Property Prices in Huánuco, Peru

Index Info
Price to Income Ratio: ?
Mortgage as Percentage of Income: ?
Loan Affordability Index: ?
Price to Rent Ratio - City Centre: ?
Price to Rent Ratio - Outside of Centre: ?
Gross Rental Yield (City Centre): ?
Gross Rental Yield (Outside of Centre): ?

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Rent Per Month
Edit Range
Apartment (1 bedroom) in City Centre ?
Apartment (1 bedroom) Outside of Centre ?
Apartment (3 bedrooms) in City Centre 700.00 S/.
Apartment (3 bedrooms) Outside of Centre ?
Buy Apartment Price
Price per Square Feet to Buy Apartment in City Centre 490.92 S/.
Price per Square Feet to Buy Apartment Outside of Centre ?
Salaries And Financing
Average Monthly Net Salary (After Tax) ?
Mortgage Interest Rate in Percentages (%), Yearly, for 20 Years Fixed-Rate ?

These data are based on 2 entries in the past 18 months from 1 different contributors.
Last update: March 2023

Sources and References
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1 Comments so far
russ LeBrock on Apr 02, 2022:
I am 69 years old USA expat have lived in Huanuco for 7 years. land here very expensive everything else very cheap. Have built a 300 sq meter house brick and concrete we do not have heat or A/c here, weather always good, house always 68 to 72 degrees. get cold close the window. my monthly expenses run about 100 dollars american Direct tv, wifi, lights.water service very clean is 20 soles a month I live out of town 8km. Small farming area. Have a Mahindra pu. and have been robbed at gun point 1 time. my house broken in my absence 3 times and all items stolen.Bottled water is in 2.5 liter and costs 2 soles in the supermarket taxis are 3 wheel Baja's or colectora (old toyotas) costs 8 soles from my house to center of huanuco 8 km (30 minutes) roads are horrible.People here are wonderful.