Health Care in Encarnacion, Paraguay

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2 Comments so far
Felix Coelho on Nov 25, 2024:
Encarnacion is the third largest city in Paraguay. Located in the extreme south, on the banks of the ParanĂ¡ River. Healthcare is good, based on public hospitals and private clinics. Public health is a little precarious in relation to the lack of inputs, and the user must purchase inputs from pharmaceutical stores for use, however private health plans are very cheap and serve well. Both in the public and private health systems, service is excellent. There are some medical schools whose low tuition fees attract Brazilian students. Medicines in pharmaceutical stores are a little expensive compared to other countries, but nothing that is absurd.
G. den Breejen on Oct 21, 2024:
I intend to immigrate to Paraguay.
Whom can I write to to
get a Health Insurance?
With regards,
Mrs. G.
den Breejen
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