Quality of Life in Barcelona, Spain

Purchasing Power Index 84.14   Moderate
Safety Index 48.34   Moderate
Health Care Index 76.25   High
Climate Index 95.73   Very High
Cost of Living Index 54.61   Low
Property Price to Income Ratio 13.86   High
Traffic Commute Time Index 30.18   Low
Pollution Index 63.51   High
ƒ Quality of Life Index: 143.48   Moderate

Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 156

Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 860

Last update: March 2025

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5 Comments so far
Anonymous on Jul 07, 2024:
Like any part of Spain, low salaries compared to the high cost of life. Recently high criminality that everyone jokes about Barcelona compared to other cities. From a Spanish girl who understands what is like to live in Spain being young employed ( if lucky) and not being able to afford living alone. (Not from a British guy from London who loves the beach and has only been in Spain for holidays with GBP change rate and believes is paradise).
Chris P. on May 17, 2024:
Beautiful cosy city with a very high standard of living.

Please ignore the haters in the comments, they are just very envious.

Lookup Barcelona + 4k in Youtube, you will love it.
Jesús on Mar 11, 2024:
Impersonal city with angry passive aggressive people. Very high rents and property prices.
Lydia on Sep 04, 2022:
I see some jealous people here comment negatively about Barcelona. I have lived 10 years in Sweden and 35 in Barcelona and my experience is that Barcelona is a friendly city, with a lot of entertainment, beauty (both in the city and the people), very modern and acceptable life quality. The salaries may be a bit low but people can still afford to go out and enjoy life more than people do in Sweden since most of people struggle with loans. Many swedish people is very overweight and very unfashionable. People is no friendly, no humble and prepotent. Restaurants and cafes are ridiculous expensive and have no clue about what service is and no clue to make a decent capuccino, Irish coffee or Margarita.
Alex on Apr 01, 2021:
Low incomes with very high rent and unbelievably bad housing, terrible food, bad service everywhere, loud and total lack of elegance in both people and atmosphere. Worse bureaucracy only in Italy and North Africa. Maybe good for a weekend or if you are an adventurer in your early twenties, willing to experiment with drugs (widely available).