Crime in Oslo, Norway

Crime rates in Oslo, Norway

Level of crime
35.66 Low
Crime increasing in the past 5 years
61.02 High
Worries home broken and things stolen
25.68 Low
Worries being mugged or robbed
32.00 Low
Worries car stolen
21.38 Low
Worries things from car stolen
29.47 Low
Worries attacked
31.87 Low
Worries being insulted
32.66 Low
Worries being subject to a physical attack because of your skin color, ethnic origin, gender or religion
26.45 Low
Problem people using or dealing drugs
52.36 Moderate
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft
38.89 Low
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery
31.77 Low
Problem corruption and bribery
25.00 Low

Safety in Oslo, Norway

Safety walking alone during daylight
77.29 High
Safety walking alone during night
57.02 Moderate

Contributors: 486

Last update: February 2025

These data are based on perceptions of visitors of this website in the past 5 years.

If the value is 0, it means it is perceived as very low, and if the value is 100, it means it is perceived as very high.

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17 Comments so far
Anonymous on Mar 07, 2025:
I remember those cold and warm nights on public toilets accessed by credit cards with the Indian main train station boys and 5 kroner handjobs which they were selling is like it happened and it is not, like is real and is not. You know what I say.
Anonymous on Mar 03, 2025:
Yeah I have met the guy in the burka offering 50 kroner blowjob but I think he is Indian posing as muslim to get some government asylum or welfare or something or maybe it is someone else. It is hard to tell because there are so many street workers these days. When I walk from the Nationaltheatret to Akern brygge there is a never-ending line of them.
Anyway, the guy is stupid, I bought him kaffe og rundstykker i Narvesen for 39 kroner. And he doesn't even know that 39 kroner is less than 50 kroner. So I saved 11 kroner for myself for dinner and I bought potatoes because I am just a poor student.
Anonymous on Mar 03, 2025:
I got blowjob for 50 kroner from a man in burka, I thought it was a women but it turned out to be a man. He is some kind of muslim homo sexual pretending to be a girl. He is working on streets to raise the money for his family so they can all come here and work on streets too.
Anonymous on Feb 23, 2025:
I got a subscription from gypsy women near the city hall for 2 street blowjobs with 1 free just for 200 kroner. I think this is the best price you can get in the Oslo area.
Anonymous on Feb 18, 2025:
If you looking for a quick 100 kroner blowjob try gipsy beggar women in the city center, they smell like shlt but they are far cheaper than muslim whor es in Vestli.
Anonymous on Oct 30, 2024:
beautiful countryside? maybe American rich area or canada is better place.
Aisha Flowes on Jul 27, 2024:
I want to move here from the US. I definitely don’t believe that it’s as dangerous as some are making ut seem. I want an easy life with beautiful countryside for me and my pup. What’s the best and most affordable areas?
Anonymous on Mar 31, 2024:
Its an alright city altough a lot of stabbings, shootings and mass fights. Stay vigilant during nightime in weekends, other than that your most likely good. There are a few robberies and pickpocketing during day time.
can on Jan 02, 2024:
city center is pretty much safe, but got horrified with all the comments below, during daytime, it is a very much nice city, but during nights the amount of drunk teens and random immigrants popping up in every corner might be disrupting. because I never saw a police officer on the street once.
Erik on Apr 01, 2023:
olsson's comment is full of lies. You guys can clearly see its fake, the same as the other comment below olsson's comment. They gotta train at lying better.
Anonymous on Jul 13, 2022:
Oslo is quite safe compared to other big cities around the world and europe, common sense gets you far. The biggest problem would be to walk at night in some areas drunk especially as you might not see the situations clearly before to late, there is gangs and drug addicts and people been out partying taking some drug that might wanna start a fight for no reason etc, those situations is easily avoided by just taking a taxi from the club home etc..this is just a few areas thou and mostly the city is pretty safe even during night.

For the most part you probably would be fine walking throu those areas as well during night just passing throu, but why increase the odds for something bad happening, just avoid during night or take taxi.
Anonymous on Jun 25, 2022:
Pretty safe but shootings happen a lot in it.
East-side of Oslo on Jan 01, 2022:
There were 8 shootings I believe in the span of 2 months in Oslo, most of them occurring in the East-Side of Oslo. I am born & raised in Oslo, Norway. Gang violence and all-around violence is not the biggest problem here, but yet it still is a problem. Compering it to London, the crime rate is not that high, whereas London's crime rate is increasing drastically and relentlessly. Oslo East-Side is safe during the day, for the most part. Now for the nighttime in the city and etc, I would not be so sure. The crime rate percent has decreased a decent amount in the last decade, but the severity of brutal crimes is yet still increasing. Shootings and Stabbings is something that will happen no matter what, as the areas are majority full of immigrant residence, like myself.

Note: Please refrain from utilizing racial slurs on the forum post as it is unnecessary and it's derogatory. Keep the speech and comments friendly for the most part.
Farhad on Sep 06, 2021:
Oslo is still a relatively safe city but crime is increasing. We have had shooting and stabbings quite a lot the last few month. A lot of people are exaggerating here in the comments but a lot of people are naive and ignorant to the rise in crime.
Rune on May 23, 2021:
Born and raised in Oslo, lived here my entire life. I don't think I've ever felt unsafe, even once. You can walk down main street and back alleys drunk at 4am and it's fine. At least as a man, you don't really have to worry. As a woman you may want to worry about migrants. But I can't think of any place in Oslo that is unsafe. Especially the suburbs. There's so much exaggeration in these comments. Things also have not gotten worse in the past 3 years. That's just cognitive bias. Statistics show crime has gone down. But of course that's not the impression people get from the media, social media etc.
Anonymous on Oct 28, 2020:
Very safe, of course you need to distant from Africans and Arabs and you’ll be safe.
hansen on Oct 06, 2020:
Oslo is a very safe city. Take these data with a grain of salt. Just at night avoid the "ghetto style" neighborhoods, and apart from that, you are completely safe