Health Care in Mangalore, India

Component of health care surveyedSatisfaction %
Skill and competency of medical staff
61.63 High
Speed in completing examinations and reports
64.53 High
Equipment for modern diagnosis and treatment
60.47 High
Accuracy and completeness in filling out reports
62.50 High
Friendliness and courtesy of the staff
61.05 High
Satisfaction with responsiveness (waitings) in medical institutions
60.71 High
Satisfaction with cost to you
58.93 Moderate
Convenience of location for you
69.19 High

Contributors: 43

Last update: February 2023

These data are based on perceptions of visitors of this website in the past 5 years.

If the value is 0, it means it is perceived as very low, and if the value is 100, it means it is perceived as very high.

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2 Comments so far
Bhavya on Feb 04, 2023:
The Healthcare at Mangaluru is indeed overrated especially for Western allopathy medicine. Some doctors here are excellent, some are absolutely terrible and most are in between. It is quite common for doctors at KMC, Father Mullers and SCS hospitals to perform unwanted medical tests, unnecessary surgeries, unwanted Caesarian surgeries and complications just for the sake of money. A few other doctors simply check 1 or 2 patients in an entire day.

I still remember a patient that had traveled early morning from Kottigehara to a Mangaluru hospital with appointment getting ignored by the doctor. This patient had waited all day at Mangaluru to meet him, and the doctor did not bother to attend her illness and problem. The poor patient told me (fellow patient) her problem and she went back in the evening dejected.

However, some doctors at Mangaluru are excellent and they show humanity and concern.
Charan on Aug 01, 2020:
Healthcare is a business throughout the world including Mangalore. Hospitals and doctors have money as their top priority.
Even a single Covid test costs several thousands of rupees.
In fact, Healthcare is the most profitable business today and will be, in the months to follow.