Purchasing Power Index | 52.46 | Low |
Safety Index | 61.07 | High |
Health Care Index | 77.24 | High |
Climate Index | 58.39 | Moderate |
Cost of Living Index | 38.00 | Very Low |
Property Price to Income Ratio | 27.00 | Very High |
Traffic Commute Time Index | 45.09 | High |
Pollution Index | 77.75 | High |
Quality of Life Index: | 96.70 | Very Low |
Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 131
Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 453
Last update: March 2025
Quality of Life in Bang Kruai | 5.31 miles |
Quality of Life in Pak Kret | 14.54 miles |
Quality of Life in Om Noi | 15.86 miles |
Quality of Life in Bang Buathong | 17.75 miles |
Quality of Life in Nonthaburi | 18.30 miles |
Quality of Life in Samut Prakan | 22.83 miles |
Quality of Life in Rangsit | 22.86 miles |
Quality of Life in Samut Sakhon | 24.00 miles |
Quality of Life in Khlong Luang | 29.43 miles |
Quality of Life in Nakhon Pathom | 42.12 miles |
I also hope you spend some time in Bangkok and see how much off are you numbers compared to reality. Maybe it will help you find time your formulas...
Thailand is a super peaceful society, people are not just "non aggressive", they are actually pillow and respect personal space. There is no violent crime, not even in the Bangkok slums...
The Thai population pays very low income tax. In 2010, 49M out of 65M paid zero tax. The minimum wage is just US$10 per day yet people live comfortably on that.
Studio apartment is a US$150 a month, with AC. Electricity is cheap, gasoline is US$2.2 per liter - almost USA levels cheap...
Does your index include how easy it is to move to and stay here?...
Hope you can adjust Bangkok numbers...
That is not true at all, do you realize that bangkok had 11 metro lines, use it or be delulu
Purchasing Power Index nije tacan jer na Tajlendu milioni ljudi zive dobro na minimalnom dohodku.
To cini i Cost of Living rezultat verovatno pogresnim.
Property Price Index je isto najverovatnije ne precizan jer vecina ljudi u Bangkoku iznajmljuje a kirije su vrlo niske.
Pretpostavljam da tvoja data dolazi od stranaca koji zive u Bangkoku. Oni se hrane u zapadnim samoposlugama i restoranima a tajlandjani jedu na mnogo jeftinijim mestima. Gde mi platimo $10-$30 za veceru (po osobi) oni placaju $2-$5.
Ne znam kako bi ovo mogao da popravis? Mozda bi trebalo pitati za dve cene?... "Koliko kosta hrana u prodavnici?" i "koliko kosta hrana na pijaci?"... ili mozda "koliko placaju za hranu (smestaj) lokalni stanovnici?
Veliki poz iz Bangkoka gde se lepo zivi za $10-15 na dan...