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Purchasing Power Index | 172.85 | Very High |
Safety Index | 53.12 | Moderate |
Health Care Index | 56.30 | Moderate |
Climate Index | 68.10 | High |
Cost of Living Index | 58.11 | Low |
Property Price to Income Ratio | 3.37 | Very Low |
Traffic Commute Time Index | 19.17 | Very Low |
Pollution Index | 18.88 | Very Low |
Quality of Life Index: | 209.57 | Very High |
Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 6
Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 21
Last update: March 2025
-pretty safe, depending on part of town. little violent crime. lots of drugs and drunk driving.
-the Black Hills are beautiful
-excellent air quality
-friendly people
-somewhat decent variety of activities during warm months
-short commutes
-incredibly over-priced for what it is
-very low income compared to cost of living
-fairly poor medical care and very high prices
-very high food prices
-very high rent for what you get
-very miserable winters
-lack of economic opportunity
-lack of diversity
-people seem depressed and distant here, hard to get people to be social
-talented young folk leave as soon as they get the chance
-very boring during the winter
-poor transportation