Crime in Bradford, United Kingdom

Crime rates in Bradford, United Kingdom

Level of crime
72.68 High
Crime increasing in the past 5 years
72.70 High
Worries home broken and things stolen
61.61 High
Worries being mugged or robbed
64.13 High
Worries car stolen
61.92 High
Worries things from car stolen
69.88 High
Worries attacked
61.82 High
Worries being insulted
67.70 High
Worries being subject to a physical attack because of your skin color, ethnic origin, gender or religion
54.91 Moderate
Problem people using or dealing drugs
78.54 High
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft
72.32 High
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery
65.31 High
Problem corruption and bribery
55.41 Moderate

Safety in Bradford, United Kingdom

Safety walking alone during daylight
49.84 Moderate
Safety walking alone during night
27.36 Low

Contributors: 120

Last update: March 2025

These data are based on perceptions of visitors of this website in the past 5 years.

If the value is 0, it means it is perceived as very low, and if the value is 100, it means it is perceived as very high.

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11 Comments so far
Anonymous on Jan 06, 2025:
We all know why Bradford is the most dangerous city in Europe
Anonymous on Nov 23, 2024:
Give it 5 years it'll one of the safest city's again after we have picked it clean off all the cousin marrying grooming gang and heroin dealing rapist that live know who you are smellys
Mohammed on Oct 21, 2024:
yeah this city isnt safe but its funny people trying to say it is (probably live there) i use to live here a while ago and its even worse now lol if u white then good luck we got it on lock
Why Though on Oct 13, 2024:
Bradford seems to have been spammed with false reports, it isn't a war zone, your not gonna get stabbed in the night,you're not gonna get robbed on every corner.

Bradford in reality has the same crime rate as any other major city.
Brafordian on Sep 01, 2024:
Isn't it weird that it is just WHITE people commenting here and are concerned about safety in Bradford? Bunch of crackers.
Lou on Jul 10, 2024:
I'm female and have lived in Bradford for a number of years. As with all cities, I'm mindful of low-level crime (pickpockets etc) but I've never felt threatened here. It isn't a wealthy city but people are generally kind, generous and helpful. While I wish it was a little bit cleaner and that there was more investment, I like the city very much and feel safe here.
Maria on May 29, 2024:
James,You have never been threatened because you were lucky.This city is completely unsafe and dangerous.Dont live there.
James Clayton on May 28, 2024:
A very unfairly judged city in my opinion. Bradford has received a perception of being unsafe, unwelcoming and crime riddled and I emphasise the term 'perception'. From my numerous experiences the reality is totally different.

Like all cities it isn't without its problems, but I've never been threatened or felt threatened. Some great family trips to the theatre, cinema and museum. It is a city with a rich heritage made obvious by its numerous stunning Victorian buildings and has some great public spaces which numerous families enjoy - particularly the City Park mirror pool.
Maria on Feb 24, 2024:
Very unsafe at night.Sadly,i has become a city were anyone can do whatever they want and the sad think is that no one seems to care.
Frank Romanowski on Dec 23, 2023:
I've lived in Bradford city centre for 27 years, never had any trouble whatsoever. I often go out for a drink and to socialise in the city centre too and once again have witnessed little in the way of trouble. Bradford is no worse and no more dangerous than any other large city.
Alex on Dec 16, 2023:
A very dangerous place to live in.I fell horrible for anyone who lives here.