Crime in Brampton, Canada

Crime rates in Brampton, Canada

Level of crime
62.71 High
Crime increasing in the past 5 years
75.39 High
Worries home broken and things stolen
54.92 Moderate
Worries being mugged or robbed
53.61 Moderate
Worries car stolen
49.71 Moderate
Worries things from car stolen
54.74 Moderate
Worries attacked
52.29 Moderate
Worries being insulted
47.50 Moderate
Worries being subject to a physical attack because of your skin color, ethnic origin, gender or religion
36.44 Low
Problem people using or dealing drugs
66.48 High
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft
58.10 Moderate
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery
56.30 Moderate
Problem corruption and bribery
47.36 Moderate

Safety in Brampton, Canada

Safety walking alone during daylight
63.10 High
Safety walking alone during night
35.71 Low

Contributors: 597

Last update: January 2025

These data are based on perceptions of visitors of this website in the past 5 years.

If the value is 0, it means it is perceived as very low, and if the value is 100, it means it is perceived as very high.

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19 Comments so far
Person on Apr 26, 2023:
Are the drivers bad? Yes

Are people sometimes rude and arrogant? Yes

Is there actually a high crime rate? NO
Samuel on Apr 19, 2023:
I've lived in Brampton 20+ years, I am not sure why Brampton has become the butt of every joke. Not sure if it's because of race or just exposure on social media. I have family and friends whom live in Oakville or Vaughn (predominantly caucasian areas), where crime occurs just as often. However, it is not publicized and you wont see any of it on social media. They do a great job in controlling the narrative of a good, clean, safe city. Wherever there is a large population, crime occurs....That is just the law of averages. Brampton is safe, clean and a wonderful city.
Jamar on Nov 27, 2022:
I’ve made big financial gains on my properties in Brampton. People will disrespect our city. You have to be tough to live here at times. Contribute where you can, fight where you can, help where you can, and give God glory always. I’m a proud Brampton resident. This is my home.
tom on Nov 06, 2022:
Crime in my area dropped. 5 years ago was worse.
Phil on Oct 18, 2022:
I was attacked and the police didnt even arrest the person who assaulted me after I got out of the hospital
Rob on Oct 08, 2022:
I think you should look at the number of pedestrians and cyclists hurt or killed in the city when you speak of safe streets. Plus a breakdown of some crimes. Spouse/Family killings vs Third Parties. Or even the number of unsolved crimes.
David on Sep 24, 2022:
I live near main and Queen , it’s a good spot. My neighbours are good and , everyone is quiet.
yes on Jul 16, 2022:
i lived in brampton for my whole life and i dont sugest for familys to be honest its crappy and lots of dealing and drug use half of brampton
Anonymous on Jun 11, 2022:
I've lived in Brampton for 12 years. It's great for families, lots of parks and rec centres. I see lots of reports of bad things but have never had anything stolen and families have bikes unlocked at their front porch. Only crimes that I know of are between people who have personal beef or dealing with road rage.
Anonymous on Jul 31, 2021:
Anonymous of August 15, you are truly a stone human with so much rage inside you. Even if whatever happens you are not suppose to be so harsh while speaking, it literally shows how much hate you are carrying around. And what do you mean by "Punjabis". Are you the only community who live here? And from where you guys belong? From which country you came? Why don't you guys mention that you guys are Indian? What's this just Punjabi thing is? First of all you guys spread hatred in your own community, in your own nation and then here discriminating yourself from being an Indian? Sorry. Brampton is town of Brown people and by Brown it means, Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and more. And from India there comes people from different states, North, South, East India, everywhere. Not only from Punjab! Stop owning things.
Jay on Jul 14, 2021:
Despite what people want to believe, Brampton is very safe. When compared to similar size cities like Vancouver, Hamilton, etc. there is really no competition to Brampton.

People want to make it seem bad because a lot of Black and Brown ppl live there - but honestly, the worst areas are the majority white areas around Kennedy Road...
Gerard on Mar 27, 2021:
Brampton has a crime rate lower then the Canadian average. People love to laugh at brampton. It’s a blue collar-working class city with low amounts of the privileged Liberal elites here, so Brampton gets neglected. 80% of Brampton is safe. Bramalea is a safe area. Castlemore too. All the areas that are east of Torbram road is very safe. All the neighborhoods West of Chingcousay and south of Bovaird are very safe. Pockets south of the Downtown area very safe- Peel Village etc.

Areas in Brampton I would say are unsafe are Queen & Kennedy, Kennedy & Vodden, Kennedy & Orenda, Brisdale Drive & Bovaird. And a small patch on the northern tip of Springdale - although Springdale has improved significantly from 20 years ago. Williams Pkwy and Kennedy as well a little rough. Main & Vodden rough too- but this seems to be more of a homeless /mentall illness area.
James on Mar 14, 2021:
Kennedy and Queen is the most dangerous area, mostly White low class area.
Eric on Mar 14, 2021:
According to statistics Brampton is actually very safe, regardless of what any of these prejudice comments say. Brampton and Mississauga are among the safest large cities in Canada. Over 90% of the areas are good, the few bad areas are mostly public housing apartments or townhouses.

The most dangerous areas are actually White majority neighbourhoods around the Kennedy and Main intersection.

The Indian community is probably the best community in Brampton. When you a see a man with a turban, you know you’re safe.

The problem is yes, over the last 7-8 years too many international students have come to Brampton from small villages in India. Others finish their education in other Canadian cities then move to Brampton. They don’t really integrate into Canadian society, are unclean, drive recklessly, and don’t follow the law. Most of the long established Indian families do not like these international students because of this.

The Black community is mostly middle class and hard working too. There are a few Jamaican/Caribbean teenagers and young men who try to copy the “street” culture they see in Toronto. Despite coming from good families, they can be problematic. These youth don’t realize how good they have it, the few shootings or muggings in the city are because of these lost boys.

Again overall, 90% of Brampton is very safe. You can walk around at night with no problem in most of the city.
Anonymous on Jan 27, 2021:
Brampton,Milton and missisauga are all becoming the same brown filled citys that are over run by drugs i want to move out
Anonymous on Nov 15, 2020:
So glad I moved out of Brampton. It’s a cesspit. Many people ignoring COVID 19 rules, large gatherings, etc. stabbings, shootings, expensive car insurance, you name it. My advise - get out of that dump while you can. Move to a small city and you won’t regret it!
anonymous on Sep 09, 2020:
What has happened to Brampton.. wonder which country it is belongs to ....
Noisy exhaust sounds, high speed bikes and no one can drive on the road peacefully without to face irresponsible drivers on the road.
why all the cars are tinted you cannot at least any human driving...
Authorities, Mayor police step up to stop this nonesense.
Sandy on Sep 09, 2020:
I am a Jamaican and I live in Brampton
I agree that crime has increased and people are rude
What I really find disturbing is how people cast off an entire group or nation and blame them for the crime
The elected officials must do something about crime in Brampton.. but please stop calling countries and nations trash... it’s racist and does not help your argument
Anonymous on Sep 07, 2020:
Anonymous from Aug 15th seems to be quite the racist themselves. Most of these crimes committed by white people? That's a racist comment by the sounds of it. A funny spin on reality that's not supported by any stats or evidence, ... but even if it's a joke though it's still racist. I mean this morning I read that 4 black guys carjacked a Mercedes yesterday at gunpoint, a few weeks ago a white girl was shot and killed by her black ex who routinely violated restraining orders. I can't fault people for being a bit racist when there's story after story supporting a racial skew towards violent crime, all it means is that people observe the world around them and make associations based on what they see. But when you see comments like these it just shows you that everyone is inherently racist, and will be that way no matter what the facts are. But it will be a long long time before we see marches against anti-white racism, which obviously exists and is supported from the top by the grand master of anti-white agendas, Trudeau, who doesn't make any effort to hide the fact that his focus is black/brown/indigenous/female/LGBTQ etc. which means if you're a white male, from his perspective you can go f yourself because you've got everything already. But thats a stereotype that's true for him and his family and the generations of Trudeau pricks to come who will inevitably run the country because of the popularity trumps logic concept of our election system. The question is when (i'm talking decades from now) we see some anti-white racism protests, how many black/brown supporters will show up? My guess is few, and good for them, because they support their own. White people are the only race stupid enough to act the way they're acting as if they're responsible for slavery, or the actions of a small number of police. Don't worry Anonymous of Aug 15th, the world is going in your direction buddy.