Crime in Karachi, Pakistan

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Crime rates in Karachi, Pakistan

Level of crime
66.72 High
Crime increasing in the past 5 years
45.97 Moderate
Worries home broken and things stolen
48.45 Moderate
Worries being mugged or robbed
66.91 High
Worries car stolen
55.38 Moderate
Worries things from car stolen
58.35 Moderate
Worries attacked
45.12 Moderate
Worries being insulted
37.96 Low
Worries being subject to a physical attack because of your skin color, ethnic origin, gender or religion
29.79 Low
Problem people using or dealing drugs
53.69 Moderate
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft
61.60 High
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery
66.82 High
Problem corruption and bribery
83.04 Very High

Safety in Karachi, Pakistan

Safety walking alone during daylight
52.39 Moderate
Safety walking alone during night
29.43 Low

Contributors: 760

Last update: March 2025

These data are based on perceptions of visitors of this website in the past 5 years.

If the value is 0, it means it is perceived as very low, and if the value is 100, it means it is perceived as very high.

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9 Comments so far
Anonymous on Dec 11, 2024:
Guys I think this place might be a bit dangerous
Anonymous on Jun 28, 2024:
I live in karachi and ur stats are wrong they should be more dangerous
Haley Layton on Jun 13, 2024:
The few people I met from karachi were romantic scammers who hacked my phone and tried to hold me for ransom..these people don't seem human.
Anonymous on Aug 03, 2023:
I was see just now on cafe piyala in Karachi the time 6:24 a robber are ribbing on cafe piyala at 6: 25 thaey are ribbing cafe piyala
Anonymous on Apr 04, 2022:
Karachi is very safe the last theft in my direct family was about five years ago, it is getting better, but now that Imran Khan is now no longer PM us locals will just have to hope for the best but according to me, a blood and bone Karachi local, it is very safe and you can go about the streets unattended. Just don't poke into dark corners especially if you are foreign.
AAM on Sep 22, 2021:
I am a born and bred karachitie. Karachi has seen a very rapid decrease in crime in the last 5 years. Before that it was the ultimate hub of mugging, robbery, extortion, kidnappings, target killing, terrorism attacks, car and home breaking, racial voilence and gang infested voilence. Now muggings and street snatchings are the only issues which unfortunately are increasing day by day. Apart from this the entire city is in a very poor shape in terms of infrastructure and basic facilities. Many people and industries have left are still leaving for the punjab and other regions.
Sohail khan on Jan 28, 2021:
Karachi is now safer then Chicago and Delhi and Mumbai.its a city of 3 crore more then the population of an average country and yet all crimes r relatively lower . There was a problem of gangs in the distant past bc of spill over of afghan war and influx of criminal classes from rest of bc of massive security clean up for 5 yrs .city is extremely peaceful and free from gangs and afghan war spill overs and the criminal class of Pakistanis of differing regions
Taha Khan on Jan 24, 2021:
Karachi is one of the most dangerous places in Pakistan. Armed Robbery and mugging are extremely common. You'll be mugged if you're carrying any flagship phone or even wearing an expensive watch. People are mostly mugged who leave from the Ali Jinnah airport. Everytime We travel to Karachi we keep at least 2 armed guards with us. If you're planning to go to Karachi make sure you know someone in Karachi. Unfortunately even if you're an overseas Pakistani, these criminals can tell a difference and mug you. I'd say be very very careful.
Malik Zaheer on Oct 05, 2020:
Karachi in particular has been the only target of the international media to prove this city to be dangerous. The mega city with the population over 21 million what do you expect ZERO crime its not possible in any city. This city is bigger than two Londons and what is there no crime in London. You get mugged in London on the main streets. Please be advised that whole of Karachi is not at all dangerous and few pockets here and there have issued. One can easily avoid that live a very peaceful and enjoyable life in Karachi. Can you go around in every corner of New York, no one can. So relax. Come to Karachi be my guest and I will prove to you that how safe it is to be in Karachi and Pakistan