Crime in Stockholm, Sweden

Crime rates in Stockholm, Sweden

Level of crime
52.55 Moderate
Crime increasing in the past 5 years
71.49 High
Worries home broken and things stolen
39.38 Low
Worries being mugged or robbed
44.50 Moderate
Worries car stolen
34.92 Low
Worries things from car stolen
43.67 Moderate
Worries attacked
45.57 Moderate
Worries being insulted
42.48 Moderate
Worries being subject to a physical attack because of your skin color, ethnic origin, gender or religion
38.15 Low
Problem people using or dealing drugs
51.40 Moderate
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft
52.73 Moderate
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery
49.69 Moderate
Problem corruption and bribery
31.88 Low

Safety in Stockholm, Sweden

Safety walking alone during daylight
68.30 High
Safety walking alone during night
46.26 Moderate

Contributors: 798

Last update: March 2025

These data are based on perceptions of visitors of this website in the past 5 years.

If the value is 0, it means it is perceived as very low, and if the value is 100, it means it is perceived as very high.

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44 Comments so far
Anonymous on Feb 02, 2025:
If weapons were legal, this wouldnt happen, taking guns away from non criminal people, only increases criminal power.
Edvin on Jan 29, 2025:
Who is told you the Stockholm is the safe place are liars. There are currently 30 explosions all over sweden, 6 of which happened today! Do you really think its worth living here after that and will you convince yourself that its safe here?!

If you want to visit the scandinavians, its better to visit finland or norway, sweden is too dangerous now, thats all.
Tristan on Dec 20, 2024:
Theres a lot of immigrants from africa and pakistan. There a wild gang war here. Better not live here, i know the truth and thats crazy.
Asian on Oct 16, 2024:
West people are dumb
China Japan Korea Vietnam Singapore indonesia is more safer place.
Alex on Jun 08, 2024:
@Tiago,Such a stupid comment.Stockholm is among the most dangerouys cities in the nordics.Rapes,gangs and ect.
g man on May 27, 2024:
I agree, it used to be: "As long as you're not involved with any gangs you should be fine."

Now it is: "Stockholm is a safe city, keep yourself in the inner city (kungsholmen, norrmalm, södermalm, östermalm) and you will not have any troubles."

What is it going to be in the next years?
Anonymous on May 25, 2024:
did anyone else notice swedes trying to ignore the scale of the problem? i swear in every thread or comment section i see some swede saying their crime isn’t bad - because it happens in north of stockholm or that’s comparing it to south africa the crime isn’t that bad. What is wrong with you people? It feels like you’d rather ignore the problem than facing a slightest chance of even being called racist when speaking about it.
F on May 19, 2024:
Stockholm is a safe city, keep yourself in the inner city (kungsholmen, norrmalm, södermalm, östermalm) and you will not have any troubles.
Objective Dutch Guy on Apr 27, 2024:
You have to be a moron to not understand why Sweden crime rate is so high. High level of immigration is ruining this country and culture with it. Estimates say Sweden will be 20% muslim under medium migrations scenario and 30% muslim by high migrations scenario in 2050! It takes hundreds of years to build and get a civilized culture, but leftist policies are ruining a stable and beautiful country. It's a shame.
Anonymous on Jan 05, 2024:
No way that people think that the crime here has lessened because the goverment changed. There is no difference and gang violence is still bad. Though its worse in Uppsala etc.
Anonymous on Oct 12, 2023:
''Sweden is the 2nd most dangerous country in europe''. Probably a stat from 2019, so find 2023 stats.
Anonymous on Oct 04, 2023:
According to euro stat sweden is the 2nd most dangerous country in europe, better update the stats here.
Anonymous on Sep 28, 2023:
The prime minister, Ulf Kristersson held a speech about the seriousness of violence and crime present in Sweden. "Sweden has never seen anything like it before."

But hey, perhaps she is just reflecting on "the attitudes to immigration rather than actual crime stats." Or maybe Expressen is just bias newspaper. Or or, maybe Sweden just has crime like any other country but still better than USA? I know right?
Anonymous on Sep 01, 2023:
Lol, the crime in sweden was a trend 2 years ago, during the Socialist rule.
gman on Aug 16, 2023:
Organized crime and homicide affects normal people only indirectly, mostly causing fear. There are other symptoms that are more direct. Street harrassment, knife crime, robbery, rapes, threatening presence. Unfortunately, Sweden is so busy dealing with gang violence that less serious crime don't even show in the news anymore. According to statistics, the police can only solve 20% of the gun related crimes. So, when you have 80% chance of getting away with shooting from a car window, what are the chances of solving if a loose teenager gang stabs you because you disrespected them? The defenders of swedish crime think that shooting is normal big city thing, when other countries have not even gotten to knife carrying stage.
Anonymous on Aug 09, 2023:
Note: Yes, organized crime has increased somewhat in the last decade but, as a rule, the crimes related to their activities do not affect ordinary people and especially not tourists. Sweden's homicide rate is still 1.1 per 100,000. Compare this to the US: 6.8; Canada: 2.8; UK: 1.1; France: 1.3; Germany: 0.8. Sweden's level of crime is pretty average for Europe. The ratings here is more a reflection of the attitudes to immigration rather than actual crime stats.
Anonymous on Jul 30, 2023:
The immigrants from different middle Eastern countries made it unsafe since there is shooting and crimes have increased alot
LivinginStockholm on Jul 24, 2023:
Ive lived in Stockholm almost whole my life. No one recognizes Stockholm anymore, its very unsafe. Teenagers get robbed and stabbed, and there are shootings where people get killed each week. Its unsafe on evening even on the central streets with suburb-immigrants walking around selling drugs and fighting each other.
Anonymous on May 03, 2023:
Instead of judging Stockholm by these absurd comments and ratings people have left (people really want Sweden to appear like a crime-ridden hellhole for whatever reason), I suggest you go look at some actual crime statistics instead. All such data is publicly available for anyone to read through.
Anonymous on Jan 27, 2023:
that comment made by an anonymous user on Jan 01 2023 is an example of fake news. Muggling and robbing is extremely rare. And a why would a lawyer also get shot while leaving the court. And even the news hasnt reported this.
Anonymous on Jan 01, 2023:
My fiancé was mugged beaten and robbed by three thugs while he was walking across the street to a store by the airport, they beat him stole everything!
His lawyer that he had to get was leaving court same thing robbed, beaten and shot!
Sweden is not safe at all! I really wanted to visit sweden hearing it’s a beautiful place. Not no more! I have a better chance in Milwaukee to walk down a street and not get mugged/ robbed or beaten or shot.
Sounds like the thugs run Stockholm not the police or the government!
Anonymous on Apr 21, 2022:
Don't mind me, I'm just a conspiracy theorist and racist sharing my latest propaganda.

I'm sure it's safer than most cities in USA and South America.
Robert Maier on Jan 19, 2022:
Visited Stockholm last Summer and never felt unsafe. It may have a high crime by scandinavian standarts but I am Sure it's saver than most cities in the USA.
Anonymous on Dec 09, 2021:
Daisy, so calling out delinquent middle eastern youths who form gangs, harass shop owners and catcall women on the street is "conspiracy theorists and racists"??? haha having lived in both Austria and Sweden I can tell you that any major city in Austria would be a whole magnitude safer...
Zeera on Oct 22, 2021:
Biggest artist in Sweden killed today he was only 19 years old smh rip einar. Numbeo stats are pretty Fake Stockholm has more homicides then nearly all of these top 10 most dangerous cities by numbeo smh
Anonymous on Sep 19, 2021:
I've been living all over Europe. The stats on numbeo have been quite accurate for general guideline. For Sweden there seem to be some kind of defensive attitude or unwillingness to see how things are and to accept the statistics.

It's a sort of blue eyed idealism that Swedish people have in regards to the world.
Daisy on Sep 19, 2021:
It is incredibly clear that the stats for Sweden's cities are being heavily rigged by conspiracy theorists and racists despite how little crime the country actually has.
Anonyme on Apr 24, 2021:
Sweden in general was one of the safest countries in the world, especially in the sixties, seventies and eighties until the late nineties at the latest, and the situation this country reached now is very dire.

The situation of Sweden and other First World countries that have been severely affected by the encroachment of Islamic immigration looks very bad if we do not say that these countries are marching to the brink of the abyss.

I believe that what is happening now is the result of the war between the Christian Western civilization represented by Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy and the contemporary global Jewish civilization that called for the decadence and creative chaos represented by the Jews, Israel and the United States, France and the United Kingdom in particular, and with the terrible defeat Christian civilization suffered. Western. Here are the countries of the Christian West today paying a heavy price as a result of the defeat of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy in the Second World War, and in the name of democracy, tolerance, rejection of racism, acceptance of difference and coexistence, the Jews winners in the WW2 enacted laws to suppress Western Christian peoples and brought Muslims as inmigrants
To western christian countrys for destroy the western Christian civilization.

And the Jews openly declare it, the fall of the Western Christian civilization is good news for them because it will accelerate the emergence of the Antichrist and the application of the new world order.

And one of the French rabbis said that there will come a day when Muslims will go out to slaughter the Europeans.
Martin on Mar 09, 2021:
Oh yeah, let's compare Sweden with the worst places on earth and use that as a guideline as to how safe it is.
To say it's still better than Rio or the worst places in the US is a very destructive way of looking at it.

Sweden was one of the safest countries on the planet - which clearly isn't the case today.
The direction in which the country is going is everything else then good!

Or are we simply going to be happy as long as it hasn't turned into Mexico? what a bullshit argument
Johan Stockholm on Feb 06, 2021:
Stockholm is definitely on slippery plane when it comes to safety and crime. And you will not recignize the city as it used to be. The total mass immigration by mostly muslims from Africa and middle eastern countries have totally changed the demographic of also the inner city. Africans, arabs and afghans in larger groups have totally made the city into a place to avoid after working hours.

Thank your left liberal politician for the devastation.
M on Jan 10, 2021:
Just want to say, to any normal people visiting this page: Stockholm is very safe for any tourist. The bitching in these comments is purely political. The crime-ridden areas are extremely easy to avoid, especially since there is nothing interesting there to see. You will be as safe here as anywhere else. These stats, and these comments, are just politics.
Kevin Morgan on Jan 04, 2021:
Come now, G Man, don't be intellectually dishonest. A previous poster wrote: "Coming from South America and have been lived in Stockholm for 1.5 years now, I can tell that that I don't feel safe in Stockholm.".

Another commenter wrote to not come to Sweden because of how dangerous it is! Your sources of "daily mail" and Danish source aren't reputable and facts > Feelings.

That is a ridiculous comment on and of itself.

"Try to move to Rinkeby and have your kids study in those schools"

While I understand your intended point any reader must view this from the lens you proffered. Crime even in the deepest of Rinkeby night pales in comparison to the majority of US cities. The "bad areas" of any US city are multiples worse than anywhere in Sweden.

I lived in Memphis, a city of 600k people that had almost as many murders as the entirety of Sweden in a single year. Your fearmongering is absolutely dishonest.

My wife lived in Rio de Janeiro and her company had to pay $3000 a month for private bodyguards. Pretending Sweden is anywhere close to LATAM is a farcical lie by the SD.

I had an SD tell me that Sweden was more dangerous than the Middle East. Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran? Such sad lies.

As for Rinkeby give me a break, you are simply projecting and have never lived there yourself. I have been there numerous times day and night with my family because, unlike SD members, I have friends of different cultures and socioeconomic classes.

At the end of the day: Yes, some Swedes are scared because crime has risen beyond their own comfort zone. That is a fact. It is not a dangerous country in the least, despite what the commenters try to say.
G man on Jan 03, 2021:
You should compare Sweden to other similarly small and scarcely populated countries. US and latin America is completely different case. It comes down to what people are used to, Swedish people are certainly not used to the crime Sweden has today. The police doesn't have tools to deal with the new gangs.

In addition, immigrant crimes are happening mostly in the suburbs where housing is cheaper. Money can shield you from reality. Try to move to Rinkeby and have your kids study in those schools.

Some readings
Kevin Morgan on Jan 03, 2021:
I see all of these silly comments about how dangerous Sweden is. On the list of most dangerous countries in the world, spanning 163 countries, Sweden is at 143. Only Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland and a few Nordic countries are above it. Norway is below it.

When looking at Crime, Sweden is well below dangerous countries and definitely below the US. The numbers there are skewed because Sweden actually counts non-confirmed assaults in the record while the US can't figure out how to report. I have lived in Stockholm Centrum, Gothenburg Centrum, and Helsingborg Centrum. The first two are cities with Metro areas in the multi-million and my 9-12 year old child, like many other children, walks to school, takes the subway, takes the buses... alone. Many 1st-2nd grade children walk alone.

I would never feel the same safety in many European countries, nor in the US, which I lived for 35+ years.

Has crime got worse in Sweden in the last 20 years? Sure, I definitely could agree with that premise. But you are talking about a country with 10 million people that has a murder rate less than half of almost any US city, that has violent crime rates well below any major city. Germany is multiples higher.

Someone below said: "Coming from South America and have been lived in Stockholm for 1.5 years now, I can tell that that I don't feel safe in Stockholm. I came from a violent country to work here expecting to have some peace and, unfortunatelly, I don't feel safe here either."

Which is absolute bs, most South American countries have massive travel warnings due to extreme violence. Latin America is the worlds most DANGEROUS REGION. For someone to say they feel unsafe in Stockholm, where children walk around eating ice cream by themselves in the dark of morning, is pathetically manipulative lying.

Most of the comments below are from Sweden Democrats (not to be confused with Social Democrats). There is a good comedy sketch on youtube that shows an SD walking around, someone bumps into them and they realize it is an immigrant so they go home and angrily type massive messages and comments about how the country is overrun, someone crosses the street at a red turn signal (a thing all stockholmare do) but they are an immigrant... again, goes home angrily ranting on internet, someone walks to the front of a cue to give his wife an orange they forgot... but it is an immigrant so he throws his hands up in disgust and runs home to type an angry rant...

That is what you see below in this comment thread. The angry ranting of people who are unable to fully explain their anger and pain.

When I arrived in Sweden and Gothenburg, I remember an older middle-aged bald Sven telling me: Don't go to this area at night though, it is very dangerous. I laughed, having just left Detroit, and did indeed come out at night on a weekend. There were party revelers, immigrant and non-immigrant, there were families, there were people out trying to buy last minute milk. There was a sketchy guy against a wall who turned out to be an ICA worker huddled up against the cold catching a smoke break.

Sure, you can always see something bad in anything and Sweden is not crime-free, but to quote one of the best written articles on the subject:

"Gur says that 20 years ago, Sweden had just three residential areas where significant numbers of citizens did not work and did not have access to good schools — the indispensable instrument of social mobility in Sweden’s high-tech economy. That number, he says, has now reached 186. I visited several of these areas in Malmo, and they looked vastly cleaner, smaller, and safer than any American inner city. But for Sweden, it’s something new, and troubling."
Anonymous on Dec 30, 2020:
Will you remain silent on this bad situation ???

The European Union must be brought down until European countries regain their sovereignty again, amend their laws and expel Muslims from their lands even if they are forced to use armies and live ammunition.
Krille Krille on Dec 17, 2020:
Sweden is the new ghetto in the Nordic countries. In 5-8 years the left destroyed Sweden totally. In 2 years 300m from my apartment near city. 4 rapes, 3 robbings, one with an axe. Three days ago a stopped a burglar going in to my neighbor home. Once three Easterners tried to take my dog, had to fight them off. Visit Norway and Finland and be safe or do like Tourists in South Africa, dont be out after 20.00, 0800pm.
Anonymous on Nov 29, 2020:
As an expat from Turkey, I have been raised by my family as a social democrat, leftist person who really doesnt have single piece of religion in it. I have always appreciated European morals like equalism, englightenment so on. But on the other side I am pretty much sure that there some ideologies on earth that you can not treat, cure or even negotiate with. Islam for that sence, ıs a true definition of cancer. You can not educate. It is the religion of spread, invasion, conquer. They (even moderates) will never fully grasp the idea of gender-equality. They approach being in Sweden as economic-jihad. What I have been observing in Sweden/EU is you should have prevent two critical wars: War on Iraq and more recently in Syria. But now time is really ticking considering the fact that Erdogan is threatening EU, getting more control in Libya and so on. I myself an expat and I am against of migration in general. But I am clearly against of irregular/massive/islamist migration which already effecting my home country Turkey where there is almost no border control for the Afghan/Iran migrants. This is not something that could go forever. Another narrative is that when this issues are spoken vocally, it is supressed in the name of racism/islamophobia. But there is no such thing called islamophobia. It is already a cover generated by jihadist to block all these discussion.Let me be direct: No mercy to islam.
Anonymous on Oct 28, 2020:
I’ll move to Norway because there are too many Africans monkeys here
Sweidhs elk on Oct 23, 2020:
I live in Sverige it cool. In my area nothing has happend.
Anonymous on Oct 21, 2020:
Stockholm has degenerated over the last 20 years. Crimes increasing, especially accelerating after 2014 when a massive inflow of beggers from East Europe, that now occupy entrance to shops everywhere. This has been followed by international burglar gangs. Got both my car once and my appartment 3 times broken into. And I live in a supposedly safe neighbourhood. A collegue was assulted and got his car stolen at the nearby gas station. Besides these incidents that we are slowly geting usel to, it is a very beutiful area. Lots of green areas and Water, low pollution. Although littering is becoming a problem due to immigration from other cultures that do think that waste can be left anywhere. Healthcare is very good if you have a private insurance. Public healthcare is a lottery, can be excellent or bad depending on staff at a given time.
Anonymous on Oct 12, 2020:
I see some people saying:

"I've lived here for xx years, nothing has ever happened to me, it is safe here".

That's kinda like saying:

"I´ve never been in a car accident, it is safe, I don't need to wear a seatbelt".

Thing is, violent and sexual crime in Stockholm and Sweden has increased dramatically during the last ten years. Notably, the crimes themselves are getting more violent and ruthless. This affects the general feeling of security, especially in women and young men. The number of policemen per capita has decreased in later years, while the population and the number of crimes (and severity of the crimes) has increased. Gang crime is on the rise, and Swedish law aren't strong enough to prevent that.

I wouldn't recommend people moving here in general.

Meanwhile, its harder and harder to get good healthcare. The quality is high, but the accessibility is among the worst in Europe. Buying property is insanely expensive, and in the vast majority of municipalities there is a shortage of apartments to rent. People subletting apartments (including me) charge high prices. While you will make an okay salary if you work full time, the taxes are among the highest in the world.

To this, add that... :

... unemployment rates are rising
... GDP per capita is going down
... the total GDP isn't developing in the same rate as our neighbours and other comparable countries
... less than 38 percent of immigrants from the Middle East and Africa supports themselves (2016). Today, they are a big and fast growing part of the population and the potential workforce.

Is it still an OK country? Yes, it is. But compared to just 10 - 20 years ago, a lot of things have taken a turn for the worse. At the moment, there are no signs of this changing. For the long run, I'm looking at other countries like Norway, Switzerland and the other states in the Nordics. I don't want my kids growing up in Stockholm today or in the future.
Anonymous on Oct 08, 2020:
People are literally treating Sweden like it has a higher crime rate than the USA. That is utter bullshit. However, the rape rate is higher.

Now, i'm not saying there is no crime in Sweden, gang activity and rape rates are on the rise.
Cam on Oct 05, 2020:
Easily the least safe major city in the nordics, second to Malmo.

Far less safe than the world and Sweden so proudly declares itself to be.

I feel that when those who are willingly ignorant of the crime situation realise what's going on that it will be too late.

Personally it just grinds my gears how exaggerated the safety is in the city. Most cities are overly critical of themselves. Stockholm is overly complimentary.
Anonymous on Sep 06, 2020:
Yes, Canada is pursuing a more complex and strict immigration policy, but it remains an opportunistic policy in any case,
Canada adopts a policy of brain drain and is only concerned with attracting talents to meet the needs of the labor market and is not concerned with ideological backgrounds of immigrants, You find that Arab and Muslim immigrants residing in Canada have a very high level of education, are proficient in the French and English language, and occupy important jobs with very high wages, but this does not at all affect their militant Islamic ideological tendencies. On the contrary, the Arab and Muslim communities in Canada are more organized and their subversive activities remain more secret and more effectiveness
Secondly, the Arab and Islamic communities in canada remain the sublime sponsors of extremist Islamic activities in the world, and considering that their jobs in radical religious work remain elitist, they do not need to express their tendencies with violence and barbarism as which Arabs and Muslims immigrants doing in Europe. What Canada does not know is that no Arab or Muslim has ideas compatible with Western values ​​because the latter are simply considered contrary to Islamic values. Therefore, it is not difficult for them to cheat the integration-related exams to achieve their goal of reaching Canada. But their inclinations and beliefs remain completely the same and this is called penetration. Unfortunately, Canada thinks that it is in control of the situation, but it is in fact a penetrating country, and the worst is that the qualified Arab and Muslim immigrants living in Canada are more dangerous than the clandestine immigrants and refugees scattered in Europe. The only country that pursues an exemplary immigration policy is Norway, because it is tough on Arabs and Muslims in particular, and it was more appropriate for Sweden to follow the Norwegian model.