Crime in Melbourne, Australia

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Crime rates in Melbourne, Australia

Level of crime
45.44 Moderate
Crime increasing in the past 5 years
67.52 High
Worries home broken and things stolen
40.19 Moderate
Worries being mugged or robbed
37.70 Low
Worries car stolen
33.75 Low
Worries things from car stolen
40.12 Moderate
Worries attacked
41.73 Moderate
Worries being insulted
45.22 Moderate
Worries being subject to a physical attack because of your skin color, ethnic origin, gender or religion
29.91 Low
Problem people using or dealing drugs
55.55 Moderate
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft
53.38 Moderate
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery
43.48 Moderate
Problem corruption and bribery
36.58 Low

Safety in Melbourne, Australia

Safety walking alone during daylight
72.38 High
Safety walking alone during night
43.06 Moderate

Contributors: 1122

Last update: March 2025

These data are based on perceptions of visitors of this website in the past 5 years.

If the value is 0, it means it is perceived as very low, and if the value is 100, it means it is perceived as very high.

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27 Comments so far
Anonymous on Mar 22, 2025:
You can no longer feel safe in more or less the entirety of metropolitan Melbourne. Knife/machete attacks have grown so common, there is at least 2 major incidents (against random people without reason) per week, and that's without mentioning the gang related shootings and fire-bombings. If you so happen to be a victim of one of these violent crimes, there's no guarantee emergency services will arrive on time to help you. Even if the perpetrators are caught, they WILL be let out on bail and won't be punished. I've never known somebody who hasn't been attacked at least once in their lives while minding their own business.

On an average day out however, expect to be verbally assaulted/threatened at least a few times a week. People love to fight, and will try anything they can to rile you up. On occasion, especially in the city center, homeless people/drug addicts are known to physically assault people at random, often by ramming into them while walking past.

Anybody who says "Melbourne is great, don't listen to anyone who criticizes it," are old rich people who haven't left their homes for anything other than work since 1975, and as such think Melbourne has been left unchanged since.
Anonymous on Mar 09, 2025:
Melbourne/Victorua justice system is soft! Repeat offenders are allowed out on bail, especially if they are under 18.

The number of incidents in the city, trains, buses and even inside the homes have massively increased.

The cost of living is ridiculously high and that has contributed for crime to rise.
Anonymous on Mar 09, 2025:
There is a massive rise in the number of home invasions by African refugees. They wield knives and machetes and enter homes when young families are sleeping.
6-5927 on Nov 11, 2024:
Whenever you walk on the street, you can see crazy people, shouting..smoking everywhere..even take dr**s…… Do not try to walk on the street or take public transport at night! Do not go to anywhere at West, North , South and Southeast
anonymous on Aug 31, 2024:
melbourne is a great city, it just depends where you are. no one cares that taylor swift didnt go outside, because that was bad timing and a few incidents. Don't worry; the people in these comments are alarmists and are so angry, yet posting on a numbeo comment sections and not doing anything about it in real life.
not sayin on May 30, 2024:
Melbourne is a dangerous place but as someone has already said that more people have come over the years and THEY might not be the people stabbing and stuff also GET A LIFE no one want to know how much YOU hate Melbourne they want recommendations of what suburb that they should move to.
Andrew on Feb 22, 2024:
Melbourne is very dangerous. Taylor Swift didn't even venture out during her visit, there had been a knife attack and shooting on the Princes Bridge only a few days before.
John on Jan 13, 2024:
Melbourne is a dump. Most Australian cities are dumps too. Melbourne is one of the biggest dumps in Australia. Melbourne has lots of crime violence drugs gangs anti social behaviour and homeless people. Knife crime and knife violence is especially very bad in Melbourne. There are lots of stabbings everyday in Melbourne and there has been a huge increase in stabbings in Melbourne. Random stabbings and stabbing sprees have become a lot more common in Melbourne too. Last year a man went a stabbing rampage and stabbed and wounded 4 people and just recently a man went on stabbing rampage and stabbed and wounded 5 people. There was also a disabled man that was stabbed to death in broad daylight as he walked to the shops. It was random and just recently a man was robbed and murdered on a street in broad daylight. Melbourne has gotten very bad and dangerous and Melbourne will keep getting worse and more dangerous.
crackle johnson on Aug 17, 2023:
bad news fellas i still haven't found the feet
Anonymous on Aug 03, 2023:
replying to 25 years in Melbourne.
the fact you can get charged for bashing a criminal is plain old stupid, you might be threatened of your life, and the fact you will get charged for saving your life. mega BRUH moment
keegan on Jul 18, 2023:
continued from previous comment (accidentally hit tab and posted instead of caps lock and you cant edit or delete comments here). It honestly depends on the area, what time it is and what sort of person you are. I have lived northern suburbs, south eastern suburbs, in the city and spent a lot of time hanging out in the western suburbs. Over that time someone tried to pinch my car unsuccessfully once and had a one little burglary. It happened at the same house in coburg; first and only time i left my car unlocked at night and when i went to go to work in the morning someone jammed the ignition with a screwdriver and hammer. The burglary was the same situation one of my flatmates left the front door unlocked when no one was home and someone came in stole the xbox and some beers (probably some kids). just lock your doors and car when you aren't around should be no problem. obviously like all cities, there are some areas if you are unfamiliar with, you probably shouldn't be wondering around by yourself in the early hours of the morning. If you are looking for trouble or associating with the wrong people violent crime does occur, but thats the same with city.
keegan on Jul 17, 2023:
been living in Melbourne for a good decade now. F
Kyle on Jul 06, 2023:
Earthquakes, home invasions, murders, fear and intimidation, what do people think when they move here. They aren’t. Seriously just leave.
25 years in Melbourne on Jun 04, 2023:
Been in Melbourne for 25 years and I can say it’s gotten worse now with crime especially after Covid. Stabbing have Rose 150% and vicpol did say there was 16,000 weapon offences recorded. That’s about the same as London but they don’t put it on the news regularly. Melbourne (16,427.5 incidents crime per 100,000. That’s fair more than lot of cities in the USA. As here your not allowed to bash a criminal if he/she entered your home otherwise you could get charged so that’s why criminals don’t care and they’re repeat offenders
Ank on Mar 21, 2023:
I've moved here from overseas and so far this is the most crime ridden city I've lived in, my place got robbed once, credit card stolen once, and multiple attempted scams. That's being a very careful person and staying in a "good" suburb. The worst thing is absolutely useless cops who won't show up for hours and hours unless it's a murder or something very violent where a person might get bashed to death. More tax should go towards police in this state, I was never the one pro-cops but this city needs it. Too many scumbags and drug users who couldn't care less.
Melbourne born and bred on Mar 12, 2023:
Correcting a typo from below post:
Even in wealthy suburbs like Hawthorn, Kew, Ivanhoe, Prahran, I do not feel safe walking home at night, especially not as a female. It's ok if you are male, or if you look like you are tough and can defend yourself, as you are less likely to be targeted.
Melbourne born and bred on Mar 12, 2023:
Ok I'm writing this post in response to many of the others below. Especially the very first post by someone who appears to have spent some time living in USA.

I lived in Melbourne for 40 years and it has definitely changed, got more over populated, and people are more busy and more desperate since the housing prices started becoming unaffordable. Once you've travelled to a few countries, you get a feeling for what "safety" really is. You can get used to a certain degree of crime and consider your city to be "safe", until you go to another country and realise that actually, Melbourne is not as safe as you think.

It's not a very safe city, but you're not as likely to get attacked in Melbourne like you might in other cities. Unless it is Friday or Saturday night where people get drunk and get into fights, that definitely happens a lot. So stay away from those people. I would not call Melbourne "dangerous", but some suburbs are dangerous and I avoid those suburbs. No matter where you go, even a rich suburb, you do keep in mind where your bag or backpack is at all times in case it gets stolen or your wallet or purse is taken, but if you are smart, educated and aware, you can have a life where none of these things happen to you. So it is relatively safe. Just don’t get confused and think it is like a safe little town in Western Europe, ok? In Melbourne there is more of a divide between rich and poor, more homelessness and poverty, and this will always lead to higher crime rates and safety issues, it's hard to avoid when the average house price is $1 Million dollars, which is the case in Melbourne. When the average yearly salary is somewhere around the $50-70K for an adult, often with university education, you can see why owning a house is now so hard.

Sure, Melbourne scores well on liveable city indexes, people definitely do not carry guns (thank goodness), but a few people carry knifes and weapons, and if you live in the right suburb, you might live your entire life without getting robbed. But on average I think everybody in this city has at least had their wallet quietly stolen from their handbag once. The key here, like any city, is to look at the safest and unsafest town or suburb. You're not just looking at the city centre where all the tourists go, you're also looking at the areas where people live, and it's a very big city that you need a car to travel in, so this should be taken into consideration. It takes 2 hours to drive from outer East to outer Western suburbs.

There are rich suburbs with less crime, and then, like any other city, there are suburbs where there are disadvantaged people, and often these areas tend to have people who are international and not native to the country - again, like any other city - and these areas are where the values of the people are going to be different because perhaps is a lack of cultural integration. And also cultural misunderstanding, different values and experiences, and not enough support for these people.

The unsafe suburbs change over time, but here is what I can tell you of my own knowledge. Unsafe suburbs where you are more likely to get mugged or have things taken from your car or home are probably going to be more commonly Melton, Broadmeadows, Frankston, Dandenong, and all of these above listed places' surrounding suburbs. Right now Melton is the one of the newer areas that houses are being built, it is very far away from the main part of Melb, so it is cheaper and it attracts disadvantaged people that are desperate and so the crime goes up. And this is for people of all cultures who live there - including "Australian" white people, who are commonly labelled here as "bogans". In America they would call them white trash or trailer trash. Got it? Generally the West, which is further away from the beaches and more industrial or lacking in infrastructure is where you will find disadvantaged areas too. The places along the coast where the beaches are, tend to have more money and less crime, but again, this is always changing. The beach is beautiful, so it's a popular place to live. Right now Frankston and Carrum are not really safe but they are near the beach and they are getting better slowly. But the population grows, more people want to live by the beach, and then the prices in the beach towns go up and the disadvantaged people move out. A process called gentrification. This is what happened to Black Rock and Beaumaris - 20 years ago they were very unsafe places, but now only dentists and surgeons live there because it is so expensive, so crime is not anywhere near as high in those areas any more.

You get my drift? In any city you can find pockets or areas of disadvantage, and this is where you won’t feel safe walking home at night alone. I can tell you that even in wealthy suburbs like Hawthorn, Kew, Ivanhoe, Prahran, I do not feel safe walking home at night, especially not as a female. It's ok if you are made, you are less likely to be targeted.

Melbourne is a generally safe city, but I've definitely seen much safer cities in Europe, so we cannot ignore the fact that there is an undertow of crime and problems that are not being managed, and I think that this is beging accurately reflected in the Numbeo statistics.

And finally, I think a very good measure of safety of a city, which perhaps Numbeo should measure somehow, is what is the youngest age that you think a child is safe to walk to and from school by themselves. In Melbourne, you'd say that maybe around the age of 13. And that's just walking to and from school. The children then stay home where they are safe. They do not walk to the shops by themselves at 13, maybe but not really, that's more for disadvantaged areas where the adults aren't taking proper care of their children. In any suburb, rich or poor, if you saw a child out in the town who was 9 or 10 years old and they were alone, you would check that they have an adult accompanying them, or you would be worried and ask them if they are ok. You wouldn't want a child that young walking around without an adult in Melbourne, as there is a worry they they could get kidnapped.
John Boston on Dec 07, 2022:
Safe city. I am always knocking down John Bostons in the local park late into the night and have never had a problem.
Faith Wilson on Aug 11, 2022:
I have no idea what is like I live in Brisbane but I know that it is really bad where I am I am a 14-year-old girl and there are people my age that is happy to go to the city and to the shops all on their own but I will no leave my house without having someone right next to me everywhere I go this is because I am way to scared because I see all those things on the news where teenager girls go missing or people getting killed. after watching all those things I am way too scared because what if that were to happen to me?
assjet on Jul 14, 2022:
too much crazy people that make here look like a madhouse.
Hamadul Ali on Jun 12, 2022:
Any home invader/burglar asks to be bashed up so hard that he cannot even stand up.
Breaking in & attacking residents calls for Taliban type laws.
Anonymous on Jun 11, 2022:
I never had break-ins until 5 years ago, 4 in 5 years and pretty much anything left outside not bolted down gone.
Anonymous on Sep 06, 2021:
Considering how many young women have been murdered in Melbourne and two terrorist attacks in the CBD this data is obviously rigged, notice how places in the North of the country score much higher yet they don't have monthly murders of young people or attacks on there citizens...
Anon on Jun 01, 2021:
Agreed with the comment below, I am actually leaving Victoria after 10 years and all my family keep experiencing is the Vic police and state revenue try to make out its the peoples fault, i am pretty sure we are being baited as a state to take vaccines first so that other states take the vaccine, but what is not fair is all the rules are following and we are still get crap results. Meanwhile in other states they are not taken action and somehow things go in their favor and the businesses are still going good in other states, except with all these lock downs in Victoria its really damaging a lot of people mentally and financially and it doesn't weigh out the best outcome considering we are a state that is doing " the most " about this pandemic, everyone is following all these rules yet we are failing makes me wonder if there is manipulation involved. This is all bait, we are used for the media agenda and its horrible. Im definitely leaving for good, and i know no offense don't mean to sound racist but most Indian's are very corrupt in Melbourne and are making deals with our commissioners and MP. I really can't believe such corruption exists and its ruining my quality of life and others that are trying to do the right thing, Victoria media is trying to scare everyone with lock downs and the town i live in is really damaged, most people closed everything down permanently, meanwhile everywhere else in other states i have traveled in that is supposed to get these so called " waves " are not experiencing damage. Bye Bye Victoria it was nice knowing you, im sick of all these false spread of rumors on what numbers we have and are always the blame, it doesn't make sense that every state that gets cases have it better under control then we do, yet the people there don't follow these rules, so what is going on? I been around every state and saw that no one was following covid safety and yet there is supposed to be a pandemic, i didn't see one when i was traveling, when you come back to Victoria the media says that there is a pandemic and we must do something about it, well i don't actually see it and they are scaring people. Everyone is doing everything here so tell me why we are getting false numbers? The tests can be tampered with so can the numbers, We may be used as bait.
Anonymous on Oct 27, 2020:
I don't get the comments talking about break ins, I never had a single one, and I was born here!
Person on Oct 23, 2020:
Melbourne is very safe. I don't know what the comments are talking about. LOVE MELBOURNE!!! Been living here since I was 2.
Korpus on Sep 09, 2020:
Don't listen to the alarmist comments below. Melbourne is one of the safest cities in the world which is why it scores highly in livibility indexes. The city's multiculturalism is one of its strengths. There is no city like it.