Crime in Warsaw, Poland

Crime rates in Warsaw, Poland

Level of crime
19.57 Very Low
Crime increasing in the past 5 years
40.56 Moderate
Worries home broken and things stolen
21.09 Low
Worries being mugged or robbed
20.68 Low
Worries car stolen
22.59 Low
Worries things from car stolen
26.60 Low
Worries attacked
24.76 Low
Worries being insulted
28.50 Low
Worries being subject to a physical attack because of your skin color, ethnic origin, gender or religion
27.61 Low
Problem people using or dealing drugs
24.77 Low
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft
37.70 Low
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery
14.30 Very Low
Problem corruption and bribery
40.86 Moderate

Safety in Warsaw, Poland

Safety walking alone during daylight
88.79 Very High
Safety walking alone during night
67.84 High

Contributors: 690

Last update: March 2025

These data are based on perceptions of visitors of this website in the past 5 years.

If the value is 0, it means it is perceived as very low, and if the value is 100, it means it is perceived as very high.

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21 Comments so far
Anonymous on Dec 18, 2024:
Just recently Georgian imigrants were attacking and Robbins people in the buildings and the elevators. Avoid the Palace of Culture and Science area in the night and be careful at the Central Station, a lot of drunk people who can be aggressive sometimes.
JP on Oct 01, 2024:
I disagree the level is very low. It increased a lot in recent years since right-wing populists took power in 2015.

Just in the last year in my and nearby apartment of flats were 3 break-ins and 2 people were hit by cars driving on small
pedestrian streets - one is dead.

Every week there are couple deaths - yesterday 17y old was stabbed to death in the center, couple days ago 37y old was killed in accident caused by drugged driver
Anonymous on Sep 01, 2024:
Be careful around the Palace of Culture and Science in the evenings, as there are some really agressive drunk people whom you should steer clear of.

Though not a safety concern, be prepared that most locals are extremely rude towards foreigners, a lot more so than in other countries in the region (this more or less applies to the whole of Poland, not only Warsaw.
Anonymous on Aug 20, 2024:
I am a woman who has lived in Warsaw her entire life. I have travelled a lot around the world, and can proudly say that this is the safest city I have ever been to. Obviously there are some homeless people, and drunks, however the amount of them is extremely low compared to other cities in Europe. Not a lot of dark-skinned migrants, but there is a lot of Ukrainians. I went out multiple times to clubs or bars with friends at night in the city centre, and nothing ever happened, so I am not scared walking alone at night.
oggo on Feb 29, 2024:
Warsaw police detained a 23-year-old young man suspected of attacking and raping a 25-year-old Belarusian woman with a knife. The maimed woman is now in intensive care.
A B on Feb 21, 2024:
As a female living in Warszawa for 5 years now it's been amazing. Very safe, cheap, people are very kind, city is clean and looks amazing, I never encountered problems of any kind. Warszawa often gets overshadowed by other cities but it's really amazing. 10/10 would recommend.
Also comments about migrants and such, please don't lie. Everyone knows that Poland does not welcome (illegal) migrants.
Maria on Feb 17, 2024:
Amazing city.If it were to be less corrupt it would be absoulutely flawless.
WP on Jan 09, 2024:
Living here for 7 years - I haven't encountered any problems yet
can on Jan 02, 2024:
generally safe, but old town district is full with police officers, might be a bit interesting for foreigners - as me. centrum is very much garbage like during nights. some districts are full with drug addicts and homeless people. this city has a great homeless problem, and as a Turkish ehm, polish homeless > Turkish teen with machete
Fila on Aug 23, 2023:
Warsaw is safe, but there are pretty much no go zones in the night, especially for women. Such as Praga, Gocław etc. There is also a problem with a lot of drunken groups of people that i have faced. Generally it is safe but it isn't perfect, for people with darker skin, it is pretty much impossible to use the mass transport, the level harassment will deter you, i have a Hindi friend, i've lost count how many times he got insulted, he got beaten twice when he used the nightly bus, this happend a lot less in the underground mass transit. If you plan to live here and you have darker skin, you should get a car or travel using uber.
Other then that, it is nice in regards of safety, not much robbery or theft, the assaults if you fair-skinned won't happen that much unless you go the no-go zones in the night.
jon on Aug 21, 2023:
Warsaw is incomparably safer than most big cities in Germany, NL or BE. And comments with supposed "troublesome migrants" are ludicrous. In Poland, seeing any Black or North African person is rare and they are almost none-existant in the countryside. Most of migrants are from the Eastern Europe or Vietnam.
bigben on May 17, 2023:
I'm surprised these of "turkish teens" and "north african gangs". We, in Warsaw, really don't have much black african immigrants. These people don't want to work and they want social benefits. In Poland these benefits are quite small (if you are not resident). It's not enough for life in here. Most directions to Warsaw are west-central Asia, like Georgia, Armenia. Some from Middle East. There are a lot people from Bangladesh, India (and these areas), and of course, because of war, Ukraine. Most of them are working (taxi drivers, food couriers, and mostly jobs where specialization is not needed), but their temper is mostly unapriopriate which makes conflicts. They are quite organised, and they keep jobs for their compatriots. Mostly there is no solidarity with Poles. There was a month ago situation, where taxi driver from (probably) Georgia beat up an actor Marcin Bosak, because this taxi driver ran over him and his child. Actor protested. So driver got out of car, and beat him up. "The further east you go, the greater wilderness of the people."

But for now, there are not enough of them to make their own rules on the street, but probably, if nobody stops uncontrolled immigration, which is allowed by the goverment, it is going to change soon.
MB on Mar 20, 2023:
Those comments below are silly. Things such as "Turkish teens with machete" or "North African gangs" simply does not exists here. we don't have enough immigrants, and those who are here are too afraid of locals to commit crime.
Monica S on Jan 27, 2023:
I got assaulted with a machete and got robbed by some Turkish teens. People are nice though
Jay on Dec 08, 2022:
I got robbed in the center during daytime by a North African gang. All big European cities are becoming more dangerous
Feli on Oct 12, 2022:
There’s a huge difference between north and south Praga, I’ve lived in Praga Południe (Gocław) for 25 years and often wander close to midnight and I have NEVER in my entire life been stopped by anyone. But if you are a foreigner, you might want to sadly avoid this area. Praga Północ is a different story, way more dangerous
Leon on Oct 02, 2022:
Most of the data is quite old and gives bad information. Warsaw's crime rate has increased a lot! Gangs, robberies and drug use
Alan on May 29, 2022:
Im quite surprised by these comments to be honest. Have you ever been in the streets of Ursynow or Praga? These areas are extremly rough... And the center is filled with junkies and homeless people just like London
Jamal on May 29, 2022:
Warsaw has increasingly more dangerous districts Ursynów (south side) and Wola (west side). There's more and more drug dealing and crime in Ursynów.
Maciej on Dec 28, 2021:
Warsaw and Poland generally are very, very safe places.
WPalmer on Aug 17, 2021:
Warsaw is safe….even the Praga district…even Szmulowizna. As for the homophobia? I’m a member of LGBT and it’s not that bad. Most people don’t care. The ones that do are just vocal about it, which is sometime shocking, but in other countries you just don’t know who is homophobic. Go out. Party at some of the nicest clubs in Europe, and don’t worry.