Quality of Life in Athens, Greece

Purchasing Power Index 62.71   Moderate
Safety Index 44.71   Moderate
Health Care Index 58.29   Moderate
Climate Index 95.18   Very High
Cost of Living Index 50.79   Low
Property Price to Income Ratio 15.06   High
Traffic Commute Time Index 37.56   Moderate
Pollution Index 54.99   Moderate
ƒ Quality of Life Index: 126.90   Moderate

Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 289

Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 1001

Last update: March 2025

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4 Comments so far
Steve on Feb 04, 2024:
I believe the quality of life in Athens is underrated. I've lived in Athens and other cities in the world like Roma, Bangkok, Brussels, and Singapore and I firmly believe Athens is much better than all of them; and regarding the cities I lived in, I will put above Athens only Paris and New York. I have a feeling that many contributors are locals who are generally very critical about Greece and Athens and do not appreciate the many good things this city offers.
Anonymous on Dec 24, 2023:
The air is polluted with nitrogen dioxide, the homelessness and drug issues have reached a breaking point. Lots of sketchy neighbourhoods and unsafe at night in heavily vandalized areas you will see tons of police cars going by.
Vasilis on Nov 04, 2023:
I find the rating very generous. IMO quality of living in Athens is much worse. Unless you are a tourist or do not need to work almost anything you need is subpar and gives you headache and stress. Driving is hell. Commuting is somewhat better if you're lucky to be served by metro. Housing is insanely expensive for the average income. Public services is subpar. Parks and recreation areas nonexistent or crowded as hell. Pollution is rampant. Climate is destroyed and swings to extremes as there are no forests or greenery. Crime is on the rise. People are constantly stressed and on the edge.
Elizabete on Jan 25, 2021:
I was living in Athens for 13 years and now I am living in Toronto. I see that in Athens, Greece there is more quality of live and the city is safer than Toronto. I do not know why here shows different information.