Crime in Porto Alegre, Brazil

Crime rates in Porto Alegre, Brazil

Level of crime
84.51 Very High
Crime increasing in the past 5 years
74.87 High
Worries home broken and things stolen
54.96 Moderate
Worries being mugged or robbed
81.91 Very High
Worries car stolen
77.46 High
Worries things from car stolen
75.32 High
Worries attacked
61.63 High
Worries being insulted
39.30 Low
Worries being subject to a physical attack because of your skin color, ethnic origin, gender or religion
20.03 Low
Problem people using or dealing drugs
71.79 High
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft
77.12 High
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery
85.38 Very High
Problem corruption and bribery
83.47 Very High

Safety in Porto Alegre, Brazil

Safety walking alone during daylight
40.05 Moderate
Safety walking alone during night
14.03 Very Low

Contributors: 392

Last update: February 2025

These data are based on perceptions of visitors of this website in the past 5 years.

If the value is 0, it means it is perceived as very low, and if the value is 100, it means it is perceived as very high.

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5 Comments so far
Schimid on Oct 11, 2024:
Porto Alegre melhorou no quesito segurança publica, porém, alugar um imóvel tornou-se algo caríssimo, consumindo quase toda a sua renda de empregado, seja do setor público ou privado. Salários baixos e custo de vida bastante desproporcional.
portoalegrezian on Jul 09, 2023:
not very safe but no very dangerous too. porto alegre is safer than sao paulo, rio de janeiro and belo horizonte.
Andy on Nov 20, 2022:
There are good and bad parts to the city. It is not a war zone in general, maybe it is in some areas, like in ALL big cities. Porto Alegre is as a city quite attractive with many parks and green spaces. Nice cafes etc etc. However, Downtown Centro is bad, especially at night. Do not go there at night if you do not need to. If you do need to, do not go alone. I do not feel safe there, even during the day. You have to be careful with taxi drivers. They will rip you off if they can and take a few streets extra to earn a bit more cash. Do not stop at traffic lights at night in Centro areas and around the bus station as it is very dangerous. You should always be on high alert in the city center. When getting out of a car you always have to look if someone is coming at you. They appear quickly and aggressively, so be aware. Keep your doors locked. When you have nothing to lose, then many people here will kill you without even thinking about it. They´d get three meals and a bed and would be happy. In general we go about our daily lives and nothing happens. But as with all cities, especially here in Brazil, you have to be always on alert. Walk quickly to where you need to go. Do not go out at night on your own if possible.
Marcos Ted on Jun 04, 2022:
This city is a fu**ing war zone. Most of the people who can afford are moving to nearby cities, like florianopolis, curitiba, Londrina, joinville there are much more safe. Uber drivers I met have told me they are afraid to pick up the phone in the streets because some thug will snatch and run. I've been there and it's much worse than Rio de Janeiro, because the mainly problem in Porto Alegre, apart from drug dealing is theft and mostly robberies, mostly happening in broad they light, they don't even care anymore. The streets could be crowded, thugs will commit mass robberies ( the famous "arrastão") just type this word along with the city name and you will see how crazy and desgraceful it is to live in this dump. Do not recommend to walk at anywhere, neither during day or at night
Lucas on Nov 06, 2020:
I don't feel safe walking on the streets. Mugging is really really common here. When I go out, I put my good cellphone in my underwear and leave an old one in my pocket, just in case.