Crime in Townsville, Australia

Crime rates in Townsville, Australia

Level of crime
71.83 High
Crime increasing in the past 5 years
79.04 High
Worries home broken and things stolen
64.79 High
Worries being mugged or robbed
54.76 Moderate
Worries car stolen
66.02 High
Worries things from car stolen
62.32 High
Worries attacked
54.42 Moderate
Worries being insulted
56.44 Moderate
Worries being subject to a physical attack because of your skin color, ethnic origin, gender or religion
43.65 Moderate
Problem people using or dealing drugs
67.87 High
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft
71.63 High
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery
58.29 Moderate
Problem corruption and bribery
36.77 Low

Safety in Townsville, Australia

Safety walking alone during daylight
53.17 Moderate
Safety walking alone during night
26.38 Low

Contributors: 324

Last update: March 2025

These data are based on perceptions of visitors of this website in the past 5 years.

If the value is 0, it means it is perceived as very low, and if the value is 100, it means it is perceived as very high.

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9 Comments so far
P Mac on Oct 05, 2023:
Weak youth crime laws. Repeat offenders get bail and keep reorienting. Qld and a lot of the country need to change this. Knife crime is out of control. Car jacking never used to happen in our country. Get these crime off the street
Ton smith on Jul 18, 2023:
My friends family lives in Aitkenvale and early yesterday evening, 2 abbo yourh came in the front house in broad day light, sneaked in the front door while every one was home preparing meal for their little 6 yrs old dughters birthday.
Surveillance camera footage shown 2 black youth age 13, 15 took two cars and drove off.
Then 3 hours later we saw one of the car driving near Stockland and MacDonald's in Aitkenvale which is only like 200 meters from my friends home.
We called the police and police responded straight away and found one of the car abandoned near there.
Second car was also found 5 hours later near by Stockland shopping.
Thanks to the police with such quick respond.
It was disgusting that them blacks stole the cars and driving around near by with a group of up to 30 blacks including young ones at the age of 8,9 years old.
We had the footage and surely the police know them very well but is there anything that the Authorities can do to them young crimes ? Law here in this country is not right and allows them keep doing such crimes.
Its time to stop them and not let the innocent people get hurt by them stupid acts.
Bill on Oct 27, 2021:
4 years life in Townsville
1: saw black kids attacked and insulted a women in shopping centre (Stockland )
2: colleague been robbed by a ……… with Knife. It happened on a Friday afternoon 5:30pm Stockland shopping centre
3: friend house got broke in 2 times a month. Annandale
4:car stolen by …. Kids and they ran away and crashed someone and that caused death.
5: A ……stayed in yard of my friend’s house for whole night, and keep talking , friends called police then he left.
6: ………

Townsville is good place to live, most people are nice and relaxing and friendly doesn’t matter which community they from. But the truth is truth. And all the crimes if you looked at it, they have something in common. And maybe that’s why even police can’t do much for making it better.
Decent citizen on Oct 10, 2021:
Townsville is a spot where crime was made where GTA was inspired by where bullshit is not a word rather than a bog event happening .Townsvile is not suitable for families it is for drug dealers and Thugs .escape your life and find another place before it is too late.
I got three attempts of home break ins and armed robbery at my work and the government is playing the paralyzed and blind part no help and no law .Anyone is defending this town is a part of the crime in it .
Noneed on Oct 10, 2021:
All said by Anonymous is perfectly true luckily you moved I am looking to move in the best timing .
Kylie on Dec 05, 2020:
I love it here, don't listen to the trolls like "Anonymous" below, crime here is no worse then any other city of its size. There is a small minority hell bent on spreading misinformation and keep yapping on about crime because they have no life and haven't experienced much of the world. "Tell that to the woman being raped" oh because women don't get raped anywhere else? why don't we ask Jill Meagher for her opinion oh thats right she was raped and killed in the supposedly most "liveable" city on earth Melbourne. So where did you end up moving to.. another planet? galapagos islands? good luck finding a place that is totally "safe" you words no longer mean anything as people realise Townsville isn't a victim of a crime "epidemic" it is a victim of some people that have both an anxiety disorder and verbal diarroea and won't shut up about how paranoid they are. Ugh.
Anonymous on Dec 04, 2020:
People think the crime in Townsville is a joke. Tell that to the woman being raped, the families having their homes broken into and the elderly being bashed by youth for some money. It is no longer safe, it is no longer a great place to raise a family. I couldn’t wait to leave and I’m so glad I did.
Zachary McKean on Dec 03, 2020:
I love the lifestyle here, moved here from Sunny Coast and never looked back, so much more advantageous up here. I work in a lab job and have been given a long term contract :)
Jill Smart on Dec 03, 2020:
This page is subjected to a lot of trolls, and pretty much none of them are legit. "I was attacked walking home from school by other kids" LOL thats called bullying and occurs in all schools around the world, sorry that you were meek and picked on, but seriously tell lifeline and someone who cares. It is a great place to live and call home.