Quality of Life in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

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Purchasing Power Index 26.41   Very Low
Safety Index 47.99   Moderate
Health Care Index 52.29   Moderate
Climate Index 59.43   Moderate
Cost of Living Index 37.46   Very Low
Property Price to Income Ratio 28.47   Very High
Traffic Commute Time Index 30.87   Low
Pollution Index 77.82   High
ƒ Quality of Life Index: 75.76   Very Low

Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 18

Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 107

Last update: March 2025

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2 Comments so far
Joe Brennan on May 11, 2022:
For the past 15 years I've spent half my time in Phnom Penh each year. I've found Phnom Penh to be an extremely safe place both day and night. Of course there is pretty thief, but being stupid doesn't help. Medical care unfortunately is not good (it's bad) as getting really sick requires a trip to Bangkok, Singapore or Vietnam.
Dental care is a completely different story. Dental care is just outstanding, there are so many excellent dentists with prices from 50 to 80% cheaper than the US. There are a few that are not so good, but just ask any expats that have been there a while and they can easily recommend several good dentists. On the subject of pollution I'm not sure how Numbeo arrives at their index, but I find the air quality excellent throughout the country. Cambodia being a poor country, there's a need to help people, which often gets labeled as corruption. The police get about $200 per month, so it help to tip them if you need assistance. I see nothing wrong with this. Retirement visas are easily gotten if you're over 50, any travel agent can help with this.
christiaan steenhaut on Mar 05, 2021:
I am looking to compare Dhaka Bangladesh with Phnom Penh Cambodia when it comes to Costs of liquor stores and restaurants-nightlife-crime-heath care in case of serious injuries or treatments for cancer etc and compare the pollution.How is corruption in Phnom Penh?
Will appreciate if i can be informed
Also what are the demands for a retired person to stay in Cambodia?
Kind regards
Christiaan Steenhaut