Quality of Life in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain

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Purchasing Power Index 87.71   High
Safety Index 71.61   High
Health Care Index 45.82   Moderate
Climate Index 98.53   Very High
Cost of Living Index 44.17   Low
Property Price to Income Ratio 8.34   Moderate
Traffic Commute Time Index 26.60   Very Low
Pollution Index 39.23   Low
ƒ Quality of Life Index: 169.85   Very High

Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 6

Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 74

Last update: March 2025

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4 Comments so far
Kathleen Browne on Jul 10, 2022:
Looking to compare rent of 1 bed Appartments to Lanzarote and also suitability for 60+ travellers
UrbanNomad on Nov 06, 2021:
As Ed pointed out, good weather and good food is far from everything when it comes to quality of life. Santa Cruz is a great place from many point of views including safety, prices, infrastructure and cleaniliness. But Healthcare in state hospitals is not great, its difficult to find a job, difficult to find good repair services when something goes wrong in your house, etc
Ed on Sep 03, 2021:
my opinion, you as Numbeo have to arrange new parameters on how diffused are knowledge, use and competencies for the use of digital procedures/softwares on local crews.
For instance downhere in Tenerife, people are outrageous ignorant and they completely ignor the use of emails, so all is handled on the phone from people and institutions. The reference contacts are only and always a phone number and email addresses are completely ignored (generally in Spain that backwards habits to use the phone are predominants).
This is a very very downside aspect mostly for people coming from other industrialized or evoluted countries accustomade to use those.
When it comes to quality of life, it's not enough to say it's sunny and you eat well.
Yvonne Lynch on Nov 22, 2020:
Very interesting information about life in Santa Cruz - Thank you