We need more contributors for Munster to increase our data quality.
Also, consider looking into aggregate data we have for Quality of Life in Germany
Purchasing Power Index | 125.81 | Very High |
Safety Index | 76.45 | High |
Health Care Index | 86.81 | Very High |
Climate Index | 84.88 | Very High |
Cost of Living Index | 61.08 | Moderate |
Property Price to Income Ratio | 8.86 | Moderate |
Traffic Commute Time Index | 30.38 | Low |
Pollution Index | 29.68 | Low |
Quality of Life Index: | 201.62 | Very High |
Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 8
Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 35
Last update: January 2025
Quality of Life in Rheine | 29.04 miles |
Quality of Life in Hamm | 31.29 miles |
Quality of Life in Osnabruck | 35.72 miles |
Quality of Life in Spelle, Emsland, Lower Saxony | 36.55 miles |
Quality of Life in Recklinghausen | 39.01 miles |
Quality of Life in Dortmund | 42.69 miles |
Quality of Life in Herne | 43.87 miles |
Quality of Life in Bochum | 47.68 miles |
Quality of Life in Bottrop | 48.38 miles |
Quality of Life in Gelsenkirchen | 49.30 miles |