Health Care in Vancouver, Canada

Component of health care surveyedSatisfaction %
Skill and competency of medical staff
73.16 High
Speed in completing examinations and reports
59.87 Moderate
Equipment for modern diagnosis and treatment
78.75 High
Accuracy and completeness in filling out reports
74.43 High
Friendliness and courtesy of the staff
74.72 High
Satisfaction with responsiveness (waitings) in medical institutions
44.30 Moderate
Satisfaction with cost to you
80.83 Very High
Convenience of location for you
79.28 High

Contributors: 274

Last update: February 2025

These data are based on perceptions of visitors of this website in the past 5 years.

If the value is 0, it means it is perceived as very low, and if the value is 100, it means it is perceived as very high.

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1 Comments so far
Jacob on Mar 05, 2022:
Public healthcare covers the visits to doctors and specialists but this can mean almost nothing as:
1) Getting a family doctor is almost impossible (lack of openings for new patients), lack of clinics with family doctors
2) Booking an appointment to see a family doctor slow, often 2-4 weeks ahead
3) The doctor runs late 5-20 minutes
4) The doctor spends only 15 minutes with you
5) Some family doctors share their care of you with another doctor in the clinic (a locum) and so their attention gets split
6) The doctors often lack time to review your medical history so you waste the limited time in the initial appointments going over whatever you submitted to the clinic before joining as a new patient
7) Your doctor's lack of time with you means they don't have much time to listen to you and gather information about your symptoms and so they send you on your way with medicine to cover up the symptoms
8) Women aren't taken seriously when describing their symptoms and are just told to "monitor their condition". This means that until the symptoms become chronic and then severe enough that the woman is physically/visibly affected, the doctors will not make an effort to look after you...