessed countless acts of aggression, small and large in recent years, i have also had my nose broken walking on Ku'damm on a Saturday afternoon at 18.00 by a group of young men. And I am also sorry to reinforce the cliche, but it was a group with a middle eastern background (but strong Berlin accents).

Certain areas are absolute no-go's - Neukolln Sonnenallee. Absolutely intolerant and frankly dangerous. Avoid like the plague!
NYC to Berlin on Jan 19, 2023:
I've been to Berlin (and other cities in Germany,) before and know people who live in Berlin. The increase in crime has happening internationally--especially with the beginning of the Covid-19 era. Rightwing zealots can whine all they want about immigration but it's actually the desperation fueled by the spiraling crisis of capitalism. Trust me, crime is much worse here in NYC than it is in your lovely garden of Berlin. I don't doubt that some neighborhoods have gotten rough, but facts are facts--social services, low cost of living, and a relatively strong labor movement are the only things keeping you all from ruin.
Anonymous on Jan 10, 2023:
I am born in Berlin and living here since 50 years. Berlin has failed districts, like Neukölln, Wedding. and some Parts of Tiergarten and Kreuzberg. In the last 7 years we have much more unemployed and homeless people which living on the streets and in parks. That we had have never before so many. And we have much more drug crime. Often You can have trouble with some aggressive people in the Metro or on the street, and many of younger people have a knife . I get trouble with a young drug dealer, which sales his drug in a Metro wagon on am 11:00 and did he very aggressive. He hit me, no one helps me, and the Metro guard going very fast away.
And this is not one thing. Many of people in my neighborhood told me crazy stories. No, this town is not so safe as it was for some years.
Anonymous on Jan 05, 2023:
anyone still has any doubts about the crime following the latest firework attacks on the police and the ambulance on New Year's eve?
You can thank the far left for creating this parallel world.
Anonymous on Aug 02, 2022:
in 1 month of vacation I got robbed in broad daylight at an ATM next to a Synangogue and the police didnt even care only told me a patrol would come for me, a friend got assaulted by 3 men in the tram at night on his way home because he wouldnt give them 10euros, another friend also almost got robbed in front of a restaurant. Berlin is a shithole stay away if you can.
Anonymous on Jul 05, 2022:
This page is all lies. Berlin is probably one of the safest cities in the world. I have walked around the "worst" places in the middle of the night with 0 fear. The only interesting thing you see is the occasional insane drug addict hobo.

The "values" here are literally just averages of what people send in at the survey thing, so genius American /pol/ users that heard about the "rapefugee" storm and still think its 2015 flood it with the results they want and then turn around to use them as an argument in the comments.
Lex on Jun 17, 2022:
This is exactly like in the state of Florida in the USA
Ich on Sep 29, 2021:
It depends very much on the neighborhood. There are few hotspots for trouble, just avoid them, especially at night.
Anonymous on Aug 24, 2021:
i might be moving to berlin for university and to be honest, i am getting very concerned for my safety just by reading the comment section.
Anonymous on Jul 08, 2021:
Every day another stabbing. Females dont feel safe here for the past years. Its getting worse as the data shows
Compare? on May 03, 2021:
Here you go:

Kabul, Afghanistan Crime Index: 76.06
Damascus, Syria: 68.40
Lagos, Nigeria: 64.82
Tripoli, Libya: 64.27
Baghdad, Iraq: 63.29
Berlin, Germany: 41.14
Zurich, Switzerland: 16.40
So yes, Berlin is safer than those cities in Africa and Middle East. For now.

Continue importing criminals without background checks and you’ll see the same level of crime on the German streets.
Berlin: Crime increasing in the past 3 years: 68.46 (High)
What a coincidence!
Compare on Apr 20, 2021:
Compare these stats to other major cities around the world. Learn how to understand. It never fails that those who state that others can’t think independently are in fact the ones that are projecting their own inefficiency on others. Spend time and look at how these numbers compare and do so without an agenda
anonymous on Apr 17, 2021:
Thankfully there're still people who think independently and don't buy into the far leftist propaganda in the mass media.
Crime is real and it's imported. Rapefugees not welcome!
Anonymous on Apr 17, 2021:
It's very embarrassing that this website allows rightwingers to pollute their site with propaganda, you might aswell seek travel advice from 4chan.
anonymous on Mar 31, 2021:
It's true and very sad what's happening to Berlin and Germany since they allowed those millions of fake refugees to come.
Import the third world and you become the third world. Skyrocketing crime is just one of the consequences.
It's not about race or religion, but about thorough background checks of those who you let into the country.
Those who raped hundreds of German women in Cologne in 2015 would have been in jail had it happened in Saudi Arabia.
desta kiflemariam on Jan 05, 2021:
As I have read there is crime in Berlin. BUt this should be minimize as it is not good for the reputation of the city.
Anonymous on Oct 30, 2020:
no no, they are mostly right. you go in their countries and they behave. you bring over 2 million people with different culture, gangs will form. statistics dont lie