Quality of Life in Lisbon, Portugal

Purchasing Power Index 61.00   Moderate
Safety Index 68.18   High
Health Care Index 72.41   High
Climate Index 98.59   Very High
Cost of Living Index 48.83   Low
Property Price to Income Ratio 20.81   Very High
Traffic Commute Time Index 34.56   Low
Pollution Index 36.50   Low
ƒ Quality of Life Index: 153.01   High

Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 187

Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 607

Last update: March 2025

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3 Comments so far
Cpt Gorudo on Aug 16, 2024:
I am sorry but all this is a big lie.

Lisbon is not a safe place. There is 6 robbed car per night, lot of drug bussiness which including 2-3 murders every week. Local portuguese people hate expats and immigrant more and more. The gap between rich and poor people is dramatically growing every year. The prices of the rents are the 3rd most expansive in Europe. Sallaries for local people is the lowest. This creating very big tension in society. + this year there is a crising with taking away the trash, people leaving piece of junk on the street everyday and other poor people collecting it. The trash stay here all summer. If you going to live to the otherside of the bridge to Almada, you will meet mostly pakistan or brazilian people. Minimum portuguese. The cities falling apart. only the areas with rich apartments look nice for eye, but once you dive into a real city, you will quickly see the real Portugal. About the mentality of people, it does not changed so much since the times of Dictator Salazar.Especially once you dealing with them about the money such a leaving your rent apartment, they will do maximum to make it complicated and squeeze from you every Euro is possible. They will do the same in any bussiness you doing with them, because they dont like you and they see you only as a opurtunity to get some money out of you.
I lived in Portugal 3 years and the last year was a pain for me. I am very glad I am leaving this country and I hope I will manage to find some love again in future to give it here short visit. I think this graphics need update. The real level of live in portugal is very much moderate and in some areas is even worse.
Ariella Safer on Apr 01, 2022:
What are the property values in the Lisbon suburbs?

What is the availability of veterinary services there?

Are furnished apartments available in Lisbon & surrounding areas?

Are storage units available in the area?
Anonymous on Sep 09, 2021:
Lisbon the Portuguese city with the best standard of living and development in the entire national territory.
It is the country's capital and the city that contributes the most to national wealth.
Lisbon must be the most tolerant city in the world, where everyone can live in peace, regardless of race, color, sexual and religious orientation, it is a community totally open to foreigners.
Lisbon has evolved over the last 10 years with levels of development above the European average, in 2021 it was the green capital of Europe and developed a unique lifestyle in the country.
The people are very friendly and it is a city of unique natural beauty and idyllic beaches.
I've lived in many places around the world, but this city captivated me for the rest of my life. I will stay here for sure