Crime in Toronto, Canada

Crime rates in Toronto, Canada

Level of crime
48.11 Moderate
Crime increasing in the past 5 years
68.96 High
Worries home broken and things stolen
36.55 Low
Worries being mugged or robbed
37.84 Low
Worries car stolen
35.27 Low
Worries things from car stolen
42.96 Moderate
Worries attacked
40.16 Moderate
Worries being insulted
43.97 Moderate
Worries being subject to a physical attack because of your skin color, ethnic origin, gender or religion
28.69 Low
Problem people using or dealing drugs
56.71 Moderate
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft
48.86 Moderate
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery
45.62 Moderate
Problem corruption and bribery
37.31 Low

Safety in Toronto, Canada

Safety walking alone during daylight
74.04 High
Safety walking alone during night
51.75 Moderate

Contributors: 1282

Last update: March 2025

These data are based on perceptions of visitors of this website in the past 5 years.

If the value is 0, it means it is perceived as very low, and if the value is 100, it means it is perceived as very high.

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49 Comments so far
Administrator on Sep 14, 2024:
Alex: Some comments are deleted as unappropriate, and some are not displayed as there are newer comments.
Louis Chen on Sep 13, 2024:
Toronto is much safer than Vancouver, Calgary and Montreal for sure.
tabaruq on Aug 29, 2024:
wasn't really helpful but can you put the crimes and safety in a paragraph
Alex on Jun 16, 2024:
What is up with some comments here claiming that Toronto is very safe when it actually isn't?I'm aware that it's definitely safer than other Canadian cities like Winnipeg or Kelowna,But have you people ever been to the downtown of the city??There are so many homeless people and drug addicts.If you don't believe me,Search up on YouTube:"Toronto Junkies".
Anonymous on Jun 08, 2024:
I have to agree with some of the posters.

The Toronto Police would rather send several squad cars for a complaint of street harassment from a young woman, but if you are a homeowner, and own a car, and the car gets stolen, the Toronto Police tells you to let the car insurance company deal with it.

It's like approaching women is a serious crime in Toronto, but carjackings and home invasions are not. Toronto is a crap-hole.
Raj on May 22, 2024:
I used to live TO, but it’s changing. Walk along Yonge st from Dundas up to Bloor and you feel the “heart” of TO is poor, drug ridden.

Take the subway on a Saturday evening and there’s plenty of addicts and Ill. The safe injection sites have ruined Yonge and Dundas.

Pot shops have ruined Kensington Market. The mass surge of international students and newcomers has made the city poorer. We have lost a balance.
Anonymous on May 06, 2024:
While Toronto has historically been considered a relatively safe city, recent increases in murders, robberies and carjackings have raised concerns about public safety. Residents and visitors alike must exercise extreme vigilance, especially when navigating the city at night. Despite efforts by law enforcement, these crimes continue to occur with alarming frequency. It's crucial to stay informed about current safety recommendations and take necessary precautions to mitigate risks while in Toronto.
gabe t on May 05, 2024:
Lifer born in the mid 90s. easily getting worse and when compared to cities in northern Europe, the likelihood of finding yourself in a fist fight is tenfold. enjoy the collapse of Canada.
Anonymous on Apr 07, 2024:
Toronto is becoming a weird city where police are never helpful to deal with crimes to protect the public.

But they come in squad cars to deal with petty disputes like someone being annoyed by pickup artists in clubs and malls, historical abuse cases aka Ghomeshi's Law, and they go after private citizens who criticize public servants using an archaic defamation law.

Very weird city with hints of British feudalism and nobility laws used against the common person.
Anonymous on Dec 12, 2023:
I live on Yonge, closeby to Yonge & Dundas. From dusk to sunset, it's best to avoid the area around Dundas square as a lot of weirdos,addicts, and homeless people tend to congregate there. Don't even think about walking through Victoria street-north of Dundas at any time. It's quite strange to me in which the city decided to keep a harm reduction site at the corner of a touristy, and very busy intersection.
Anonymous on Nov 09, 2023:
Toronto Police rarely do anything to the average person who is a victim of a public assault, scam or armed robbery.

However, the Toronto Police work hard to go after people who post online content criticizing cops, public servants, teachers and politicians, especially if you criticize the LGBT movement.
Decline on Oct 08, 2023:
There has been a sharp increase in drug addiction which is very very noticeable. It’s very common to see a person in the middle of the day face down on the sidewalk downtown.
Anonymous on Aug 12, 2023:
People are getting angrier on the streets, lots of violence on the TTC.

A lot of confrontations in public. It's starting to feel like tension is in the air.

But all is great in the wealthy communities like Bridle Path, Lawrence Park and Royal York.

The millionaires and billionaires are having the time of their lives.
Anonymous on Jul 30, 2023:
Welp, time to move to a country with draconian laws. As long as I don't commit crime, I would be fine lol
Anonymous on Jul 25, 2023:
@Anon on July 24
The homeless guy is possibly more good-looking than the Karen lol
Anonymous on Jul 24, 2023:
Toronto Police are busy protecting the wealthy elites and white women than to attend to crime scenes.

Just see how fast Toronto Police respond to a white woman aka Karen complaining that a homeless guy is minding his own business in a public park versus a home owner calling the cops during an armed robbery.
Anonymous on Jul 22, 2023:
We need Batman, Spider-Man, Chisato Nishikigi, and Takina Inoue to deal with criminals in Toronto.
Lol concerned citizen on Jul 22, 2023:
Lmao at the guy who think that ordering food is a problem. I laff
Concerned citizen on Jul 15, 2023:
Back when rent was affordable homelessness was not such a huge prob. Between rent getting ridiculous and the tps being soooooo understaffed.....of course crime is up. If you think we have too many police then try reporting a crime......they take days to show up. They don;t even have time to hand out very many tickets for driving offences.

To the uber delivery guy that had his ebike stolen......good cuz there are way too many of you now and you all drive like lights.....running red lights and stop signs......Its like you think you are the only ones on the road.....TO those ppl doing the ordering for delivery......get off your fat A$$ and pry yourself away from your phone for long enough to cook or go get your own food.
Anonymous on Jul 12, 2023:
Anti-Jewish and anti-Black hate crimes are on the rise in Toronto.

Negative sentiments against Muslims, Arabs and Asians are also increasing in Toronto but not to the extent that they are getting violently assaulted like Jewish people who wear identifiable religious gear like the kippa.

Just a few weeks ago, a pale Canadian girl was caught on camera yelling the n-word at a donut shop in downtown Toronto. She tried to fight a girl by calling her the n-word and storming towards her.

Jewish men who wear the kippa get verbally harassed and sometimes have their kippa pulled from their heads.

A middle-aged woman also got caught in a turf war in high income Leslieville recently and died from a stray bullet.
Bob on Mar 06, 2023:
Toronto isn't safe, metrics like this have been abused in the past, large numbers, to convince people that the large amount of crime won't happen to them. It will.
Anonymous on Mar 03, 2023:
Canadian PR tells immigrants that Canada is a safe country.

But Toronto has a lot of criminal activity going on such as organized crime, human trafficking, drug dealing and gangs fighting turf wars.

Sure, the Canadians tell us that the crime situation in Toronto is not as bad as southside Chicago or in the hoods of Compton, but do we really need to compare Toronto to low-income areas?

So why pay a million dollars for a home in Toronto to live like a lite version of Compton unless you're buying Kendrick Lamar's house?
Markson on Sep 30, 2022:
I think Covid-19 affected the safety nature of Toronto. The homelessness situation downtown is leading a lot of persons to crime, I read on about the crime witnessed days back and its scary.
Alex416 on Aug 31, 2022:
Safety got worse after covid. The homelessness situation downtown is getting out of hand.
E on Jun 21, 2022:
Toronto is garbage. I have lived here all my life. We are so far behind for a city with millions of people living in it. Homelessness everywhere, Construction everywhere, not clean, and recently have a terrible bout of cars being broken into & stolen all over the city. I live in a “safe” prestigious neighbourhood, but crime has been rising regardless. Shootings, stealing…… You are not safe anywhere in Toronto.
Mark on Jun 07, 2022:
Toronto is a very safe city considering its size and population.

95% of the people here are good honest people who are trying to make a living.

Like the comment below me says, the youth of this city are trying to been seen as hard wannabe gangsters. (Not all those, most are good kids)

Getting those who want to commit acts of evil, need to get taken off the streets and get locked away forever will help make this city even safer.
Anonymous on May 25, 2022:
Toronto is overall pretty safe but the increase in youth related crime is worrying.

All these kids wanting to get internet famous has led to some awful things.

Far to many guns here. Need more police raids in high crime areas and making sure those who get arrested and put in jail, stay in jail and don’t just get put back into the streets a few months later.
Lolita Townes on May 22, 2022:
I visited Montreal and Toronto Canada and fell in love. I wish I could get a job and move and die there.
Anonymous on Jan 17, 2022:
The crime rate is a little high but Toronto is one of the most safest cities and relaxing cities in Canada and the world
Anonymous on Dec 24, 2021:
Toronto has been very safe through my experience, however I will say that crime is increasing which is a worrying trend.
Anonymous on Jul 18, 2021:
So many boomers here thinking the world is ending.
Jane on May 28, 2021:
Every major intersection on Yonge street in downtown Toronto has a bunch of homeless people. Once my friend was walking on Yonge and a homeless guy threw a glass bottle at her ankles when she passed by him. I was verbally attacked a few times too. Cannabis stores bloomed in recent years on Yonge street and I've seen potheads begging outside a store for free weed. I would avoid walking on Yonge even during the day cause it gives me very negative feelings.
Daniel on May 02, 2021:
Toronto is nowhere near what it used to be like, shootings and stabbings everyday, high robbery rate, lots of drug usage, ive seen people shooting up in the middle of the sidewalk and all the parks downtown are littered with needles and paraphernalia.

If you dont go looking for trouble youll likely be fine as long as you stay vigilant and away from bad areas. Its safer then some of the bigger us cities but nowhere near as safe the major cities in western europe.
Mike on Apr 27, 2021:
I have been to Toronto (pre covid) and it was extremely safe I didn't feel unsafe at all. on Apr 25, 2021:
I work as a courier in Toronto (Uber/Doordash/Skip), and yesterday April 23 between 9:30 pm and 10 pm, my Inmotion L9 was stolen at 60 John Street - Toronto.

I reported online to the police, but I am reaching out to every page on the internet to report the robbery.

The Inmotion L9 is a kind of brand new scooter, and the thief is going to need to buy a charger that is different from the others charges or try to sell the scooter online.

I can recognize my scooter, and I will keep this ad on till I find it.

So please, do not buy properties without a receipt. Not something like a scooter which was introduced to the market 4 months ago.

Every scooter has its own internal code.
If you download the Inmotion App the code of my scooter is L9-B108001F.

If you see something, please, reach out.

I am going to pay a reward of C$300 for having it back.

I saw many, but many times "homeless people" trying to steal expensive bicycles around downtown Toronto. There are an organized crime behind these crimes. Who is buying? Who is doing the logistics?
Torontoguy on Mar 10, 2021:
Toronto was great even 7 years ago.

Don’t know what happened in the last 3-5 years. Especially worsening in the last 2.

In Downtown:

Pot shops have replaced small business that went bankrupt during Covid.

Homeless population has increased and it’s very public.

People deficate in alleys and around construction sites.

Divisive, crime increased like crazy in the last 2-4 years.

crime has exploded in the outer areas of Toronto like North York.
leftthe6 on Mar 10, 2021:
Toronto is a horrible city. Shootings in broad daylight. Needles everywhere downtown. Horribly expensive. People resort to awful things.
Gabe on Feb 26, 2021:
The city is super safe, and feels safer/friendlier than most places in southern Ontario.

However, gun crime has been increasing drastically over the past few years, and with increasing immigration rates both foreign and domestic to the city, coupled with a bout of even less opportunities due to Covid and future lingering effects, it will likely only see a rise from here out. My only personal worry though is car thefts and burglaries, seeing as they're common across board in terms of demographics and typically fall in line with the Canadian route of non-violence (speculation lolz).
Anonymous on Jan 02, 2021:
Toronto is a cake walk period. As one of the criminals who contributed to these statistics I can tell you I've never felt unsafe here. If you're a spineless coward Toronto is a perfect place to visit. It's an average big city so if you don't go looking for trouble you'll be absolutely fine. I've traveled in Europe, Africa and the US there are only 2 cities I've ever been where I felt genuinely unsafe - Gary, Indiana - pure F*&%KING gangland, the police escorted me out pretty sure just to make sure I didn't get car jacked. The second is Capetown had some problems during the day right downtown (nothing crazier than Toronto) but at night the city is side street after side street with no street lights and crowds of people doing whatever the F*&K they want in the dark. Having my girlfriend with me felt extremely unsafe. Never felt anything close to those feelings in european cities or Toronto even in *crack tower*, teasdale, tindle, river, cresent town, flemo, jane and finch etc the "bad" parts of Toronto are incomparable to an actual bad city. Anyone crying about how bad this place is should thank their lucky stars they've lived a sheltered enough life to be able to view this place as dangerous hahaa
E on Nov 21, 2020:
Dude, you'll find this sort of stuff in any urban area. Toronto is relatively safe compared to bigger US cities. However, Toronto obviously has much more crime than the rest of Canada. Also, property crime and break ins are increasing. My friend in Mississauga (suburb of Toronto) had his house broken into, and his passport stolen.
SusanAB on Nov 10, 2020:
Mehdi Amin, 58, was found dead inside his home Wednesday afternoon
CBC News · Posted: Oct 23, 2020 9:17 AM ET | Last Updated: October 23

You're right!! Toronto is very safe!
SusanAB on Nov 10, 2020:
min, 58, was found dead inside his home Wednesday afternoon
CBC News · Posted: Oct 23, 2020 9:17 AM ET | Last Updated: October 23

You're right! It's very safe!!
cowboy on Oct 28, 2020:
great city and has been very safe in my experience, just avoid Brampton though.
Anonymous on Oct 06, 2020:
#Jay I cannot argue with that. 2018 was an extraordinarily violent year for this city's standards. 2019 was a much better year for crime.
Jay on Oct 03, 2020:
Fair enough, I do apologise, but in 2019 though the homicide rate went straight back down though.
Anonymous on Oct 02, 2020:

Don't be ignorant.
Jay on Sep 25, 2020:
Since when did Toronto surpass NYC’s murder rate in 2018 lol. That is a straight up lie. The only city I heard that overtook NYC’s homicide rate in 2018 was London. Toronto is very safe except for the small pockets of hood areas but overall is incredibly safe.
Anonymous on Sep 21, 2020:
#tiffany Well, you are wrong. Toronto surpassed NYC's murder rate in 2018, and certain areas past Yonge and Bloor 9:30 PM can be dangerous alone. I personally have found needles and used condoms at Christie Pitts. To sum it up, Toronto in reality is one of the less safe cities in Canada. Oh, and Malmo is not a fair comparison, it is the most dangerous city in Sweden.
Simon on Sep 18, 2020:
I love Toronto. Only bad parts are some parts of Scarborough and Brampton. Other than that it’s a very vibrant city and very very safe.