Quality of Life in Philadelphia, PA, United States

Purchasing Power Index 136.52   Very High
Safety Index 33.95   Low
Health Care Index 70.19   High
Climate Index 77.98   High
Cost of Living Index 76.06   High
Property Price to Income Ratio 3.47   Very Low
Traffic Commute Time Index 40.41   Moderate
Pollution Index 47.93   Moderate
ƒ Quality of Life Index: 162.42   Very High

Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 46

Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 228

Last update: March 2025

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5 Comments so far
Sylvia on Jan 29, 2025:
I've lived in Philly most of my life, but I moved to New Jersey after remarrying, 17 years ago. I still frequent Philly daily to see family, friends, and events. Philly is not as bad as people say it is. I have never encountered any problems, and I select my friends carefully. I've never traveled in questionable areas of the city, and I didn't roam the streets looking to go to parties I wasn't invited to. Hanging out or seeking parties where ballers or so-called hip people are breeds trouble. I didn't try to fit into groups that didn't fit my social expectations. I took advantage of all the Philly offers the events, restaurants, theaters, and social gatherings. My mottos are if you don't go looking for trouble, you won't find it; birds of a feather, flock together; and don't be a social climber.
MAURICE II on Feb 22, 2024:
I have lived in the region since 1965 and in Philadelphia since 1985. In the 80s and nineties, I was a consultant and traveled to cities all over the county. I found each to have wonderful qualities, but overall, none compare in sheer variety like Philadelphia. I live in a mixed-race neighborhood, I raised my children here, I have great neighbors, and I just paid off my mortgage. I would not go anywhere else
Randy T. on Jan 19, 2024:
After 9 years, we are moving out of Philly to Florida next month. We couldn't be happier !
Actual Philadelphian on Mar 05, 2023:
The below comment is absolutely unhinged.

The rising crime globally has affected Philadelphia too.

It's the fifth largest city in America. Crime rate per person, Philly is 51st in overall crime and and 25th in violent crime.

By largest cities, Philly's overall crime rate is lower than the next two largest cities, Phoenix and Houston.
lucian bucur on Oct 01, 2022:
Philadelphia is a high-crime city. I have lived within and around Philadelphia since 2005. Gun violence, drug overdoses, homelessness, and violence, in general, is just as BAD as New York, Detroit, Chicago, and San Francisco. Don't bother moving to Philadelphia unless you plan on traveling with a gun, with or without a car.