Crime in Malmo, Sweden

Crime rates in Malmo, Sweden

Level of crime
62.91 High
Crime increasing in the past 5 years
70.24 High
Worries home broken and things stolen
47.70 Moderate
Worries being mugged or robbed
55.67 Moderate
Worries car stolen
45.43 Moderate
Worries things from car stolen
53.35 Moderate
Worries attacked
55.90 Moderate
Worries being insulted
54.30 Moderate
Worries being subject to a physical attack because of your skin color, ethnic origin, gender or religion
52.42 Moderate
Problem people using or dealing drugs
61.02 High
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft
60.05 High
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery
59.53 Moderate
Problem corruption and bribery
39.96 Low

Safety in Malmo, Sweden

Safety walking alone during daylight
57.62 Moderate
Safety walking alone during night
36.84 Low

Contributors: 581

Last update: March 2025

These data are based on perceptions of visitors of this website in the past 5 years.

If the value is 0, it means it is perceived as very low, and if the value is 100, it means it is perceived as very high.

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28 Comments so far
Anon on Oct 15, 2024:
Its so funny seeing americans comment on topics like this when they arent even from europe and shouting racism, they wanna be the center of attention so bad
Anonymous on Sep 12, 2024:
Malmø is a shithole city due to massive immigration (Thanks Riksdagen)

Why are normal swedes so silent about it? Just as with the Libanese you wake up one day and your country is gone.
Mikel on Apr 12, 2024:
@Anymomous,Malmo is safe?There are gang shootings,bombings and many more crimes happening in the city.Yeah,totally safe.
Anonymous on Apr 10, 2024:
All lies! The city is safe! If you don't feel safe in malmo then you probably disrespected other people's culture!
Don't act gay in Malmo, don't wear revealing clothes and especially don't be a Jew here
Alex on Apr 03, 2024:
Sweden is a beautiful country with beautiful people.If you cloud get rid of all the migrants and refugees it would be heaven on earth.
Lilly on Feb 23, 2024:
It is truly sad to see on what my Malmö has turned into in just a decade.Nowadays it's just a city where anyone can do anything they want and the sad thing is that nobody seems to care.I wish we cloud return to our better times.
Maria on Feb 15, 2024:
Nor a safe city at all.In the city center there are a lot of immigrants,junkies and gypsies who will try to scam you just for a few bucks.Pls keep in mind that there is nothing to see in Malmö as a tourist except for the Turning Tower,so see it and get out fast.Visit some island.
Anonymous on Jan 29, 2024:
Islam is a cancer and this is a real time situation where it spread. Sad that the locals can’t get rid of them
Anonymous on Dec 08, 2023:
People saying islamaphobe is a classic way of reacting. It’s not racist to look at the statistics, in Malmo, 96% of the crime is committed by immigrants - FACT, 70% of those immigrants are Muslim - FACT, crime has increased exponentially since 1990 - FACT.

Saying “you’re an islamaphobe”is a cop out way to not face the real issue, but crime in malmo is a real issue and there is a real issue surrounding immigrants in Sweden
Anonymous on Nov 11, 2023:
"Many of these people that comment islamophobe don't even live in muslim areas."
1) Quite worring to know this city has segregation of immigrants - it means they are against integration to society to the point they has to be localized away from locals;
2) Maybe numbeo just deletes comments by islamophobes, but the only mentions of muslims here from commenters saying "The city is fine, you bigots" - anyone else just complains how they don't feel safe in the city.
Alex on Nov 05, 2023:
Those who say that Malmo is a safe city have either never been there or are really dumb people.One of my friends was once in Malmo and when he came back he complained about the crime in the city.He told me that he nearly got mugged and robbed and someone even tried to steal his wallet.Malmo isn't safe at all.
J on Oct 19, 2023:
Lol this city is not dangerous. I get the sense that all of the "perception" of danger is fear-mongering among Swedes that don't live anywhere near "dangerous areas" (or outside of Malmö) and have never actually experienced any danger themselves.
Gaben on Oct 14, 2023:
This city is extremly segregated. Many of these people that comment islamophobe don't even live in muslim areas. They are usually middle class that love the cheap drugs that muslims offer in the city combined with cheap unregulated food. Their social circle also lack any "foreginers" unless it's for virtue signaling. The economy off this is so bad that it will reach the same destiny as Birmingham of UK. The ones that have money there spend more time in Copenhagen than in the city that they live to avoid migrants/muslims. Peace and wishing the leaders of that city a downfall for ruining a city that once was great.
yeets on Oct 12, 2023:
”I cannot believe this city is in Europe''
Well I cannot believe your a human, you deserve no place for humanity and your just a shame.
Erik on Aug 20, 2023:
People think Malmö is the most dangerous city in europe.
Actually its one of the best.
Anton on Aug 16, 2023:
”I cannot believe this city is in Europe” Said an Anonymous.
So wrong and false, that you litterly think that Malmö should not be in europe.
Anonymous on Aug 15, 2023:
This comment section is full of lies, idiots and islamophobes.
Like, A person said that ''Was attacked by zookeepers who mistaked me for a monkey''. What? Swedish people are very smart, why would they think you were a monkey, humans are smart.
And another commment said ''I cannot believe this city is in Europe'' You have clearly never visited Sweden in your life.
Americans are so dumb to understand.
Anonymous on Jun 21, 2023:
I cannot believe this city is in Europe. It used to be beautiful and now it's run down and filthy, full of Muslims committing horrendous crimes like stabbing people, throwing hand grenades, burning cars - the list is long.

Shame on Sweden for allowing this to happen.
Mads on Dec 26, 2022:
Was attacked by zookeepers who mistaked me for a monkey
Truth on Aug 22, 2021:
2 people killed in malmo today. And yet the media love to say the crimes are going down as Ant normal human knows its bs. Wake up Swedes on May 26, 2021:
Sweden has the most shootings in Europé funny How to media is hidding it Sweden has the most crimes in Europé on May 23, 2021:
Bomb was Exploded Today in Malmö Lindängen 1 injuried Victim was sent to the hospital
Amerimutts on Apr 17, 2021:
Majority of the comments below aren't even from Europeans let alone Swedish people, these are mostly rightwing people from America who spread racism and propaganda towards nonwhite people, these people have no friends or girlfriend/wife and spend their time online spreading hate.
Anonymous on Feb 17, 2021:
Most of the crime happening in Sweden is rearly reported just to let Yall know and hearing people Say that france is the most dangerous country in Eu is a Joke
Unknown on Feb 17, 2021:
All the people saying Malmö is safe is bunch of old people saying it most of them live in the safe areas in Malmö bunch of clowns
Yes on Jan 10, 2021:
If you don't feel safe walking alone in Malmö during daylight, I'm not sure how you manage to survive without being scared to death by your own shadow. Jesus Christ
Anonymous on Nov 09, 2020:
Crime in Sweden describes an act defined in the Swedish Penal Code (Swedish: Brottsbalken) or in another Swedish law or statutory instrument for which a sanction is prescribed.[2][3]

Figures from the 2013 Swedish Crime Survey (SCS) show that exposure to crime decreased from 2005 to 2013.[4] Since 2014 there has been an increase in exposure to some categories of crimes, including fraud, some property crime and sexual offences according to the 2016 SCS.[5] Crimes falling under threats, harassment, assault and robbery continued to climb through 2018.[6] The increase in reports of sexual offenses is, in part, due to campaigns to encourage reporting, combined with changes to the laws that broadened the legal definition the definition of rape.[7]

Violence (both lethal and non-lethal) has been on a downward trend the last 25 years.[7] The figures for fraud and property damage (excluding car theft) are in contrast with the numbers of reported crimes under such categories which have remained roughly constant over the period 2014–16.[8] The number of reported sexual offences clearly reflect the figures in the 2016 SCS, and car related damages/theft are also somewhat reflected.[9][10] The number of convictions up to 2013 has remained between 110,000 and 130,000 in the 2000s — a decrease since the 1970s, when they numbered around 300,000 — despite the population growth.[11] Consistent with other Western countries in the postwar era, the number of reported crimes has increased when measured from the 1950s; which can be explained by a number of factors, such as statistical and legislative changes and increased public willingness to report crime.[12]
Anonymous on Oct 03, 2020:
So many gun-toting boomers thinking the world is ending. This is amusing to watch.
Now yes, Malmo has some big issues, but it is literally the most dangerous city in Sweden