We need more contributors for Saskatoon to increase our data quality.
Also, consider looking into aggregate data we have for Quality of Life in Canada
Purchasing Power Index | 109.81 | High |
Safety Index | 49.16 | Moderate |
Health Care Index | 63.95 | High |
Climate Index | 15.79 | Low |
Cost of Living Index | 60.14 | Moderate |
Property Price to Income Ratio | 4.89 | Very Low |
Traffic Commute Time Index | 15.00 | Very Low |
Pollution Index | 29.03 | Low |
Quality of Life Index: | 161.59 | Very High |
Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 22
Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 116
Last update: March 2025
Quality of Life in Prince Albert | 88.90 miles |
Quality of Life in Melfort, SK | 108.71 miles |
Quality of Life in Tisdale, SK | 131.39 miles |
Quality of Life in Moose Jaw, SK | 152.95 miles |
Quality of Life in Regina | 160.37 miles |
Quality of Life in Lloydminster | 170.93 miles |
Quality of Life in Meadow Lake, SK | 187.00 miles |
Quality of Life in Yorkton | 204.96 miles |
Quality of Life in Swan River | 230.16 miles |
Quality of Life in La Ronge, SK | 237.03 miles |
It is extremely unpleasant to walk on streets. Two main parks Kiwanis and Kinsmen have places with terrible smell of sewage. Just a terrible smell of feces. And the same sewage smell is present in many other places of the city. It is such a bad taste. In the city itself The air always smells of diesel fumes. Too many cars and motocycles work on diesel and don't have any filters. The air smells worse than in Istanbul (Turkey). In Saskatoon you basically become drunk when walk in the city. The reason is diesel fumes (everywhere) and people smoke canabis right on the streets (in parks as well). As a result it is very painful to walk in the city as the air smells and makes you drunk. The air always smells of something: wood smoke, diesel fumes, canabis or sewage. In the summer time these smells are absolutelly terrible (especially sewage).
I thank God that after several weeks I go to Ottawa from this place. Saskatoon is extremely far from the first world. I had to change 4 apartements here. 2 of them because people were smoking canabis on balconies and this terible toxic smoke was going into my window. Even now I live in the place where all the floor often smells of this toxic terrible smoke (it is 1000 times worse than cigatette smoke). I have been living to Saskatoon about 1,5 years and did my best to adapt here and to live a human life (I mean, to educate yourself, to do sport, to feel great and to be productive). I can conclude with the mathematical precision that it is absolutelly impossible to live a happy life here. The air is absolutelly terrible, you get intoxicated when walk outside. Homeless people burn trash in park fireplaces in nights. The air of the city in the evenings smells of wood smoke and sewage. This place is about 150 years behind from Europe. ANd about 50 years behind from Russia and Ukraine. It became unlivable since new year 2021. It was bad before. The climate is terrible, the quality of housing is very low, and you get terrible diesel fumes in you face immediatelly when you go outside. But it became much worse after new year 2021. Too many people didn't work (coronavirus) and they didn't invest their time in sport or education. They just became addicted to cannabis. As a resu;t it's impossible to walk an hour through the city without getting canabis smoke in your face. 2 days ago I saw some aboriginal people (mom and dad) smoking canabis on the bench while their kid is near by and he gets all this smoke on his face. I got drunk on canabis just by filming it from near by, imagine what impact it makes on the kid and how it will affect his mental state in the future. I thank God that I am going to Ottawa soon. I am not sure if it will be much better. But life in Saskatoon became absolutelly unberable. It is a condemned place for many reasons. This city even smells of feces. I traveled once through some 3-rd world countries, and even there I never felt such terrible smells like in Saskatoon. Also I had to throw away about 80 pecent of all my clothes. All the 4 apartments where I lived have common old washing machines. As a result most of my clothes started emiting odors because it was never washed properly (only 30 minutes in a very old washing machine). I washed twice sometimes, but the quality of washing is so low that it didn't help. Especially if you do sport it is not enough. So this city not just stinks. But you will stink here as well. It is a very humiliating place to be. Any productive and healthy life is impossible in Saskatoon.
Bike lanes are simply an over costly want for a handful of people, not a need. In this winter city, bike lanes could be painted on the side of the road and cleared at the same time the streets get cleared. Way too much money catering to those bike lanes and clearing them before the road, when their aren’t even more than 3 bikes every using them at one time. It is usually all the thieves riding bikes through the city that are looking for to make a haul. Happens throughout the city and they also are going through the dumpsters making a mess by throwing stuff on the ground they don’t want. Make sure there is safe, affordable rental housing. Make sure there are jobs for Canadian Saskatoon Citizens instead of those the federal government past over half their salaries, so big business and even small business, gets basically free or slave labour from the immigrants, because Canadian taxpayers are footing the Bill when Trudeau is paying the majority of their salaries! This is not the Canada that we know and loved. This is jot that Canada that we fought for in all the wars and for the pride to be a Canadian. Now most Canadians are completely ashamed to admit they come from Canada, that has since been riddled with excessive
Drug dealings, human trafficking, thefts, excessive crime against women and children and human life in general. It has become a country with immoral lifestyles and greed that follows immigrants from their home countries. Trudeau can’t wake up, because he is too stoned on weed and other drugs to see what a mess he has made of our country. He needs to clean up his mess and turn them all back and start taking pride in Canadians and offer them the education (employers could too) and ensure that we take care of life long Canadians before anyone else! We already dump billions of $$ on side to all these countries, without any say on how they use it! Trudeau, please write me a big cheque like that to me too.
My hair smell of smoke 9 of 10 times I come from the street. The air always stinks of smoke (woodburning and many diesel pickup trucks). I have to carry a beltbag with a small wet cotton towel every time I go for a long walk. Because many cars (diesel,no filter) poison the air so bad I have a headache for hours if I inhale it. Some day I wake up at 2 a.m because my flat stinks of smoke. I live in a concrete building in downtown, but the smoke from private houses makes all the air stink in kilometers.
The air and awful climate are the main issues here. 9 times of 10 I feek uncomfortable. Even now when I am writing this messageб my hair stinks of smoke, as I came from the street 15 minutes ago.