We need more contributors for Lugano to increase our data quality.
Also, consider looking into aggregate data we have for Quality of Life in Switzerland
Purchasing Power Index | 153.06 | Very High |
Safety Index | 78.41 | High |
Health Care Index | 72.71 | High |
Climate Index | 84.10 | Very High |
Cost of Living Index | 100.62 | Very High |
Property Price to Income Ratio | 10.35 | Moderate |
Traffic Commute Time Index | 20.79 | Very Low |
Pollution Index | 24.18 | Low |
Quality of Life Index: | 210.62 | Very High |
Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 14
Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 100
Last update: March 2025
Quality of Life in St. Moritz | 77.40 miles |
Quality of Life in Hergiswil | 99.34 miles |
Quality of Life in Kriens | 103.91 miles |
Quality of Life in Lucerne | 103.91 miles |
Quality of Life in Zug | 106.94 miles |
Quality of Life in Baar | 113.87 miles |
Quality of Life in Buchs | 116.94 miles |
Quality of Life in Wildhaus | 126.62 miles |
Quality of Life in Zurich | 127.00 miles |
Quality of Life in Thun | 132.24 miles |
Me and my family are relocating back to Vienna next month.
In the spring and summer there is more activity in Lugano and it is possible to live and spend some weekends there having fun or taking part in the activities. In the winter it verges on desolate as a place of energy, life and fun, noticeably so from cities such as Zurich where there is a palpable sense of energy in contrast.
A large part of this seems to be the fact that it hosts many “frontalieri” (Italian workers who cross the border and return home at weekends). It could also be because prices are high for drinks (a temporary outdoor bar during the summer with lower priced drinks in the centre was shut down several years ago after lobbying by the traditional long-standing bars in the centre). It may also have something to do with the lack of youth culture in Lugano. There is some art and creativity coming from La Foce, but that is mostly it. The city also has three universities, yet largely lacks a student feel. Again this is probably because the city has little to offer in terms of affordable fun and youth culture / collaborative events. Exhibitions in general are also quite poor. On the bright side some of these things seem to be gradually improving.