Quality of Life in Brisbane, Australia

Purchasing Power Index 146.78   Very High
Safety Index 62.62   High
Health Care Index 74.03   High
Climate Index 98.07   Very High
Cost of Living Index 59.21   Low
Property Price to Income Ratio 8.77   Moderate
Traffic Commute Time Index 40.31   Moderate
Pollution Index 28.79   Low
ƒ Quality of Life Index: 198.29   Very High

Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 129

Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 614

Last update: March 2025

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6 Comments so far
stagmal on Dec 14, 2023:
How many numptys are cheering on the Olympics?
At least 2 MILLION PEOPLE of Brisbane at best estimate.
Thats how many.
Ackchually, no one wants it, except construction people.
Let's all pay BILLIONS for an Olympics that no one wants.
That's the ticket.
Jim K. on Aug 23, 2023:
Brisbane, and in general Australia, became remarkably expensive and unfriendly the last years.
James Phillips on Aug 23, 2023:
Like Brazil, crime afflicted? Those are pretty off the mark comments
Ash GROVE Man on May 16, 2023:
BRISBANE is like a giant steamy hot, ghetto shacks on hills, crime afflicted, full of mystery meat hapas, and other muttifieds, Brazil type zone.

But without anything cool like a giant art-deco Jesus statue.
pogglywoggly BRISBANE on Mar 22, 2023:
Brisbane used to be good. Then 1995 happened and it changed. Lots of local bogans started to think that their suburb actually mattered even though they are full of derelict houses and spiders, snakes, cockroaches, ants which are in all Brisbane houses. Brisbane is full of deros (Aussie word for losers) who drink their welfare and disability checks. Brisbane is full of welfare people. Maybe 70% are in jobs welfare programs or taking welfare. Alcoholism is out of control. The public transit is the worst in Australia, because of the geography of the Brisbane downtown area which is cut off by a river on three sides and by steep hills on the fourth side. Brisbane people travel to NYC and remark on how NY feels far safer than anywhere in Brisbane. Brisbane people love to hate other cities in the region, like Ipswich, Gold Coast and Redcliffe, because deep down they are insecure about their own poorly planned and unlivable city. Brisbane is unlivable and in fact, the only people who think it is livable are people who could never get a job anywhere else because Brisbane education is designed to keep people there. UQ is their university, and is famous for bullying an outspoken student and for having riots between different factions from HK and other parts of China. Brisbane is a shithole.
White Lies on Nov 07, 2021:
I am well acquainted with Brisbane and am well acquainted with sites that purport to rate things - restaurants, tourist spots, hotels etc. One thing I know is that finding a place that is a well kept secret is something we all seek - because once a place gets overrun then it usually loses the quality that made it good in the first place. And so you have to realise that some people will deliberately trash a place simply to try and dissuade the hordes from descending on the place and ruining it. Queensland is full of places like that and unless it is a close friend I am talking to I will almost always avoid giving an honest appraisal of a place that I know would likely not survive becoming 'popular'. SE Queensland is now a broad region of linked urban centres extending from the NSW Coast out to the range and north to Noosa. Closing in on 4 million people across the entire region covering pristine beaches, rain forest, farm land, skyscrapers, cool hinterlands, lakes and rivers, hills and mountains with modern metropolises with skyscrapers to quaint little hinterland villages selling local produce. Trying to typecast such a region as being 'full of bogans' is as ridiculous as saying New York is full of muggers. Best to look at the stats which reveal that crime in SE Qld is remarkably low compared to comparable western cities. I have lived all over the place (Canada, the US, Australia, the UK etc) and aside from Canada I would rate Australia, generally, and Brisbane, specifically, as one of the safest, most agreeable places anywhere.