Quality of Life in Rome, Italy

Purchasing Power Index 86.80   High
Safety Index 51.76   Moderate
Health Care Index 63.75   High
Climate Index 93.70   Very High
Cost of Living Index 54.22   Low
Property Price to Income Ratio 14.46   High
Traffic Commute Time Index 36.40   Moderate
Pollution Index 51.58   Moderate
ƒ Quality of Life Index: 144.87   Moderate

Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 171

Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 599

Last update: March 2025

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5 Comments so far
Paul on Nov 25, 2024:
The city is wonderful to live in. After having lived in Paris for 8 years and in London for 3 years, the final destination to permanently moved to that I always wanted to find turned out to be Rome.
The city is exciting, dynamic, in constant transformation, beautiful, green, always different, and it offers all kinds of jobs in every single field there is.
It's safe despite being an enormous metropolis, and you feel you're in the center of the world.
A. on Oct 29, 2024:
This sounds absolutely crazy.
I would never have moved here if I had known how polluted it is. Every year it's warmer than the previous one, you can't live without air conditioning. For example now that it's almost November people wear t-shirts during the day.
Also traffic is insane, you can't ride a bike without risking your life. And the means of transport are ridiculous compared to other European capitals.
The rents are disproportionate, it is extremely difficult to find a house.
No wonder people are always angry.
Don't believe the tourists who stay for a few days, everything seems beautiful to them. The center of the city belongs to turists, we avoid it like the plague.
With the jubilee it will be a real hell, what a city of fools.
Diego on May 21, 2024:
The most underrated city in western europe.As someone who has been to Paris,Madrid,London,Amsterdam,Berlin,Vienna and Rome,i can tell you that Rome is miles better.

the people here are nice and its not an opinion, its a fact.Its a place you feel comftorable as soon as you move there because there is no cringeworthy cultural identity.

Lots of things to check out and places to explore.

The people here are polite and they will help you out without you even asking for it.

even though its not the cheapest place on earth,its definitely more cheaper as compared to other western european cities like Paris and London as an example.

there are so many job opportunities and high salaries,Which is the exact opposite of Milan.
Alex on Mar 17, 2024:
The cost of living is low in Rome?This is laughable.It shloud be at list High.
A. on Sep 01, 2023:
"Climate index" very high sounds absolutely ridicolous. I live in Rome and every year it's worst that the latest. It's seriously hot and it's going to be a nightmare in the nearest future.