Pollution Comparison Between United States and Sint Maarten Reverse

For major cities in those countries you get more relevant data by specifying cities.
City in United States:
City in Sint Maarten:
Index   InfoUnited StatesSint Maarten
Pollution Index:    36.67    79.48
Pollution Exp Scale:    60.54    140.76

Pollution United States vs Sint Maarten

United StatesSint Maarten
Improve Data Improve Data
Air Pollution
Low 28.17
High 70.83
Drinking Water Pollution and Inaccessibility
Low 28.10
Moderate 55.00
Dissatisfaction with Garbage Disposal
Low 28.46
High 75.00
Dirty and Untidy
Low 39.16
High 62.50
Noise and Light Pollution
Moderate 46.39
Moderate 54.17
Water Pollution
Moderate 43.21
High 75.00
Dissatisfaction to Spend Time in the City
Low 24.52
High 65.00
Dissatisfaction with Green and Parks in the City
Low 28.86
High 75.00
Last Update:January 2025May 2023

Purity and Cleanliness United States vs Sint Maarten

United StatesSint Maarten
Improve Data Improve Data
Air quality
High 71.83
Low 29.17
Drinking Water Quality and Accessibility
High 71.90
Moderate 45.00
Garbage Disposal Satisfaction
High 71.54
Low 25.00
Clean and Tidy
High 60.84
Low 37.50
Quiet and No Problem with Night Lights
Moderate 53.61
Moderate 45.83
Water Quality
Moderate 56.79
Low 25.00
Comfortable to Spend Time in the City
High 75.48
Low 35.00
Quality of Green and Parks
High 71.14
Low 25.00
Last Update:January 2025May 2023