Health Care Comparison Between France and Czech Republic Reverse

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City in France:
City in Czech Republic:
Index   InfoFranceCzech Republic
Health Care System Index:    77.73    75.50
FranceCzech Republic
Improve Data Improve Data
Skill and competency of medical staff
Very High 81.95
Very High 80.09
Speed in completing examinations and reports
High 74.60
High 71.32
Equipment for modern diagnosis and treatment
Very High 85.63
Very High 82.23
Accuracy and completeness in filling out reports
High 78.25
High 74.00
Friendliness and courtesy of the staff
High 71.67
High 61.87
Responsiveness (waitings) in medical institutions
High 60.05
Moderate 54.83
Satisfaction with Cost to you
Very High 82.70
Very High 85.83
Convenience of location for you
Very High 81.99
Very High 83.49
Last Update:November 2024December 2024