Quality of Life in Durban, South Africa

Purchasing Power Index 104.74   High
Safety Index 19.54   Very Low
Health Care Index 58.70   Moderate
Climate Index 95.61   Very High
Cost of Living Index 29.98   Very Low
Property Price to Income Ratio 4.93   Very Low
Traffic Commute Time Index 25.50   Very Low
Pollution Index 53.52   Moderate
ƒ Quality of Life Index: 150.66   High

Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 64

Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 311

Last update: March 2025

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6 Comments so far
Anonymous on Feb 01, 2025:
It’s bad city don’t recommend. Very depressing and weather is hot and not Sunny
Anonymous on Jan 12, 2025:
The pension that is provided is able to afford a person with minimal food. The costs of healthcare has become exorbitant. The government needs to be able to provide pensioners with free healthcare and medication.
Anonymous on Jan 12, 2025:
SA is no doubt a stunningly beautiful country. However, there are certain issues that need to be sorted out as quickly as possible.
SA has the potential to develop into a first world country. It is currently ranked as a second world country. A lot depends on the humans living there. Each human being deserves the right to be treated with respect. A lot of people there that can cope financially are people who have worked incredibly hard to make ends meet. The cost of living has escalated alarmingly over the last decade.
Gerry Garland on Jul 14, 2024:
I have lived in Durban for almost 50 years and have been minimally impacted by crime. However I have always lived in relatively safe suburbs, and the suburb I currently live in is probably as safe as most places in the world. Walking around any time of the day or night is not a risk. I think I'm much more worried about cyber crime
Anonymous on Jan 03, 2023:
Zama's comment: I, too have never been raped or robbed but this does not mean the crime rate is acceptable. I suggest the she tries driving just once through Durban intersections with her window open- she will be a statistic!
Zama on Dec 21, 2020:
But these crime ratings are too high. I live in durban since I was born in 1982 but never been robbed or raped so I think these more then 80% crime rate is taking it to the extreme