Quality of Life in Montreal, Canada

Purchasing Power Index 116.30   Very High
Safety Index 67.09   High
Health Care Index 62.04   High
Climate Index 52.37   Moderate
Cost of Living Index 59.57   Low
Property Price to Income Ratio 10.58   Moderate
Traffic Commute Time Index 39.85   Moderate
Pollution Index 33.72   Low
ƒ Quality of Life Index: 163.40   Very High

Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 197

Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 825

Last update: March 2025

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8 Comments so far
Anonymous on Feb 15, 2025:
Affordability has gone down significantly recently, property taxes have gone up, by a lot in many boroughs. With the USA Tariffs looming in 2025, the economy may falter, short term.
A lot of doctors retiring and dropping patients en masse.
Please research affordability, economy and demographics in every province before moving.
Anonymous on Feb 15, 2025:
Affordability has gone down significantly recently, property taxes have gone up, by a lot in many boroughs. With the earrings looming in 2025, the economy may falter, short term.
A lot of doctors retiring and dropping patients en masse.
Please research affordability, economy and demographics in every province before moving.
wesh on May 13, 2024:
<h1> anyone know how much do you need as a single student? <h1>
Anonymous on Jul 21, 2023:
@Anonymous All major cities in Canada are expensive. It's well documented from new immigrants who recently settled there. The cities who aren't expensive are those that aren't welcoming to immigrants and minorities or seriously lack services & amenities.
Anonymous on Jun 24, 2023:
This city is very expensive. Good luck on finding somewhere to live with an affordable price!
Anonymous on Sep 08, 2022:
I lived here all my life, it's a nice city to live in if you like winter and four seasons. Lots of entertainment, people from many ethnicities, food variety is easy to find. The city has nice burroughs that each have their personality, and the downtown doesn't hollow out at night and weekends like many other north-american cities. I do agree that taxes are hight and healthcare is difficult, finding doctors is very hard, and the winter can really feel like it's taking forever to leave! However the pace of life in general is pleasant and the people are nice so in my opinion it compares very well to other cities of its size.
Anonymous on Jan 12, 2022:
Brutally cold and snowy winters, suprisingly hot and humid summers. Fall and spring are nice.

Healthcare system is atrocious. Government is corrupt. Highest taxes in Canada yet the worst infrastructure and health services of any of the major provinces.

It is a fun and charming city. But from a quality of life standpoint, it's not great.
Anonymous on Oct 12, 2021:
Very very bad,backward health care system
Hard to believe this is a country in North America!