Quality of Life in Surrey, Canada

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Purchasing Power Index 100.87   High
Safety Index 35.32   Low
Health Care Index 66.54   High
Climate Index 88.55   Very High
Cost of Living Index 65.11   Moderate
Property Price to Income Ratio 16.36   Very High
Traffic Commute Time Index 36.13   Moderate
Pollution Index 34.45   Low
ƒ Quality of Life Index: 150.24   High

Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 15

Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 261

Last update: February 2025

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4 Comments so far
NewGuy on Dec 30, 2024:
Perhaps someone should moderate these comments and filter out the useless garbage, which is just wasting everyone's time.
Ivan McKinnon on Nov 29, 2023:
Its insane. Cost of living is absolutely brutal with Canada reaching the point of civil war almost. Its really bad. These prices on Numbeo are actually pretty reliable but a tad low just because things are going up so fast here. All of Canada is at near collapse status. I strongly recommend before you decide to lay down roots you check the news for the problems we are having including medical care collasing, the worst housing crisis in the developed world. We are worse than San Fransisco or New York. I dont recognize my country anymore. Thank you Numbeo for your accurate data. Ive used it on several occasions to look at other areas.
Morgan on Jun 27, 2022:
Stop and let me get some cereal Johnathon. Hannover commercial chicken farming in a couple few or Maybe back to Alberta next few years. I got charged with a Federal Offence. I'm pleading not criminally responsible. New Kelloggs is too small of the two new kinds that I want to buy and some new General Mills cinnamon somethings different than my favorite cinnamon toast crunch. Not mini wheats. Mr John Arnold Willemse of Holland says you cannot eat and or have any eggs without toast or Bread. BREAD.....and Waye's SPICE channell password is 0000 Carrol street EAST 1 right turn after the bridge then the next right turn. the no exit second well third south side house field stone Two or three more and none on the north side. The field stone Roberts family Rabbit farm hobby farm Ford retired Foster Parents Wayne and Lynne Roberts must be close to 75 years old I'm 45 August * 2022. Alive and well and back with another Morgan David Allen Kevorkian kick twitch minimum 10 thousand ounces of Money pounds of money. I had a drug relapse. Not a needle. I smoked a bit of clacks. Billy's Clacks. Hannover Ontario since 1979-1980. Tampa Bay Lost. CONGRATULATIONS Mr Thomas Sanford he said.
Inder Jeet Singh on Mar 31, 2021:
Thanks for giving meaningful details to have some idea.