Quality of Life in Karachi, Pakistan

Purchasing Power Index 30.20   Very Low
Safety Index 42.86   Moderate
Health Care Index 56.54   Moderate
Climate Index 71.32   High
Cost of Living Index 19.46   Very Low
Property Price to Income Ratio 12.71   High
Traffic Commute Time Index 42.17   High
Pollution Index 89.39   Very High
ƒ Quality of Life Index: 84.57   Very Low

Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 121

Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 760

Last update: March 2025

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5 Comments so far
Proud to be Pakistani on Jan 09, 2025:
Some people are born ungrateful. If you are one of those, Karachi or Pakistan is better without you. Here is the positive side.

1. Best value for money, lowest cost of living in the world.
2. Best organic produces and tasteful street food in the world.
3. Moderate climate throughout the year with warm beaches.
4. Central location for traveling to Southeast Asia, Middle East and Europe.
5. Most affordable higher education.
6. Most affordable healthcare treatment.
7. Cheapest cost to start a business, hire skilled and domestic labor.
8. Opportunities to reduce cost of living further if you install solar energy due sunny days year around.
9. Family, culture and religious values, for better upbringing of children compared with the West.
10. Diversity
Masood on Jan 02, 2025:
It's not a city to live anymore. We can't compare just because of Bharia Town Karachi with whole GCCs, or Europe. Karachi is a lost city.

If you want to do corruption, it's a best place. Bribe culture is very in. Legal becomes Illegal and Illegal becomes Legal if you have dollars!!! You can easily grab a property, forge files are easily available in the real estate markets. Just pay few bugs to the court Magistrate of High court and the property become yours. That's why when it come about Law and Order, Pakistan ranks 131th out of 138th around the glob. You can fond a stolen car if you pay few bugs to the police officer. Thanks to NO ONLINE Property Records, that makes it possible today!!!

Living in Pakistan is just a Fake life and nothing else. Many foreigners living in Karachi have faced Theft crimes like Mobile snatching, money bag snatching etc etc. Don't buy property in Pakistan, because nothing belongs to you. It's a biggest Scam. It's just like buying Papers for 50,0000 Dollars.

If you wish to come and settle in Pakistan, it would be a biggest mistake. Due to law and order situation people many are force to leave Pakistan and are settled in GCCs, the US, UK.

If you want to loose your Hard Earned Money then Pakistan is a best Place.
A3ro on Jan 02, 2024:
Karachi is a city that is much better than Islamabad. Reasons: Karachi has a lot of places for tourists. It has a lot of big technologic things. Safety in areas like Bahria Town is just almost better than dubai's safety. But I have to ensure that Karachi is also not very safe in its Eastern parts.
Anonymous on Jul 03, 2023:
karachi is the economic hub of Pakistan. transport, healthcareand many other issues have been resolved at some extent, but it need lot of investment and commitment to transform in to a developed city. only issue is flow of illegal immigrants and no polict to settle the other province people
Faz on Mar 29, 2021:
I grew up in Karachi. I left Karachi in the early '90s. It used to be an intriguing city with very bright lights at night and a busting place in the day. I visited Karachi in 2019 after 25 long years. I was stunned and disappointed. The only change I saw was too many people, too much filth on the street, and too many houses, buildings. The resources are incredibly low. There is no reliable govt transportation and there are no entertainment centers for the people. The city is decaying with politician negligence. The people are suffering from no one to turn to. Overall, Karachi is in ICU and desperately needed CPR.