Crime in Bucharest, Romania

Crime rates in Bucharest, Romania

Level of crime
23.00 Low
Crime increasing in the past 5 years
37.55 Low
Worries home broken and things stolen
22.84 Low
Worries being mugged or robbed
24.98 Low
Worries car stolen
17.00 Very Low
Worries things from car stolen
32.54 Low
Worries attacked
23.01 Low
Worries being insulted
34.35 Low
Worries being subject to a physical attack because of your skin color, ethnic origin, gender or religion
14.95 Very Low
Problem people using or dealing drugs
30.54 Low
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft
34.68 Low
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery
15.90 Very Low
Problem corruption and bribery
76.58 High

Safety in Bucharest, Romania

Safety walking alone during daylight
87.79 Very High
Safety walking alone during night
66.85 High

Contributors: 1034

Last update: March 2025

These data are based on perceptions of visitors of this website in the past 5 years.

If the value is 0, it means it is perceived as very low, and if the value is 100, it means it is perceived as very high.

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31 Comments so far
Anonymous on Jan 07, 2025:
Bucharest is probably one of the safest capitals in the EU.
Most thieves have moved to Western countries (see France, especially Paris).
Anonymous on Dec 23, 2024:
Wtf some comments saying Bucharest is full of home burglary, no, Romania really does not have a lot of that going on. Also There s no mugging in public spaces like other European Capitals u re just spreading misinformation. for a woman every city can be dangerous but I experienced a lot less harassment here than in France for example.
Anonymous on Dec 04, 2024:
Unfortunately not everything here is real București is full of drug addicts and more crimes like home burglary and assaults are getting common since this drug epidemic plus the laws are getting soft on criminals , its not like London or Napoli but its much worse than 5 years ago
Iulian B on Dec 02, 2024:
Bucharest is the safest capital city in Europe
We don't have other nation which cause problems
Alex on Nov 10, 2024:
Many lies here.Bucharest is safer than London or Paris definitely.
Andra on Sep 08, 2024:
Crime rate is super wrong in almost everything it should be higher mostly these last 2 years since we got thousands of thieves and thugs deported back from lots of countries
Sorin on Aug 01, 2024:
I have lived in Bucharest since I was born and there are no such problems. The only issues for a tourist might be getting ripped off by a taxi or something like that. For those who have been attacked in clubs, it's about the clubs; with alcohol involved, anything can happen. In terms of safety, during the day it’s around 85 percent, and at night around 70 percent because hypothetically, if someone attacks you and you scream, you’ll wake up the whole neighborhood. If you’re in a park and make some noise, the neighbors will call the police immediately:))
Rasmus on Jul 19, 2024:
First day we were there, my friend got randomly suckerpunched in the face when we walked onto a platz at night. The nightlife is very sketchy.
Maria on Jun 24, 2024:
@Anynymous,Total Bs.Bucharest is a very safe city.
Anonymous on May 01, 2024:
Mikel is right. Corruption is horrible and has caused so many great places to be ruined and caused wars and migration.
Mikel on Mar 23, 2024:
Alex pls stfu.Corruption is horrible.But your just too dumd to get through your thin skull :)
Alex on Mar 20, 2024:
Corruption is good, but people are poor and jealous. Still it remains a safe city
Maria on Feb 21, 2024:
Amazing place!If it were to be less corrupt it would be absolutely flawless.
Alex on Feb 11, 2024:
In my experience its a pretty safe city.Just avoid unoffical taxis because you can get scamed.
Polish guy who loves Romania on Oct 21, 2023:
Someone wants to compare Romania and Hungary, so I will say definitely: Bucharest is much safer than hungarian Budapest. Budapest (and other cities in Hungary overall) is overrated and full of beggars, pickpocketers and shady plaes.

Bucharest and Romania is not so popular, but is good developing and people are very nice. It is really safe there and much, much better experience. Love Romania!
Anonymous on Sep 08, 2023:
American tourist here. Spent two weeks in Bucharest. I had absolutely no problems while I was there whatsoever. I walked alone during the day and walked alone at night - experienced no issues. There are some people, primarily Roma, who come up to you and ask for money, but they don't bother you all that much once you say you don't have anything and walk away. People are warm and friendly.
Anonymous on Aug 27, 2023:
Bucharest now is a very nice city compared to the 90's and early 2000 but some of these stats are not very accurate, for example home invasion and drug trafficking is more common than people think, but still much better than Paris or Berlin
me on Aug 04, 2023:
Bucharest is quite a safe town.
I lived here all my life, 50 years.
Is better to avoid gypsies, or places where they usually live, especially Ferentari, but also Rahova, Colentina.
Try to take care of your belongings in public transport, just in case.
If you stay in the central zone, not only the old center, but all central ring, you will be fine.
I don't usually go alone out at night, but sometimes I do, and I try to be prudent. I never had problems (I am a woman).

I agree with Andrei's comment.
Damian Galvin on Jul 31, 2023:
These comments are total garbage. I've lived in Bucharest one & off from 2003 to 2014, and full time from 2014 to 2023. Not a single time, never, have I experienced or known anyone who has experienced crime, except one person who had a phone stolen from a pocket on a metro, and I'm almost always out and about. But don't take my word for it, check on Facebook expat groups and ask, who has directly personally witnessed crime, not heard a rumour, but seen or felt it. A safer capital, you will not find.
Yep on Mar 08, 2023:
Here it's full of Hungarians trying to change the perception of a very safe capital.
nelu on Jan 23, 2023:
This is old data the crime in Bucharest and Romania increased a lot since 2020 it reminds me of the 90s
Anonymous on Dec 30, 2022:
I literally got robbed in one of the main tourist areas! This city is horrible. Barely even feels like Western Europe, almost like another continent. You might find stray dogs on the streets and trash is everywhere. People here don’t give a crap about the environment.
Andrei on Oct 13, 2022:
Crime in Romania is different from how you d perceive it in western europe. If you think about crime in England or France, for example, you d think of the possibility of being shot, stabbed or beaten. In Romania, this is very uncommon, mainly due to having one of the strictest gun laws in the world. If a shooting takes place, it s such a special event that news will be talking about it for days. Open street fights and stabbings might occur in bigger cities but are 100% gang related and happen in the neighborhoods from the outskirts where normal citizens have nothing to do anyway, so it doesn t bother anyone.

Crime in Romania usually consists of pickpocketing, theft (valuables, cars etc), verbal assault or drunk fights. All these can be avoided by using some common sense. If you pass by a shady group of people, most of the times they'd just ask you for a cigarette or whistle you (if you are a woman) and in most cases, they won t insist if you ignore them. Therefore, be smart, keep your mouth shut in these situations, and you´ll be just fine :)
Nico on Oct 07, 2022:
I travel often and I can say that there is a big difference between Romania and other countries when it comes to safety. In Romania, I can go to whatever time I want, dressed as I want, with jewelry and expensive things and without holding my bag close to me. In 37 years, nothing was stolen from me in Romania, wherever I was at any time and on deserted and unlit streets. while in other countries I was stolen, and not only me, many acquaintances had problems with theft in other countries but never in Romania. I am a woman and I have not had any aggressive incidents or thefts. I know many foreigners who confirm that here they can walk quietly on the street
michael on Sep 13, 2022:
the safest european city. no crime as in Budapest for example. by the way the very dangerous place is the public hospital where you are spoiled of every money. nobody is looking at you. if you are in the point of dying you are even asked for miney. this is a shame for a country as Romania
Anonymous on Jul 02, 2022:
"Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery VERY LOW" haha can't take this page serios
Anonymous on Jun 26, 2022:
Two guys robbed me with machetes hours ago so idk what to say about these stats
Alcatraz on Jun 07, 2022:
I've been living in this city for the entirety of my life. The actual truth is as follows: safe city for men, lowkey dangerous city for women.

Really sad to see men in these comment section unaware of the fact that women experience a completely different treatment. So much for chivalry. If you're only going to count your own perception in this matter (the safety of your own city) you can respectfully go "in pizda ma-tii."
lucian on May 02, 2022:
Dn't use Taxi (yellow cab) use onli uber or alternatives or public transportation . Avoid these neighborhoods Rahova, Ferentari , Pantelimon , Baicului , Aparatori patriei .
In the summer be awere of thef on the streets . Some people are racist on gipsy.. on ethnic religion like muslims but those people have low education.
Stef on Sep 20, 2021:
After visiting all other countries in Europe, go and visit Romania. Please, leave it last as its her place.
People are nice only if benefit from you.
Andrei on Dec 18, 2020:
In Bucharest there are a lot of racist people... they don't speak with you if you are black or muslim