Crime in San Francisco, CA, United States

Crime rates in San Francisco, CA, United States

Level of crime
69.07 High
Crime increasing in the past 5 years
76.13 High
Worries home broken and things stolen
52.71 Moderate
Worries being mugged or robbed
55.46 Moderate
Worries car stolen
55.31 Moderate
Worries things from car stolen
77.86 High
Worries attacked
55.37 Moderate
Worries being insulted
63.69 High
Worries being subject to a physical attack because of your skin color, ethnic origin, gender or religion
35.71 Low
Problem people using or dealing drugs
79.01 High
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft
76.13 High
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery
57.99 Moderate
Problem corruption and bribery
47.46 Moderate

Safety in San Francisco, CA, United States

Safety walking alone during daylight
64.04 High
Safety walking alone during night
34.30 Low

Contributors: 354

Last update: March 2025

These data are based on perceptions of visitors of this website in the past 5 years.

If the value is 0, it means it is perceived as very low, and if the value is 100, it means it is perceived as very high.

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8 Comments so far
Petr on Nov 14, 2023:
Near City Lights Bookstore, some robbers pointed guns to Czech Journalists and stoled them camera and other tools for $20 000. This city is cursed.
Jim on May 21, 2023:
This is a San Francisco resident of 30 years. The city has steadily gotten safer and safer over the entire time that I have been here and this is borne out in the crime statistics including murder. I was robbed once at gunpoint 30 years ago and have had nothing like that happen since. I go out at night to bars and restaurants and theatres. Less than I used to but I still go out.

Certain parts of town like the Tenderloin and parts of SOMA (near 6th street) are dangerous at night and I avoid them. There are also a lot of homeless and drug addicts there.

But overwhelmingly the city is safe, clean and wonderful to live or visit. Get off Fox News and come see for yourself.
Miguel on Mar 18, 2023:
Resident of San Francisco since 1985
San Francisco Firefighter since 1993

The City has changed considerably over the last 10 years. Narcotic usage in the open (street) is common place in several neighborhoods. Particularly, the Tenderloin, South of Market/SOMA, Mission District, Haight Ashbury... This is due to local government policies such as free needles and City sponsored "shoot-up" centers. San Francisco allows such controlled substance use without much oversight.

Robbery and vandalism. You cannot park in parts of the City without having to worry about your car being broken into and searched for items. These are no longer just opportunist. These heists are now organized where the goods stolen are actually sold to a middleman (middle-person). These items eventually end up on the internet for sale or at a flea market booth. Even if you leave your items in the truck, the thieves will still lower the backseat to look into the trunk for luggage or other items.

Assaults and robberies. You can be assaulted in most areas of San Francisco. Usually by a few individuals. These things typically happen in the evening or later. But it can also happen early in the day before the streets are busier with commuters.

Home break-in or invasion. There are many home break-ins in SF. Lots of prowlers and also package thieves.

Urban Campers. As you travel through SF you will see RVs, motor homes, old school buses and "bobtail" trucks parked in many areas of the City. The reason they are there is because the City refuses to enforce any vagrancy laws to people that live in vehicles. It doesn't matter that the vehicles are parked in the same spot for months. It doesn't matter if they are parked in residential neighborhoods. The City will not enforce parking infractions even though it impedes on traffic or pedestrian safety. I know this from personal experience when calling the 311 Cityline and explaining a situation.

Homelessness is rampant in many parts of the City. Tents are pitched in Golden Gate Park, underneath freeways, parking lots and in front of small business doorways. Defecation on the street or in shrubbery anywhere there are homeless encampments. Parts of the City are so bad that the City has an actual team of human fece cleaners. They also have a team that responds to City sponsored needles left on the street.

San Francisco is a beautiful City and it located in a magical part of the State. But, you dot have to look too closely to see that the City is failing and falling into demise.
Anonymous on Sep 23, 2022:
Lived in SF (nice neighborhoods only) for 15 years. Tourists are targeted for theft... backpack, purse, phone. Saw a guy break a car window while the driver was at a red light in broad daylight then jump into a getaway car. Not just once, seen that many times over the years. Visit SF you and u will leave with less than you arrived.
FogBelt Baby on Jun 05, 2022:
I was raised in Palo Alto and moved to the Richmond district in 1979 right after college. (I also lived in Los Angeles for 3 years and earned my graduate degree in Dublin, Ireland, from 1993-96). this is a very "middle-class" quiet, area of families on the west side, near Golden Gate Park and the ocean. My friends said it was "boring" -- it is the FOGGY side of town. But I lived here as a single woman--most of the time I lived alone -- until 2015, when I married at age 58. I ran in Golden Gate Park and the Presidio, ran and walked at Ocean and Baker beaches, went to concerts and clubs, movies, restaurants -- often alone. I wasn't stupid -- at night, I never carried a purse (which is what thieves target), didn't wear high heels or dress to get sexual attention that I didn't seek. I never had a problem -- having said that, I'm 5'10" and fit and I suppose there are easier "marks." I have loved my neighborhood, still run in GGPark 5 or 6 days a week -- but now that I can work remotely, I have only gone downtown 3x in the last 2.5 years. It is SICKENING. It BREAKS MY HEART -- my gorgeous city! Homeless encampments all over the MAIN business street of the city, clearly mentally ill people, drug addicts everywhere. Even in my sweet, safe (boring!) neighborhood, for the first time in my life (and I've been here 43 years!) I am starting to feel a bit...uncomfortable. TOO MANY crazy people everywhere. We seem to be being held hostage by our tradition of tolerance, which i have loved all my life. But the people who pay the taxes and make this city work are now having our lives totally ruined by this! I don't know what the answer is -- but I tell people who want to come on vacation, not to. Our city depends on tourism and conventions -- but I would NOT recommend friends or family to spend their money -- and this city is EXPENSIVE -- to come here at this time.
Anonymous on Dec 25, 2021:
leftist run cities wont take care of their own

so they pit people against people

race against race

to further their chinesevirus takover
SFer on Jun 19, 2021:
Lived in SF 20 years. Entire adult life. All my 20’s spent going out (often until 3am in the Mission) spent time living in many neighborhoods. Now in 2021 its a rich techy playground.

Yes, there are a crazy number of car break-ins. Vandalism. And HUGE homeless population. But you dont need a car there. And well, avoid the homeless camps! Its sad, yes, they are everywhere now, but if you ignore them, dont engage, they dont bug you. Be street smart. You can see/smell the homeless from a mile away. I never found them to be aggressive with me.

Its a city... and you need to have common sense (like no dont hang out in Bayview/Hunters Point, or under freeway underpass unless you are seeking out crack dealers) Certain parts of Tenderloin, Civic center, & Outer Mission are to be avoided. But overall, Ive never felt unsafe or in danger. And Im female.

Ive also lived in Bangkok & Paris. Honestly Paris feels much more unsafe as a woman. With the illegal Arab/immigrant gangs & kid pickpockets everywhere. You must have steel security doors because the number of break-ins. The Metro is ridiculous with pickpockets, even for locals (and police there wont help you!! ) In August, everyone gets their house robbed. Yeah, there arent even guns in France like the US but i feel so much safer in SF.
Anonymous on Oct 06, 2020:
If you go to the mission district at night or in the evening, you are asking for trouble. As what an anon said 3 years ago, avoid the homeless. At night, it is best to stay inside.