Quality of Life in Rockhampton, Australia

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Purchasing Power Index ?  
Safety Index 32.48   Low
Health Care Index 72.22   High
Climate Index 94.43   Very High
Cost of Living Index ?  
Property Price to Income Ratio ?  
Traffic Commute Time Index 29.67   Low
Pollution Index 28.78   Low
ƒ Quality of Life Index: ?  

Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 1

Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 121

Last update: March 2025

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1 Comments so far
Patricia on Dec 17, 2020:
I have a neighbour born and bred in Rockhampton and seeing the states above I now know why she is like she is.. she is pushy ugly controlling extremely loud mouthed and nasty as in Narsisistic personality disorder and psycopathic.. I feel she has a problem controlling people , and my daughter went to her massage session one day and heard a familiar voice . She looked out the window of the establishment and saw this persons car and said to me yeah I knew it was her... The best part was my daughter and her partner were developing their property for subdivision and this woman started to tell the massage person how her and her husband were developing their property and said how you had to remove all the trees first and then this and dadah dadah dadah... My daughter said she was making out(because they could not possibly be doing this right next door to my daughters as their house is two storied and take up most of the property.and they do not own another anywhere my daughter said.. In conclusion we beleive she lives a fantasy of making stories up to impress people and make out she has this wonderful , affluent existence.. such a shame because this means she suffers from delusions of grandure.. She is from Rockhampton and does travel up to relatives places every summer school holidays while her husband goes but comes back one week later... could her growing up stressed and traumatised in Rockhampton have made her this way.. her poor children.