Quality of Life in Brussels, Belgium

Purchasing Power Index 122.80   Very High
Safety Index 45.66   Moderate
Health Care Index 73.94   High
Climate Index 83.85   Very High
Cost of Living Index 65.15   Moderate
Property Price to Income Ratio 7.53   Low
Traffic Commute Time Index 36.81   Moderate
Pollution Index 62.39   High
ƒ Quality of Life Index: 155.43   High

Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 90

Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 529

Last update: March 2025

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2 Comments so far
Kris on May 02, 2023:
I’m from Belgium and moved to Colombia,

The claims and ratings are waaay off !

First things first, crime is getting out of hand in the big cities but the last few years also in smaller cities.

Salaries are not getting bigger but everything gotten more expensive the last few years especially electricity which spiked from a monthly 180€ to a whopping 560€ for the same volume.

Taxes are insane and probably the highest in the world !!!

A single person now pays up to 71% tax and double taxation is still a thing in Belgium.

Wages are seriously underpaid in Belgium.
to give you an example im an engineer in hydraulics, mechanics, electronics…
in Belgium my monthly salary is capped at 2.500€ before taxation, no option for bonuses or extra leave or raise.

in Colombia im getting paid calculated in euros monthly 5.600€ for the same job !!!! before taxes ( capped at 20% )
im getting a 9% bonus for my experience and have 3 months leave per year (paid) not counting the legal holidays
Israel on Dec 13, 2020:
Traffic commute time index is high, too many cars and narrow streets, which turns into a very high pollution index, once I had pulmonary infection, another one sinus infection. Restaurants are too expensive.