Crime in Perth, Australia

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Crime rates in Perth, Australia

Level of crime
44.01 Moderate
Crime increasing in the past 5 years
63.91 High
Worries home broken and things stolen
40.60 Moderate
Worries being mugged or robbed
32.58 Low
Worries car stolen
29.96 Low
Worries things from car stolen
42.83 Moderate
Worries attacked
39.96 Low
Worries being insulted
42.65 Moderate
Worries being subject to a physical attack because of your skin color, ethnic origin, gender or religion
26.08 Low
Problem people using or dealing drugs
55.90 Moderate
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft
52.87 Moderate
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery
38.58 Low
Problem corruption and bribery
29.36 Low

Safety in Perth, Australia

Safety walking alone during daylight
75.15 High
Safety walking alone during night
41.98 Moderate

Contributors: 631

Last update: March 2025

These data are based on perceptions of visitors of this website in the past 5 years.

If the value is 0, it means it is perceived as very low, and if the value is 100, it means it is perceived as very high.

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21 Comments so far
neev chumble chumble on Feb 26, 2025:
Safe depending on where u go. Some areas are ridden with homeless and drugs, some areas are beautiful and super safe. It’s a real mixed bag but overall pretty good.
I see other people blaming immigrants on the crime, you are wrong, most immigrants are lovely. The crime is with the poor, no matter what race, it’s always the less educated and the less wealthy that cause problems.
Kamal Hassan on Aug 16, 2024:
Cool city but I have a problem with people doing drugs at night time and when I drive my car they may try to attack me.
no diversity on Jun 06, 2024:
As always, it's the diversity and their beliefs who are the problem with knives. it's the English who built Perth and keep it going .So many Pot smokers/drinkers who are on Centrelink. glad we voted NO because of the crime. don't send your kids to commie Universities or immigration enabler TAFE .
Perth Ozzy on Apr 06, 2024:
Too many English. With that the usual violence and alcohol that come with the British culture. A second wave of English invaders imigrating to Perth. SAD.
Anonymous on Mar 11, 2024:
Perth is OK. Still dull. Still too many English immigrants and still highly racist.
Working here is pretty backwards in terms of management across most sectors. Living north of the river is better than south. By the coast is expensive. Car is king, public transport is crap. Look up red suburb for crime rates. Never had a problem personally so long as you are assertive. But it's dull as fk.
Bustaman Bahrin Ali on Apr 03, 2023:
Perpetual violent trouble causing males deserve to be publicly flogged, have their hands smashed up or chopped off as they refuse to learn otherwise. If a rifle is available, bring it down full force on the troublemaker's head & face. Last resort should all else fail is to take aim at his genitals! And his legs.
Anonymous on Jan 10, 2023:
It is safe depending on the suburb the comment section is exaggerating
W John Skiggs on Dec 13, 2022:
Education is good enough to be reckoned "shockingly-good" arriving from the UK at age 30, 50 years ago and seeing chirpy primary school children taking lessons under the trees left a very very positive impression. Drugs; certainly not visible on the streets in the western suburbs, I'm surprised at the question. Healthcare, in WA very greatly assisted by large numbers of people like me who use non-profit private health insurance. Instance; I was two nights in hospital with two generations of thrombosis on the lungs, all paid for by the government, (Including lung scans being done at 2-30am in the morning), the ambulance to the hospital cost $495 and although covered by my private health insurance; I think there were three layers of government departments who wanted to pay for it?.. The latitude of Perth WA transposed to the northern hemisphere would equal Marrakesh in Morocco or Tijuana in Mexico, so frost and ice are no part of our cities yearly cycle. We have "very-long" springs and autumns, with a few weeks of sometimes very hot dry days during summer with happily very cold winds off the desert at night. Our winter is very much a pretend winter, our Met office promises rain but-but-but we typically get uplifting blue skies, the rain in the cities dams goes mostly eastward toward Kalgoorlie, the city uses groundwater which is clear and sweet, with some water from desalinaters. I read we have the only warm water ocean current in the southern hemisphere, surf is fair/ok in the metropolitan area and world-class an hour's drive south. For windsurfing and kiting the whole coastline is world-class; The sun rising in the east heats the desert and we have strong easterlies in the morning, followed by an equally strong SW-seabreeze which cools the city. The national level of aggression in Australia is moderate/low and especially low in Western Australia...
John Smith on Nov 26, 2022:
Second Amendment! Stop being a sheep and buy yourself a gun to shoot any terrorist, law breaker or anyone you might not agree with to Make Australia Great Again. Do your own research!
Kyun Park Sin on Aug 26, 2022:
Under Kim Jong Un, criminals, law breakers & trouble makers are generally shot by the army or the police.
Or forced to undergo brutal torture.
Kadir bin Yusop on Aug 24, 2022:
Men demanding money with threats to harm & injure ?
Taliban tactics are about the best for them. Even ISIS torture methods work just as well.
Zamali bin Tuban on Aug 12, 2022:
Heath Thomas Wynne has the intelligence level below that of a chimpanzee. Only public flogging with cutting off his hands
will turn him away from breaking into homes & stealing.
Azdapat Ramli on Jun 25, 2022:
Heath Thomas Wynne will be squaring up with the notorious Bradley Pendragon as both are "experts in their fields !"
Bradley can pump up Heath from behind while Heath does a blowjob on Bradley !
Perpaduan bin Rahman on Jun 19, 2022:
That Atwell woman will be suffering trauma for a long time along with serious injuries to her face. She was attacked in her own home for nothing while Heath Thomas Wynne robbed her house. All too common & appears to be getting worse. The Saudi Law is the best law for persons like Heath Thomas Wynne. Cut off both his hands for what he did to that woman plus robbing her house. Torture Heath brutally until he cannot even stand up. Heath will learn from this. Burn his genitals if the need be. Or, if not, then jail him up until he is 80.
Abdul Haman Bukhari on Jun 16, 2022:
Yet another violent home invasion & attacks on a lone woman by offenders who deserve the death penalty or brutal torture.
Violence towards women is NOT accepted & we have Aboriginal males that attacked, seriously injured & robbed a woman in Halcyon Way, Atwell. Machine gun these offenders as that will put a stop to further offending.
Sandy on May 02, 2022:
Once my house was broken into by a drunk man. In the city there can be fights and drugs. But its safer then alot of other cities :0
Simone on Jan 12, 2022:
You would have to be a vety brave person to live in armDale or gosnells.
Simone on Jan 12, 2022:
According to crime stats i was suprised at some of the safer versus non safer suburbs . sadly you arent safe anywhere after a certain time of the night .according to stats some safest suburbs areas follows:daglish, floreat, joondalup, greenwood, warwick, leeming , dalkeith, city beach,hillarys,burns beach, auburn grove, subiaco and karrinyup. (Some ) of the unsafest suburbs are armadale , midland , freo, perth city, karawara, cannington, balga, dianella( was suprised here) south perth , belmont, rockingham and mandurah (assaults as opposed to breakins). If your on a bifdget bes
Anonymous on Jul 25, 2021:
Depends where you go, generally if your in the suburbs it's fairly safe as long as you use common sense and stay away from dodgy people. Only go to the busy places in the city or people where there are lots of people around. There are lots of dodgy people around the quite streets of Perth, especially at night.
John on Apr 10, 2021:
Perth is a hole. Perth is full of crime violence drugs gangs anti social behaviour graffiti vandalism and homeless people. It has gotten very bad. There are a lot of angry violent aggressive people here and there are a lot of meth addicts here and there are a lot of homeless people here. Everytime I go out here I have to constantly be on guard and I have to constantly watch my back. It is not a good city to live in and it is not a safe city to live in. I don't want to raise my children here. When I can I am going to immigrate and go live in Tokyo Japan with my future wife and children and I will live there with my future wife and children and I will raise my children there.
Hamadul on Jan 08, 2021:
The New Year has just begun & a 90 year old couple in South Lake had their power turned off before 3 teen thugs broke in, bashed the elderly couple & robbed them. Old & frail, what chance did the couple have against their attackers ? Rather than call the attack cowardly, brazen, disgusting etc.etc., those 3 perpetrators ought to be bashed up & have their fingers broken for attacking that aged & frail couple.