Quality of Life in Moscow, Russia

Purchasing Power Index 88.92   High
Safety Index 64.53   High
Health Care Index 67.52   High
Climate Index 55.83   Moderate
Cost of Living Index 41.38   Low
Property Price to Income Ratio 18.11   Very High
Traffic Commute Time Index 50.31   High
Pollution Index 54.97   Moderate
ƒ Quality of Life Index: 129.40   Moderate

Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 411

Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 1247

Last update: March 2025

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32 Comments so far
C on Feb 28, 2025:
Wow I'm amazed how many people are go over the board trying to convince others how great is Moscow/Russia. Especially you, Alisa. I almost started to believe in what you were saying until you ruined it all when you mentioned man + a woman + children = a family. I've never been to Moscow but heard from more than one native they were that lucky to escape that they cried!
Anonymous on Feb 16, 2025:
The average salary in Moscow is about $900-1500. In IT it can be $1200-3000, but now many large Russian tech companies are laying off people. All work processes are conducted in Russian. After 2022, when Operation Z began, there are almost no English-speaking companies left. So Indians will not be able to work in Russian IT unless they learn Russian at a native speaker level.
Anonymous on Sep 17, 2024:
World Bank: Russia surpassed Japan in GDP in terms of purchasing power parity and took 4th place in the world.
The Russian economy, which has demonstrated significant growth due to the transition to military rails, has overtaken the Japanese economy in terms of GDP at purchasing power parity (PPP). Economists use it to better compare countries with different price levels.

After updating the World Bank database, Russia's GDP by PPP amounted to $6.45 trillion in 2023 against $6.3 trillion in Japan. As a result, Russia pushed her out of 4th place. Now Russia is second only to India ($14.6 trillion), the United States ($27.4 trillion) and China ($35 trillion).

Purchasing power parity is a currency ratio that takes into account the price level in different economies. Allows you to compare currencies of different countries according to their ability to purchase certain goods and services.

According to the World Bank, which updated the calculations (before that, GDP by PPP was converted into international dollars in 2017, and now in 2021), Russia and Japan switched places back in 2021, notes the specialized publication on emerging markets bne Intellinews.Since 2013
Russia lagged behind the global economy: its average annual growth rate slightly exceeded 1%, while global GDP grew by about 3% per year. But after the invasion of Ukraine and the problems it provoked in 2022, the Russian authorities multiplied their war contributions. Thanks to the boom in the military-industrial complex and related industries, state investments in "ensuring national security", large-scale payments to security forces and war veterans, as well as "coffins" to their relatives, Russia's GDP grew by 3.6% in 2023. The World Bank raised its forecast for this year from 1.1% to 3.2%.

GDP by PPP is just one way to measure and compare economies. In terms of nominal GDP, Russia is not even in the top 10. According to the IMF, as of April 30, 2024, it is in 11th place in the world, having a GDP more than two times less than that of Japan (4th place) — $2.06 trillion against $4.1 trillion. All BRIC partners are ahead of Russia: China ranks 2nd with $18.5 billion, India - 5th with $3.9 trillion, Brazil — 8th with $2.3 trillion.

In terms of GDP per capita, an indicator that is usually used to assess the level of well—being, Russia lags even further behind world leaders. If Monaco, which occupies the 1st place, has a per capita GDP of more than $240,500, then Russia has only $14,390. According to this indicator, it is even slightly behind neighboring Kazakhstan ($14,780), but slightly ahead of China ($13,140). Japan has a GDP per capita of $33,140, the United States — $85,370

Anonymous on Sep 06, 2024:
It's much cleaner and safer than the capitals in Western Europe. It's also very digitized and has a perfect public transport system. The city is incredibly well maintained, doesn't have no-go zones and still quite affordable for locals as the prices are 2x lower than those in Western Europe while average salaries of the qualified staff are just a bit lower than in France or in Germany.In 2024 it would be usually 1700-3500€ after taxes. Disadvantages: crazy distances, long winters, political situation in Russia.
Alisa on Jun 24, 2024:
Hello everyone. I have already said it many times, but I repeat again: all the countries that I have visited and even not, are excellent, interesting, peculiar. I have no goal to spit on everything and everything around, but it is the originality of the systems, being, and mental component of the population of other (European) countries that leads me personally to the conclusion that Russia is the best country in the world, no matter what and no matter who says what! In order not to be pelted with rotten eggs, I will very hastily make a reservation (oh!Oh!): the best for me! And once again: I describe the advantages of my country "through my eyes", but I do not "mince" other countries, treating their world and way of life with great respect. And here are actually my arguments:

A "multi-apartment" lifestyle instead of a "house" lifestyle. It is very important to me, because in the "house" existence, I feel like I am in the countryside. All this gives me a kind of depressing feeling of "missing". The rhythm is not the same, maybe I'm bored... I just feel with all my fibers how life is flying past me, somewhere where I am not, and I should be, where it revolves around me. Somewhere I saw that the American dream in the form of living in a private house on the outskirts "cracked", because it assumes a certain isolation of people, leading to depression. So apathy and depression are pressing on me "there".

Crowded cities. It is extremely important to me, because I like to feel that people are around me. Yesterday, in the subway, I got into a crowd right... into a traffic jam of bodies, into a stream! I got so high that it was already the strangest thing — not a single minus, only a stream of lively and bubbling energy. Previously, before getting acquainted with another reality, the buzz would not have happened, but now I'm floating in contrast. In general, the semi—deserted streets of the "settlements" are not my option, because I feel extremely depressed in all this, as I already said.

Our medicine. The issue is very controversial in principle, but, from my point of view, we have excellent preventive medicine, which is not "there". It is here that you can go to the clinic for almost any "sneeze" and very often take tests… this is where you can insist that an ambulance come, this is where you can buy medicines without a prescription, this is where you can feel that this is all for you. And even if suddenly it's unprofitable, wrong, and crazy, it's close to me and I want it to continue like this. "There" everything is very different — according to, "like CHI" they will come and even fly by helicopter, but only as a last resort, "there" they will give the opportunity to become the happy owner of the medicine, but only by prescription, for which you need to visit a doctor. "There" they almost stopped going to the doctors (this is what I and my friends who live "there" observe)... it is understandable, because there is not much point in this. No one wants to go to the doctor in order to actually hear something like "it will pass by itself" or "drink paracetamol".

Our education (here, education). In a sense, we have a more correct system of upbringing and education. Which one? In such a way that children almost immediately learn quite serious things, and not "chill out doing something incomprehensible" (in fact, enjoying childhood). "There," it is true, children are more free, relaxed, empathic, and commanding, but in comparison with ours, and in my opinion, they do not develop as quickly as ours, because they are allowed to be children longer. But our children are prepared for life earlier, adapted earlier.

It is warm in the apartments. Our apartments are warm. Not everyone understands how important this is, but to be honest, it is very important. It's 20 degrees in the house, it's cold for me, although again, it's a matter of habit. But I don't want to get used to it, I want to walk around the apartment in a T-shirt and light pants and not freeze.

Light in the apartments. It's light in our apartments, and no matter what anyone says, but the semi-darkness often observed in the same Scandinavia is not useful for vision, and sometimes for mood. I love the light and I'm not ready to spend all my evenings in a romantic candlelit setting. By the way, probably due to a certain lack of light, "there" often do not hang curtains on the windows.

The development of the service. We have a very well-developed service of works and services. We have Ozone, Wildberries, Yandex, delivery, and other services. We have no problem finding a specialist for any job at an affordable price. "There" everything is very different — there is a queue for a specialist, and the work or service is extremely expensive, so people very often do everything themselves (sometimes secretly, because something must be done exclusively by a specialist), ask for the help of loved ones, or just wait and pay, and as I said, you can wait a long time and it's expensive to pay. And imagine that you have to move from one house to another. So, this is still a task, given the number of things in the house and garage, as well as the high cost of services. Therefore, in Denmark, for example, almost everyone has their own trailer, on which they transport everything independently. This is not a "Truck" for 5,000 rubles and not a solution to the problem in 1 day…

The tradition. We adhere to the traditional values that a family is a man + a woman + children = a family. "They" accept the multivariance that science seems to have justified by genetic factors. Everyone has their own way, and I don't want to express my position on this here, but as a Russian person, our understanding of family is very close to me. I believe that this is the path that leads us the right way. I will not discuss this point in the comments — I say it right away.

In conclusion, I want to say this: there are pros and cons everywhere, plus people evaluate everything differently, and of course honesty, correctness and decency are extremely good. But, as for me, I am ready to admit that I mentally "grew up" differently, not ready for such a "their" correct, honest and very realistic life, it is difficult and unclear for me, I am sad, bored and even scared in it. I am too "small" for such a life, too childish.

In addition, due to the fact that I do not have a sufficient level of legal consciousness, what is the right country for me, in general, what are the strict rules for me (and "there" the rules really work)?! What kind of total honesty and decency do I need?! And I am far from the only one in the country, and I really ask you not to protest, because the environment determines the level of legal awareness
Andrew on May 27, 2024:
Lived here for 2 years. To me, it's 2 out of 5.

- The city is generally safe
- Everything is very cheap, including real estate
- Very good public transport infrastructure
- Fast government services

- Overall lack of international events in the city
- Really hard to get something delivered from abroad
- Almost zero decent travel opportunities from the city, the plane tickets even to the EU countries is very expensive
- Bad weather for 8 months of the year
- Long distances between everything
- Very few people speak English
- Unstable currency and political situation
Indian on May 24, 2024:
Moscow is the safest metropolis in the West
I am an IT worker
Salary 350 thousand rubles = 3500 dollars
The minimum expenses are 150 thousand rubles
Rent 70 thousand rubles near the center
Food and everything else 80 thousand rubles
Adam from Swiss on May 11, 2024:
Moscow is currently the best metropolis in all respects, Tokyo is in second place!
Christian Horn on May 11, 2024:

Recently the Moscow Government published under the headline “Moscow, the city for life” its seven development priorities. A document distributed at the Moscow Urban Forum in December 2013.

Moscow is with a population of over 12 million people one of the biggest metropolis in the world. The real number of citizens is difficult to establish as Moscow is the destination of many migrants, legal and otherwise, drawn by higher salaries and better services and living conditions. In 2010 alone, 126,000 newcomers were officially registered in the city, but the actual number is certainly much higher. The Moscow International Internet Portal indicates that “By some estimates together with commuters working and studying in Moscow, migrants, transit visitors and tourists the daily actual population of Moscow amounts in general to 15 – 20 million people”. It is forecast that by 2035 the population of the Moscow region will increase by 4,000,000 people and amount to 22,800,000 people. It is expected that by 2020 passenger traffic generated by the ‘New Moscow’ will double whereas the capacity of the existing infrastructure is already exhausted.
After adopting in 2011 different government programs for the key directions of the capital’s development, the Moscow Government worked out in 2013 its main objectives for the creation of comfortable living conditions with the definition of seven development priorities: 1) Mobile City; 2) Comfortable urban environment; 3) Healthy city; 4) Well-educated city; 5) Socially protected city; 6) New economics of Moscow; 7) Open Moscow.

It is a large and ambitious programme highlighting the goals reached and progress made in the last years, and illustrating the objectives for the next years in numbers and graphics.
But Moscow also wants to be a city that cares about its less fortunate citizens. The program is about social protection of older generations, assistance to needy families and persons with limited capabilities. It is about free access to public services, like transport, medical treatment, recreation, financial support and accessibility of public buildings. It also concerns providing housing for certain categories of citizens, probably one of the most difficult task, as Moscow has been ranked regularly among the five most expensive cities in the world in terms of the cost of housing.

To finance this new and improved public facilities and services, the Moscow Government counts on the dynamic of investments, supposed to grow from 732 billion roubles in 2010 up to 1719 in 2016. A mixture of better services for the investors, improved infrastructures and tax incentives should keep the dynamic going.
The Open Moscow development priority aims to create and strengthen the links between to residents and the public services. Improvements in the information and communication with the citizens, in the collecting and carrying out of suggestions of the citizens, and monitoring the activities of the public officers of municipal services, probably to fight corruption and try to establish a kind of confidence. Different internet sites like the Our City Website, regrouped in one Open Data Portal, should play in mayor part in this new Open Moscow development.

This program looks like a step in the right direction. It is developing Moscow towards a multi-layer, multi-functional city, trying to diversify the transport system, the municipal offer in public spaces, recreation and medial facilities, and supporting the poorer populations. The success of the renewal and transformation of the Gorky Park is a sign of these multi-functional and high-quality public spaces and the demand of the citizens for such spaces.

What is still missing for me is a clearer image of what Moscow wants to be in its whole, and in its parts. For the moment the document is set up as a catalogue of good intended programs, but not yet as an integral city development program. An example is the important investments in the public transport and in the road system, with the hope to encourage the citizens to abandon their excessive use of personal transport. But as long as the Moscow develops its road and parking system, citizens might prefer their car to public transport. Further detailed choices have to be taken on the different aspects of these programs and their feasibility in the near future.

Annotation: For this article I analysed the English version of the publication “Moscow, the city for life – Moscow development priorities” from the Moscow Government. During the lecture I got the impression that some mistakes had been made in the English translation. Download for the Russian version of the document (pdf) : Moscow City for life ru

Author: Christian Horn is the head of the architecture and urban planning office rethink
Elon on May 09, 2024:
The average salary in Moscow is from $ 2,000=200 thousand rubles. That's how much food delivery couriers earn! All European and American cities are not even close to the great capital of the Russian Federation, Moscow, in terms of quality of life!
777 on May 09, 2024:

Klaus Schwab, Transgenderism, and AI | Russian Philosopher Aleksandr Dugin

Tucker Carlson
w on Apr 27, 2024:
Russia is gradually turning into a totalitarian state where absolutely everything is controlled. Every day, the laws become more and more delusional and stupid.
Tom on Mar 27, 2024:
It is this institution that conducts research on which salaries are in demand and relevant in the labor market in Moscow, as well as analyzes the level of wages in various fields of activity and industries. According to Rosstat statistics, the average salary in Moscow in 2024 was 112,768 rubles = 1.222$
$ 92,61
€ 100,25
Brent 85$
Emma on Jan 02, 2024:
Moscow ranked 4th in The World's 100 Best Cities ranking, compiled by the consulting company Resonance Consultancy based on tourist attractiveness, good living, working and business conditions, Deputy Mayor Natalya Sergunina said on Tuesday.

London is at the top of the list, Paris is second, and New York City is third on the list. Dubai trails Moscow by one spot and is placed 5th.

"Just like last year, Moscow placed 4th among other big cities for life, work and travel. The rating looks at many aspects. International experts evaluate not only economic opportunities or cultural aspects, but they also analyze how well the city is developing. We once again maintained our leading position, ahead of strong rivals, like Tokyo, Dubai, Singapore, Barcelona and Los Angeles," said Sergunina.

There are 24 areas that experts look into, separated into six main categories - place, people, economic prosperity, leisure, upward mobility. Moscow was recognized as a leader in the Product category due to its well-developed infrastructure, air traffic and the number of attractions. The capital secured the second spot in the Place category for safety and the availability of good quality parks. "This year, Moscow has significantly strengthened its position in the "Economic Prosperity" category, rising from 64th to 25th place. The assessment was made based on a number of economic indicators, including the unemployment rate and GDP per capita. Let me remind you that the registered unemployment rate in Moscow is now 0.51%, which is the lowest since April 2020," said Deputy Mayor for Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations Vladimir Yefimov.

Moscow is dynamically developing as an international technological center, said Head of the City Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development Alexei Fursin. "Due to the Moscow government programs, startups can promote their developments with the support of the city and big business, test them in an urban environment, and then start interacting with partners and customers," he said.

The World's 100 Best Cities rating has been compiled since 2016 by the international consulting company Resonance. It takes into account statistics, feedback from the business community, industry professionals and tourists.
Plácido on Sep 13, 2023:
UN experts recognize Moscow best metropolis in terms of quality of life

Moscow has been name the best in the world in terms of infrastructure development and quality of life according to UN-Habitat's City Prosperity Index (CPI), as Sergei Sobyanin stated in his blog.
Ruslan Luciano on Jul 29, 2023:
Wtf, the quality of life in Moscow isn't even close to be "low", I live in Mexico city and this site says that the quality of life is similar, this isn't even close to the reality, the cuality of life in Moscow is like 1000 higher than in Mexico city, don't trust this cite guys
Olivia on Jun 07, 2023:
I, Olivia, moved my family from England to the Russian Federation for 3 years already, since it is impossible to live in London because of rising prices for food, heating, fuel and, of course, crowds of brazen migrants who live on welfare and rob and mock local residents, and the authorities only indulge them for votes in elections. Now we have been living in Moscow for 4 years and this city is a thousand times better than London. No wonder UN experts recognize Moscow best metropolis in terms of quality of life! Moscow has been name the best in the world in terms of infrastructure development and quality of life according to UN-Habitat's City Prosperity Index.. Haters can write anything, but the fact remains anyway!
Travis on Jun 04, 2023:
After living in a beach side subburb in Sydney,my family and I moved to Moscow. Australia is a small island faw away from all the excitement. Russia is exciting, close to Europe and Asia. Sydney is $3000 (160,000 rubles amonth) rent and cost of living is very high, to buy a house is $1 million (40-60 million rubles). The majority of the population in Australia watch TV and netflix and live in a bubble without awareness of rhe world because the country is highly controlled by Hollywood, Facebook and Google. Their is no manufacturing, home grown technology like Yandex of VK, or space program. My children are better off living in Russia with a good future exposed to civilizations. We can spend a weekend in Finland or Paris or Italy or Turkey for cheap airfares. We often visit friends in these countries. Russia is a civilizatiin, Australia is an artificial exp
Dmitry on Jan 13, 2023:
"After living in a beach side subburb in Sydney,my family and I moved to Moscow. Australia is a small island faw away from all the excitement. Russia is exciting, close to Europe and Asia. Sydney is $3000 (160,000 rubles amonth) rent and cost of living is very high, to buy a house is $1 million (40-60 million rubles). The majority of the population in Australia watch TV and netflix and live in a bubble without awareness of rhe world because the country is highly controlled by Hollywood, Facebook and Google. Their is no manufacturing, home grown technology like Yandex of VK, or space program. My children are better off living in Russia with a good future exposed to civilizations. We can spend a weekend in Finland or Paris or Italy or Turkey for cheap airfares. We often visit friends in these countries. Russia is a civilizatiin, Australia is an artificial exp"

Posted 20 days before the war. This comment didn't age well.
Dave on Oct 14, 2022:
the problem of Moscow is unfriendly people, most of them are depressed. they fear the police more than thieves. I lived in Moscow for 20 years. now I've been living in Italy for a year, people's culture is completely different here. I don't even remember Moscow now.
Alex on Feb 12, 2022:
An positive change in components for an unclear reason lead to decrease in Quality of life index - it is a mistake of the site owners that discredits all the site data
Australian moved to Russia on Feb 04, 2022:
After living in a beach side subburb in Sydney,my family and I moved to Moscow. Australia is a small island faw away from all the excitement. Russia is exciting, close to Europe and Asia. Sydney is $3000 (160,000 rubles amonth) rent and cost of living is very high, to buy a house is $1 million (40-60 million rubles). The majority of the population in Australia watch TV and netflix and live in a bubble without awareness of rhe world because the country is highly controlled by Hollywood, Facebook and Google. Their is no manufacturing, home grown technology like Yandex of VK, or space program. My children are better off living in Russia with a good future exposed to civilizations. We can spend a weekend in Finland or Paris or Italy or Turkey for cheap airfares. We often visit friends in these countries. Russia is a civilizatiin, Australia is an artificial exp
Chicago boy on Feb 02, 2022:
High loan rates is the result of Russian Central Bank activities. Russian Central Bank is obviously aiming at something other than home economy monetisation. Inflation of imported expenses is something other than that inflation of demand that Central Bank is fighting against.
LOL on Feb 02, 2022:
Violent crime > Murder rate Total
Australia 229 ("Moderately safe" on Numbeo)
Russia 14,574 ("Very safe" on Numbeo)

Violent crime > Murder rate per million people
Australia 10.38 ("Moderately safe" on Numbeo)
Russia 102.35 ("Very safe" on Numbeo)

Drugs > Opiates use
Australia 0.5% ("Moderately safe" on Numbeo)
Russia 1.64% ("Very safe" on Numbeo)

How can a source like this be trusted?
Everyone should report this.
LOL on Feb 02, 2022:
For those who may not know, the phrase "switch your brains on" (Russian: "включай мозги") is the trademark of the Russian propaganda army "Internet Research Agency"
LOL on Feb 01, 2022:
List of countries by intentional homicide rates:
- Russia 8.2 per 100,000 population (rated "very safe" on Numbeo)
- Australia 0.2 per 100,000 (rated "moderately safe")

Russian propaganda bots obviously skew the numbers in their favor. Comments below are the proof.
LOL on Jan 29, 2022:
to Res, buddy I was born in Russia and lived there for 30 years. Save your propaganda fairytales for Odnoklassniki.ru.
LOL on Jan 23, 2022:
How in the world did you manage to give Russia a High safety index? It is one of the worst countries in the world in terms of homicide rates, property related crimes, domestic violence, car thefts, street violence, burglaries, drugs etc.

Russians are also among the most drug addicted nations on the planet.

What is even funnier is that Australia has a Moderate safety index suggesting that one would be less safe living there compared to Russia. This is beyond ridiculous.
Australianbiz on Nov 26, 2021:
Moscow quality of life could be better if had higher salaries , lower traffic and lower loan rates .
Anonymous on Oct 30, 2021:
To Res. live first in Moscow and see how bad places like London,Paris,Berlin,Madrid,Rome etc are and getting worse by the day
Thomas on Jul 09, 2021:
I've visited most European big cities including Moscow, twice. I think it's a great city... if you're wealthy and can afford living in the city very center. This index won't reflect things like the beautiful architecture, the great subway, the good nightlife and the beautiful girls. But outside of the center, it does not look great at all i.e. most of the population is poor.
Vladimir on Dec 07, 2020:
Moscow is much better then any of EU cities.
Moscow is one the best cities in the world!