Crime in Sudbury, Canada

Crime rates in Sudbury, Canada

Level of crime
68.11 High
Crime increasing in the past 5 years
86.93 Very High
Worries home broken and things stolen
51.76 Moderate
Worries being mugged or robbed
49.00 Moderate
Worries car stolen
46.04 Moderate
Worries things from car stolen
70.79 High
Worries attacked
55.78 Moderate
Worries being insulted
61.83 High
Worries being subject to a physical attack because of your skin color, ethnic origin, gender or religion
32.30 Low
Problem people using or dealing drugs
90.71 Very High
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft
74.85 High
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery
53.91 Moderate
Problem corruption and bribery
59.15 Moderate

Safety in Sudbury, Canada

Safety walking alone during daylight
54.30 Moderate
Safety walking alone during night
26.34 Low

Contributors: 119

Last update: March 2025

These data are based on perceptions of visitors of this website in the past 5 years.

If the value is 0, it means it is perceived as very low, and if the value is 100, it means it is perceived as very high.

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4 Comments so far
Kenneth. on Jan 23, 2022:
Corrupt City. Bias system. I don't know who would even say the Police are helpful or friendly. They slapped my puppy in the face when I was the one calling the cops, then almost un holstered his weapon before I said get the @#$% out. They broke my back when I was 17 and charged me with hearsay. Ruined my future. Never respond when I'm calling them. I have a literal court case I'm building against them right now because omfg they assaulted me again, in the back of an ambulance. Broke my ribs and choked/ punched my face-in requiring a trip to the hospital to stitch my lip back together. Can't see worth $#%^ out of my left eye... SCUM BAG! you know who you are. NO, at this rate the numbers will rise. It is not a safe city when the police who have literal policies to prevent them from assaulting people with handcuffs, go beyond them and permanently inflict life long injuries/ traumatic events into ones head and onto ones body. SHAME ON YOU. Now see I'm someone with a lot going for them. FACT: since before Covid started, I've been proclaiming Sudbury Ontario as a safe haven for the homeless, promising they'd receive money and shelter upon arriving. Now... This cities homeless numbers are definitely not subsiding, I've preached as far as Australia. Now future lesson to humanity. Do not subject anyone to being secluded on there own. I trust homeless people more than the people helping the homeless... And I'm sorry to the people who are having problems with the homeless, minus the police. That tent city is/was well deserved in my eyes. OH and it was an officer that inspired me, "be careful what you put out in the universe, it has a funny way of coming true"--- combined with my life's lesson of what goes around comes back around. Then conclusion, domino effect. Now your doubts in Sudbury should be reinforced. I hope you all start to treat each other the way you expect another to treat yourself. Or this could happen in more places. p.s A rookie on the Police force would be able to identify me instantly reading this which is funny because it proves how honest I am. AND how much money they owe me...

15/100 safety rating. My teachers in life were safe. The Rainbow District school board in Sudbury is amazing. Other than that. there's probably 10 people on the cities payroll that actually work. I cannot say I am in anyway impressed. I applied for greater things in Sudbury but had a minor record and well. Not being a wealthy family I couldn't buy a clean record like other two income families could. How is that equality amongst man? How do you sleep at night? now, do me a favor and empathize on even one thing I said. Imagine the things I'm not mentioning. If I wasn't into song birds in the morning and fishing This place would be a complete nightmare.

Went on a date with a women, found out she works for c.a.s and had a baby on the way. That should some up this comment. enjoy everyone who stumbles onto this gold mine lmfao.

Take my advice. Laugh as much as possible. And tell no one you come from Sudbury.
Claude on Jun 06, 2021:
Even the police are criminals in this city...and that is a fact ...not an opinion
C on Mar 20, 2021:
Sexual assaults are also quite relevant but is not captured by the percentage Talley. A lot go un reported but speaking from experience; I don't think I know one woman who has been free of this type of violence. It's crazy. The police are very helpful in our community which is great news but they need people to report for them to take action. Based on the corruption and bribery percentile this might pose an issue. I think 'coercion and threats' should be added to this list. It would give a better understanding to why things are so vile yet go unnoticed or unreported. Just a thought. I still like Sudbury overall. Gotta ask the right questions to get the right answers. At least that's what I believe from a counsellor point of view. Numbers will go down. I have faith.
Jeff on Feb 20, 2021:
Quite unbeleivable the amount of poeple walking during the night. So many people have said they got rob of their belongings. Those people walking the streets have patterns, change streets, change clothing so it becomes difficult to recognize them. Thanks to Covid, they now can legally where mask, sunglasses, toque and hoodie. Sudbury has become the prime place for robbers, drug addicts and unemployment. Crime is high. Becareful, be vigilant. Sudbury authorities needs to start cleaning the streets and arrest drug related crimes. Needles are found everywhere, bad bad place for young family and small children. It only will become worst before better. I wouldn't say walk away from Sudbury but run.