Quality of Life in Johannesburg, South Africa

Purchasing Power Index 106.93   High
Safety Index 19.20   Very Low
Health Care Index 60.30   High
Climate Index 91.38   Very High
Cost of Living Index 35.11   Very Low
Property Price to Income Ratio 3.08   Very Low
Traffic Commute Time Index 40.72   Moderate
Pollution Index 61.63   High
ƒ Quality of Life Index: 138.92   Moderate

Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 214

Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 841

Last update: March 2025

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2 Comments so far
Anonymous 2 on Feb 22, 2025:
There must be something wrong. Moderate quality of life?
1.Health system has collapsed, People waiting for hours and sometimes days to be admitted to a Government Hospital without any chairs, waiting for an appointment by sitting on the bare floor.
Most private practicing doctors and specialists left the country. Average waiting time to see a private specialist,6-8 months. 2.Pollution is very high as all Municipalities are managed by the ruling Government (ANC) except for the Western Cape.
Sewerage running into the rivers and dams due to faulty pumps that are never fixed and above that, a huge number of settlements without proper sewerage and water.
Electricity: Load shedding on a regular basis. How can you run a business properly without a constant supply of electricity? Transformers that explode due to Substations not managed properly by Municipalities as Parts are stolen and sold somewhere else. People making use of wood for cooking and warming that causes a lot of pollution.
3. Safety: Try to get the police to react on any emergency call. They are always out of petrol or no vehicles available. Not enough police to investigate offences. Bribery and corruption a huge problem. Weaponized crime in rural areas are very high and always swept underneath the carpet by Government officials. Fact is, you as a citizen are on your own when it comes to protection from the police.
This is just a few facts, but most people do not want to hear disturbing news / facts.
Anonymous on Jan 28, 2023:
South Africa with a moderate quality of life? Hahahaha, a black South African living in a slum won't tell you the same