Quality of Life in Funchal, Portugal

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Purchasing Power Index 53.47   Low
Safety Index 80.03   Very High
Health Care Index 50.86   Moderate
Climate Index 99.45   Very High
Cost of Living Index 43.22   Low
Property Price to Income Ratio 17.68   Very High
Traffic Commute Time Index 19.00   Very Low
Pollution Index 23.80   Low
ƒ Quality of Life Index: 167.53   Very High

Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 4

Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 68

Last update: February 2025

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4 Comments so far
Anon on Nov 15, 2024:
Due to increase of tourism, the price of house rentals (and purchase) have doubled, at the very least. Some house that were meant to be rented are now being used as AirBnB's. As an example, 5-10 years ago you could buy a brand new 3 bedroom appartment for 150-200k euros. Starting price of the same real estate is about 800k. In the same time, the average wage went from 800€ to 1000€. The reason for said hike is lack of government oversight, and the interest of foreigners on buying property in a relatively safe part of the world. For them, it's a bargain. For locals, it's unsustainable.
As a response to a comment here, I've driven electric vehicles in Madeira. Yes, it's hilly, and the downside to electric vehicles is perhaps reduced autonomy. But struggle? Electrics are nothing but torque. They do not struggle, at all. As for air quality, people can check the official IPMA website, as that's the national weather service, and it's normally good.
Looking at all the indicators of this QLI, I agree with all of them, except for the Cost of Living, for the above mentioned reasons.
Paula Soto Maior on Apr 22, 2022:
Due to increase of tourism, houses rents and prices have been going up a bit, but the same is happening everywhere.
Know that Madeira is a very hilly island, so electric vehicles have a hard time.
I also noticed in my visit there (March 2022), there is this constant exhaust fumes smell all over the place, which made me some head aches. Asked the inhabitants what was that about and they seem to be used to it and not knowing what in the heck I am talking about.
Anonymous on Oct 19, 2021:
Loved reading about Funchal, Madeira. Very informative. Motivated to visit and experience the culture, climate, food, lifestyle. Seems very beuatiful, safe and affordable.
Carol McE on Oct 22, 2020:
Happy to have found your site and can compare with home city in euros (instead of dollars). Thank you.