Quality of Life in Cape Town, South Africa

Purchasing Power Index 107.72   High
Safety Index 26.41   Low
Health Care Index 68.94   High
Climate Index 98.19   Very High
Cost of Living Index 33.21   Very Low
Property Price to Income Ratio 5.28   Low
Traffic Commute Time Index 42.36   High
Pollution Index 38.41   Low
ƒ Quality of Life Index: 161.21   Very High

Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 198

Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 701

Last update: March 2025

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5 Comments so far
Leisa on Nov 29, 2024:
How much in American dollars would it cost me to live a good quality of life in a luxury apt close to the beach in Cape Town?
Anonymous on Jan 28, 2023:
South Africa with a moderate quality of life? Hahahaha, a black South African living in a slum won't tell you the same
Deloras Sullivan on Aug 11, 2022:
Hi I'm interested in all six of the locations referred to in this article I was wondering if I could get more details on how to actually get started and maybe point me in the direction of should I talk to the consulate or I'm an American citizen and I'm trying to find a better safer place to live and I want to know how that works out thank you
Jessica Hofmeyr on Jan 15, 2022:
A city of natural beauty with the ocean and mountains on your doorstep which allows an outdoor lifestyle. A fusion of diverse cultures. The cost of restaurants and services is generally low. However there is a large gap between rich and poor. Many workers struggle to earn a comfortable living as the purchasing power of the rand is weak.
CDC on Aug 26, 2021:
It is a beautiful city but it is not equally safe in all parts. Tourists that are not used to looking out for muggers and pickpockets should keep their phones in their pockets. Don't walk alone at night in the city, it is always safer to be in groups!