Quality of Life in Pune, India

Purchasing Power Index 145.75   Very High
Safety Index 58.74   Moderate
Health Care Index 65.75   High
Climate Index 74.32   High
Cost of Living Index 22.76   Very Low
Property Price to Income Ratio 7.17   Low
Traffic Commute Time Index 44.13   High
Pollution Index 71.24   High
ƒ Quality of Life Index: 159.74   High

Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 140

Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 322

Last update: March 2025

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7 Comments so far
shane on Jan 01, 2025:
Totally don't understand why such a city have the highest life quality in numbo in south asia and even most whole asia
Bappaditya R on Mar 04, 2023:
Now that ChatGPT can do programming and answer any questions, there will be mass unemployment in the software companies in India. The Indian government doesn't feed anything to unemployed people.
Why are people pursuing B.Tech in CSE, B.Tech in IT and B.Tech in AI?
People having B.Tech in ECE, Mech, EEE, Civil, Chemical working in software companies better and forcefully move back to their respective engineering fields. You people chose the software industry/information technology industry only for money.
ChatGPT has totally ruined the life of a software engineer, especially in India.
Siddharth on May 28, 2022:
All the software companies located in India are the worst places to work in the world. The workers in software companies are bullied, harassed, mentally tortured by loudmouth NRIs and overseas leadership employees. The workers in software industries slog overtime and don't get anything in return. People kiss their manager's feet for on-site chances. All the software companies and their managers, corporate officials are evil and scary places for employment.
Tapan Mondal on Mar 28, 2022:
I agree with Praveen 100%, who has painted a true picture of an Indian manager.
Rishi on Jan 15, 2022:
All the software companies in Pune, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Gurgaon and Chennai are filled with millions of MBA candidates that are deceitful liars and bootlickers. All the software companies in India are the worst places to work in the world. All the managers are worst and are highly biased and play politics in the Indian software companies. These software companies recruit worst unqualified people as their employees even from foreign countries.
Praveen on Nov 15, 2021:
Indian managers are THE WORST in the world. The Indian companies are the worst places to work in the world. Never, ever work with an Indian Manager even the ones that have settled abroad. Indian managers are MICROMANAGERS and are renowned for scrutinizing and squeezing each and every activity of yours without any given time. The employees face burnouts because of these horrible Indian Managers in India and abroad.
Always work for European, British or American Managers. They are the best in the world and are respectful towards the employees that report to them. They promote creativity, innovation and will bring out the best from you politely. They will give you sufficient time, personal time and you will be paid very well. Your work will be recognized and cherished sincerely by the European, British and American managers.

Please NEVER work for a manager of Indian origin. They are the most rude, pathetic, stingy and the worst in the world.
I am very honest in my comments.
Harish on Oct 14, 2020:
That Maharashtra nationalist party that considers all Marathi people to be superior to other Indians - This is racism, bigotry and discrimination at its worst.
In my opinion, Pune, Mumbai, Bengaluru and Chennai are the worst cities in India in terms of racism. And India is hands-down the most racist country in the world.
Pune is the worst affected Indian city in terms of Covid-19, as of October 14th.


Pune's Covid-19 disaster is much worse than even the other worst affected countries in the world. In 2018, the shameless Indian government ranked Pune as the most livable city in the country.

If you are not born in India, you have won the lottery of your life.